Chairman: …………………………………………………… Date: …………………………….

Horam Parish Council

The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings

Janet Fairweather Horam

Janet Fairweather – Acting Clerk TN21 0EH

email: 07900 576236

Minutes of the Horam Parish Council Planning Committee meeting

held on Wednesday, 9th August 2017 from 6.45 p.m. to 7.20 p.m. in The Horam Centre

In Attendance: Cllr Michael Cousins, Cllr Graham Knight, Cllr Andrew Lee and Cllr Virginia Roberts.

Recording, including filming, audio recording, photography and using social media sites is permitted at Council meetings which are open to the public. However, anyone wishing to do so must speak to the Chairman prior to the meeting.

Public Session – There were 17 members of the public present who expressed an interest in application WD/2017/1132/MAO – Land at Hailsham Road (B2203), Maynards Green, TN21 0DE.

Two of them, John Woodhouse and John Stanbridge, both residents of Maynards Green, spoke against the application, saying that they:

·  wanted to hear the views of the Parish Council on the application; and

·  would send individual letters of objection to WDC themselves.

Also Present: Councillor Susan Stedman, Wealden District Council’s Ward Member for Horam.

P/699/08/17 - APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from Councillor Sue Lane.

P/700/08/17 - DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – Councillor Roberts declared a personal interest in application WD/2016/1491/O – Land to the rear of Brickells Farm House, Chiddingly Road, Horam, TN21 0LJ as one of the applicants is a member of the WI and she has visited the house. She would abstain from voting on the application.

P/701/08/17 - MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 12th July 2017 (previously circulated) were confirmed and signed as a true record.


As all the members of the public present were interested in application the application was brought forward for consideration.



WD/2017/1132/MAO – Land at Hailsham Road (B2203), Maynards Green, TN21 0DE. Residential development comprising up to 26 dwellings including associated access from B2203, landscaping and parking.

The application was unanimously recommended for refusal.

Members made the following comments with regard to their decision:

1.  Due to the moratorium this application is premature and not a suitable site for social housing.

2.  The proposal is overdevelopment of the site and is excessive for the village and will lead to the urbanisation of Maynards Green.

3.  The proposed development is totally inappropriate and the site should be left as open space and is detrimental to the character of the parish.

4.  The site is within the AONB and adjacent to a historic settlement.

5.  HPC is disappointed that a protocol meeting was not called for this application

6.  Due to the Ashdown Forest, compensation credits will be required for this application and there is no evidence or indication where these credits are coming from.

WD/2016/1491/O – Land to the rear of Brickells Farm House, Chiddingly Road, Horam, TN21 0LJ. Outline application for two houses. Amended Plans to show the revised access point.

The application was recommended for refusal by four votes against and one abstention.

Members made the following comments with regard to their decision:

1.  Concern was expressed about the access to the proposed development which ESCC do not support and would refer WDC to the comments of their Principal Transport Development Control Officer, reproduced below for ease of reference:

“Please see my earlier comments. The traffic survey has not been recommissioned and the survey used to determine the driver sightlines by the applicant’s consultant is approximately 130m from the access. I note the extent of the site boundary has been extended across the plot to Brickells Bungalow. As originally stated, sightlines of 120m would be normally required for a 40 mph speed limit and the survey results of Grammont have outcomes that exceed those indicated within this application (38mph as 85th percentile). If 120m splays are to be provided from a 2.4m set-back point to 1m from the nearside edge in both directions from the proposed access, it would result in the loss or damage the hedge between the access and the frontage of Brickells Bungalow, and also the hedge along the plot of Thistledown to the south. The hedge would appear to grow into land that is highway, but to cut back to the boundary (or root stock of the hedge) would damage and potentially result in a loss of part of the hedge. Currently, the view of the highway authority.”

2.  WDC are also asked to note the comments of HPC on the two previous applications made on 22nd July and 29th November 2016 as shown below:

“The application was recommended for refusal. Members of Horam Parish Council’s Planning Committee made the following comments with regard to their decision:

1.  There are continued concerns over drainage.

2.  The proposal for two houses is overdevelopment.

3.  There is not adequate garaging and parking.

4.  WDC are asked to note the comments of Horam Parish Council for the previous application made on 22nd July 2016:

·  There are concerns over foul drainage and whether the existing public sewer system is adequate to cope with proposed development.

·  HPC considered that the proposed provision of separate driveways was inadequate and should WDC be minded to approve the application HPC would request that the access should be a shared crossover to minimise access onto Chiddingly Road.

·  It was agreed that should the application be approved, HPC would request that the County Archaeologists be asked to carry out a programme of works in order to explain how the proposed development can successfully fit within the historic farmstead.

·  HPC were of the opinion that the proposed application for two houses was an overdevelopment of the site, which they were unable to support. Should WDC be minded to refuse the application, HPC would be receptive to a new application for a single dwelling, subject to the above relevant conditions being met.”

5.  WDC are also asked to note the comments made by ESCC who could not accept the visibility levels as suggested. The Principal Transport Development Control Officer suggested that another speed survey be carried out and that applicants/agents should contact the Highway Authority to agree an appropriate position and acquire consent to set up survey equipment on the highway.”

WD/2017/1187/F – Melita, Nettlesworth Lane, Vines Cross, Horam, TN21 9EH. Two storey extension to the rear of the existing family property.

The application was unanimously recommended for refusal.

Members made the following comments with regard to their decision:

HPC note that the NPPF is keen to strengthen design so, as the drawings were poor and with very little information, it was very difficult to determine what the applicant was trying to achieve.



WD/2017/1186/F - Single storey extensions to side and rear and new canopy to front of Dilnot Farm, West Street Lane, Maynards Green, Horam, TN21 0DA – Noted.

WD/2017/1191/AN – 1 x sign on post. The Hurst, Horam, TN21 0JG – Noted.




St. Mary’s School, Maynards Green Road, Horam, TN21 0BT - Application for retrospective planning permission for the installation of fencing and the formation of a minibus area – Noted.


·  The Chairman reported that a report would be forthcoming by the end of the month.

P/709/08/17 - INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas):

·  Councillor Stedman updated the Committee on the latest position regarding Sedgefield.

P/710/08/17 - DATE OF NEXT MEETING: to be held at 7.30 p.m. on Monday, 21st August 2017.