November 16, 2017
Words from the Pastor
On Sundayduring the Children’s Message one of our kids made this statement “It does not matter who you are as long as you are the best that you can be.”I thought that was an amazing statement coming from one of our youngerSundayschool participants.This followed the Cherub Choir singing “God Made Me.”The children’s singing reminded us that God created us, loves us and cares for us.I do not know about you, but for me it felt powerful coming from the children.
Each time I reflect on the knowledge that God created me in God’s image, I am reminded of how worthy and blessed I am.How worthy and blessed you are.However, sometimes we fail to live up to who God created us to be.When we behave the way God created us to be the world is a better place.
As human beings, created in the image of the Creator God, we seek deep and abiding meaning in life.Trusting God to provide for us and protect us encourages us to give generously.Since God is the source and the means of generosity, giving generously is a matter of trusting God.
The ultimate goal of generosity is to glorify God.The obedience of generosity produces renewed and enriched relationships between the giver, the receiver, and God.God has freed us in Jesus Christ so that through the Holy Spirit we are free from the power of material wealth or possessions so that we can be free to live a life of generosity.
In this season of giving and receiving, let us remember that giving generously is a matter of trusting God.
The journey continues…
Pastor Nation
Sunday, November 19, 2017.Pastor Nation will be giving the Sermon; Kenneth Richardson is the Organist and Chancel Choir Director; Junior Choir and Rainbow Ringers are directed byKim Neri; Greeter isColeen O. Murray; Flowers are given in loving memory of my father, Charles Phillip, by his daughter Eleanor Phillip; Liturgist is Tonia Ukanwoke; Reader is Brian Stone; Ushers are Donna Hartmann, Carol Provenzano, Elias Tarquino, and Richard Tiedge; Counting Team members include Pamela Applewhaite, Al Greifenberger, Debbie Nicosia and Fazile Remy.
Prayer List.♥Family of Pastor Robert W. Howard, ♥Family of Mark Treske, ♥Eulalee (Dell) Murray, ♥Connor Murray (friend of Fran and Al Greifenberger), ♥Carlos Godinho (son of Gloria Godinho), ♥Pastor Brook, ♥Helen Phillip (mother of Eleanor Phillip), Rita Gallagher (friend of Naomi Brown), ♥Anna Shirshokiba (friend of Naomi Brown), ♥Michelle Fitch (daughter-in law of Everett Fitch), ♥Regina Krebs (friend of Christine and Adam Doeringer), ♥Kristen DeMasi-Lopez (friend of Debbielee Thomsen), ♥Emma Nicole Lewis, (friend of Debbielee Thomsen), ♥Andrew Thomsen (nephew of Debbielee Thomsen), ♥Richard Keidel, ♥Beverly Budde, ♥Rose Ramsaran (mother of Savi Thomas); ♥Carmelita Seraphin (grandmother of Brianna and Jessica Knice),♥Loretta Lewis Zimmer, ♥Sandy Jones (niece of Edith and Charles Zipperlen), ♥Vincent Morrison, ♥Rondolph Ives (brother of Margo Morrison), ♥Elaine Treske, ♥Bernard Basnight (son of Yvonne Basnight), ♥John Simpson, ♥Marge Frank, ♥Bob Zimmer (husband of Loretta Lewis Zimmer),♥Bob Bryant, Robert T. Bryant (nephew of Bob Bryant),Arthur Lund (friend of Bob Bryant), Elizabeth Bryant (daughter of Bob Bryant), Donna and Brian Turner (friends of Bob Bryant), Myra Bryant (sister-in-law of Bob Bryant), ♥Joan Bertie, ♥Bess Condelles, ♥Peggy Lee (mother of Laurel Brown).Note. Prayer List names will continue to be listed for two weeks. After that period of time, the names will be removed unless you call us with current information.
Book of Remembrance.
Gifts have been given by the following people in loving memory ofPastor Robert W. Howard:
Jean and Herb Biegler; Marilyn and Brud Ike; Lenore and Manny Kurz; Jane Gunther; Gladys and James Sollitto; Maureen and Bill Smyth; Elizabeth and James Schmale; Gladys Passaro; Eileen and Sarah Robertson.
A gift has also been given in loving memory of our Dad,Ed Deknatelby his daughters, Nancy Wasek and Patricia Lewis.
NYAC 2017 Intercessory Prayer Calendar:Torrington: First (CT); Town of Esopus (CH); Township (CH); Trumbull: Long Hill and Nichols (CT); Tuckahoe: Central Korean (MET); Ulster Heights (CH).
Tickets for theUnited Methodist Women’s LuncheononNovember 18th at 12 Noonare still available. The price is $20.00 for an adult and $10.00 for a student.Please make checks payable to the Grace United Methodist Women for this tax deductible donation. Call the Church Office to make the reservation.
Budget Time!AllChairpersons, Ministry Leaders, and Coordinators of ministry areasneed to submit their Budget for 2018 (ASAP) to Don Pike or you can email it to the Church Office.Thank you.
Church School.Twenty students were in attendance at Church School on November 12th.There were three students present in the PreK/Kindergarten class and two students in the First and Second grade class. There were four students present in the Third and Fourth grade class and three students in the Fifth and Sixth grade class.There were eight students in the Seventh through Eighth grade class.Next week's lesson is entitledThe Parable of the Ten Talentsbasedon Matthew 25:14-30. We look forward to seeing you in church and working with your children.
Janet Stone, Church School Director
Seeking Church Nursery Attendant.As a part of our pledge to offer great welcome and accommodation to our members and guests, we are seeking to hire an individual who will be willing to work in the Nursery eachSunday.The primary role would be to watchbabies and toddlersduring theSundayWorship service.This is a paid position.Please contact Eileen in the Church Office or Easton Hazell, SPPR Chair.
WE NEED YOU!!!!We are seekinga volunteerto complete our Counting Teams.You would meet once every six weeks for approximately one-half hour.If you can count money you are qualified!Ask one of your church friends, your husband or wife to join you and help out your Church.If you need any further information, please contact Eileen in the Church Office either at516/k you.
Fall Food Drive
Boxed or canned foods only
Collection dates:November 5, 12, 19 & 26
Collection boxes
will be in the Narthex and Education Building
Food will benefit the INN in Hempstead
and the Far Rockaway Mission
A Past Due Reminderto All chairpersons, ministry leaders, and coordinators of ministry areas to complete and turn in reports via email yNovember 12th.If you do not have access to e-mail please give a handwritten or a typed copy to Eileen or Pastor Nation.Thank you.
BreakfastwithSanta.Breakfast with Santa and the Dinglebells will take place onSaturday, December 9th, 2017,from9:30AM to 11:30AMin the Education Building. Please join us for breakfast, crafts, holiday songs, sing along with the Dinglebells and visit with our special guest, Santa. Parents will have the opportunity to take pictures as their children meet Santa. Tickets are $10.00 per person, please r contact the Church Office for tickets.
November Calendar
Monday, 11/13 – Nominations Committee7:30PM/BKR
Tuesday, 11/14 – GMNS Committee7PM/Rm#2
Wednesday, 11/15 – Bible Study
Wednesday, 11/15 – SPPR Meeting7:30PM/BKR (Being Re-scheduled)
Thursday, 11/16 – Finance Committee7:30PM/BKR
Friday, 11/17– Pack 109 Thanksgiving Dinner/G-K
Saturday, 11/18– UMW Luncheon 12N/Gym
Sunday, 11/19- Church Council Meeting after Church
Sunday 11/19-11/26is National Bible Week
Saturday, 11/25– Far Rockaway Food Prep10AM/K
Sunday, 11/26– United Methodist Student Day
December Calendar
Sunday, 12/3– 1stSundayof Advent
Sunday, 12/3– Evangelism Committee after10AMService/UL
Saturday, 12/9– Breakfast w/Santa9:30AM/Gym
Sunday, 12/10– 2ndSundayof Advent
Sunday, 12/10– UMW after Church/UL
Sunday, 12/10– Christmas Concert5PM/Church
Sunday, 12/10– Soup and Sandwich following Concert/Gym
Tuesday, 12/12– GMNS Committee7PM/Rm#2
Sunday, 12/17– 3rdSundayof Advent
Sunday, 12/17– Christmas Pageant during Church
Saturday, 12/23– Far Rockaway Food Prep10AM/K
Sunday, 12/244thSundayof Advent/Christmas Eve
Sunday, 12/24– Christmas Eve Services7:30PM and 11PM
Monday, 12/25– MERRY CHRISTMAS
Sunday, 12/31– YouthSunday
Sunday, 12/31– Happy New Years’ Eve
Have a great week.
Grace United Methodist Church
21 South Franklin Avenue, Valley Stream, NY 11580
Church Office:516/825-1182
Music Office:516/825-1940;Nursery School:516/825-2354
10AMWorship Service;10AMSundaySchool