Word Within the Word

Stems List 16

Do you know these words?

Stem / Stem Definition / Examples
PICK ONE TO DEFINE! / POS / Definition
Anglo / English / Angelican, Anglo-Saxon, Anglophobe
ist / one who / artist, anthropologist, centrist, atheist
saur / lizard / dinosaur, saurian, plesiosaur
pithec / ape / dryopithecus, oreopithecus
calli / beautiful / calligraphy, calliope, calisthenics
austro / south / Australia, austral, austromancy
cephalo / head / cephalic, cephalopod, microcephalic
chiro / hand / chirmancy, chiropody, chiropteran, chiropractor
caust / burn / holocaust, cauterize, caustically, caustic
terr / land / extraterrestrial, subterranean, Mediterranean, terrain
cata / down / catapult, catastrophe, catacombs, cataclysm
jur / swear / abjure, jury, perjure, jurisdiction, jurist
flu / flow / confluence, fluid, influence, fluent, effluent, fluvial
here / stick / coherence, adhesive, adhere, inherent, incoherent
pos / put / position, deposit, superimpose, depose, imposition
mund / world / mundane, transmundane, intermundane, mundo
cracy / government / autocracy, democracy, aristocracy, plutocracy
mania / madness / kleptomania, egomania, pyromania, megalomania
ize / make / victimize, harmonize, temporize, mobilize, polarize
antho / flower / anthology, anthophilous, anther, anthozoan
algia / pain / neuralgia, analgesic, arthralgia, algometer
somn / sleep / insomnia, somniferous, somnolent
quadr / four / quadrupled, quadratic, quadrant, quadrilateral, quadriplegic
err / wander / error, erratic, erroneous
sine / without / sinecure, sine qua non, sine die, sine prole
Assignment / Due Date
HW 1 - Complete Context Clues (on worksheet) and Flashcards
HW 2 - define words
HW 3 - define words
HW 4 – Mystery Questions done in complete sentences

HW 1: Context Clues. Using your knowledge of stems, select the word that best fits in the blank. Write the letter in the margin AND circle your choice! Do not use a dictionary for this section!!!

___1. He is a member of the ______church.

a.  Anglican b. error c. quadrant d. Anglophile

___2. The physician recommended Mrs. Palinkas see the ______to help her back ache.

a.  mundo b. chiropractor c. chiromancy d. quadrilateral

___3. The lying criminal ______himself as he was on the witness stand.

a.  sinecure b. Holocaust c. caustic d. perjured

___4. The host of The Bachelor seems to have ______because he always enjoys hearing himself talk.

a. jurisdiction b. egomania c. kleptomania d. arthralgia

___5. Helen Waterford was ______by the Nazis during the Holocaust.

a. mundane b. somniferous c. erratic d. victimized

HW 4: Mystery Questions. Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Be sure to explain your answer.

1.)  Is a flowery ocean coral or a sea anemone an anthozoan?

2.)  Is calliopsis ugliness or beauty?

3.)  Is Britain’s Prince Charles an Anglophobe?

4.)  Is a synopsis a summary?

5.)  Does a good politician abjure his commitments?