Word Study Homework Options to be Completed in Your Homework Notebook

  • ABC Order and Syllable Count
  • Rhyme Time
  • SAW – Sort, Alphabetize and Write
  • Spelling Word Train
  • Written Sort
  • Adding Your Words
  • Word Search
/ Tuesday
  • Rainbow Words and 5 Pictures
  • Write and Draw
  • Color Coded Words
  • Riddle Writing
  • Word Hunt
  • Word ‘O’
  • Code Words
/ Wednesday
  • Hidden Words
  • Silly Story
  • Magazine or Newspaper Word Find
  • Acrostic Poem
  • Blind Sort
  • Backwards Words

  • No Peeking Sort
  • Trace a Shape
  • Blue Vowels
  • Bubble Letters


ABC Order and Syllable Count. Write your words in alphabetical order and write the number of syllables in each word beside the words.

Rhyme Time. Create rhyming words based on all of the words from your list.

SAW- Sort, Alphabetize and Write. Use your word cards to sort your words, and then put them in alphabetical order within their categories. Write your final sort (sorted and alphabetized).

Spelling Word Train. Write each of your words in a list. Take the last letter of your word and come up with a different word that starts with that letter. Take the last letter of that word and come up with another word. Do it one more time so that you have a train of 4 words. Note – the last three words do NOT need to be spelling words. (Example: somewhere – Energy – Yes- Shower).

Rainbow Words and 5 Pictures. Write each of your spelling words one time in one color. Trace over each word 2 more times with different colors. Also choose 5 words to draw pictures of.

Write and Draw. Choose 8 words from your list to use in sentences and draw pictures to go with each sentence you created.

Color Coded Words. Color code your word study words using a different color to represent your pattern. For example, if you are working with words that end in –ed, color the first part of the word blue but the –ed part red.

Riddle Writing. Choose 8 word study words. Write a riddle for each one. (Example, I have three letters. I rhyme with cat. You can wear me on your head. What am I? Answer: hat).

Backwards Words. Write your spelling words forwards and then backwards. Write neatly.

Bubble Letters. Write your words using bubble letters. Be careful that you spell your words correctly.

Blue Vowels. As you spell your words highlight or color the vowel blue.

Trace a Shape. Draw a shape and write your spelling words around the shape.

Hidden Words. Draw and color a picture. Hide your spelling words inside your picture.

Silly Story. Write a silly story using 8 of your study words. Be sure to underline your words in the story.

Word Hunt. Find words that are similar to your words in a newspaper or magazine. Cut out the words and glue them in your notebook. You can also write them down in your notebook.

Adding Your Words. After writing your words write an addition sentence for the value and find it. Consonants are worth ten points and vowels are worth five points.

Acrostic Poem. Use each letter in 8 of your words to create an acrostic poem.

Christy went for

Ice cream in



Word Sort. Students cut out and sort words under the key words (headers) several times. During the last sort students write the key words (the headers) at the top of their paper. Next, students write the words in the correct columns. Lastly, students check the words that were written down against the word cards for correctness.

No-peeking Writing Sorts. The key words are written at the top of a paper. The student writes the words down under the correct column as they are called out. Next, the student checks for correctness.

Word-O. Students change one letter in a word to make a new word. Students record the words under the correct key word (header).

Word study will also include vocabulary. Students might make flashcards with the word on one side and the definition on the other. The definition might be a graphic or words. Crossword puzzles and close activities (fill in the blank) are some of the other strategies that are used to support vocabulary development.

Code Words. Come up with a code for each letter of thealphabet. Write down your code. Example: a= b= c= Then write your spelling words in code. You must write the actual spelling word next to the “code word.”

Word Search. Go to discovery.com and create a word search and complete it.