CHAPTER ONE: Freedom, Order, or Equality?

Government: the legitimate use of force within territorial boundaries

to control human behavior

Govern: to control

National Sovereignty: each government has the right to govern its people as it wishes,

without interference from other nations

How has globalization changed the idea of national sovereignty?

we get involved in other countries business due to our economic ties

The U.S. is the most powerful nation in the world.

Do other countries question our national sovereignty? YES

If so, in what areas?

Our use of the death penalty, our refusal to participate in the

International Criminal Court

Our treatment of prisoners

A. What are the Three Purposes of Government?

1. MAINTAIN ORDER--- How has the U.S. changed since 9-11??

Hobbes- Survival, "Leviathan" Locke- protect private property


benefits to all--- roads, sewers, electric, police, fire, schools


Economic: redistribute the wealth

Social: regulate social behavior --pass laws that give harsher sentences for hate crimes

B. What are the two most controversial purposes of government?


C. Concept: a generalized idea that groups events, objects or qualities

under a common classification

There are FIVE Concepts used throughout this text:

Three Concepts identify the values pursued by government.

(What government tries to do)

a.  Order

b.  Freedom

c.  Equality

**How Government chooses the proper mix of these three in its

policymaking has to do with the process of choice

D.  Two concepts describe models of democratic government

(How governments impose the above three)



I.  The Concepts of Freedom, Order and Equality

A.  Freedoms different uses

1.  Freedom of- similar to the word ____LIBERTY____

Freedom of Speech, religion

absence(lack) of constraints in areas of speech and religion

2.  Freedom from- _Immunity___from some type of __deprivation___

Freedom from need/poverty immunity from discrimination



B. Order

1) narrow view- involves ONLY the protection of life & property

"Libertarians" follow this ideology

2)  Broad view – Encompasses social order and use of police power

“Leviathon”--you must control (use police force) to keep order

How do Americans feel about order? Pg. 18

C.  Equality

1)  Political equality: one person, one vote

2)  Social equality: equality in wealth, education and status

a. Equality of opportunity: equal access to public goods &

social economic advancement

b. Equality of outcome: "ENTITLEMENTS"

social & economic equality as a result of government policies

to redistribute wealth & status

ex: workman's comp, welfare, social security etc.

D.  TWO Major Dilemmas of Government

1) Original Dilemma: FREEDOM vs. ORDER


Shouting fire in a movie theatre

No more hit lists in schools or threats

more security checks at airports, subways and on busses

Sobriety checks

traffic cameras to cite tickets

Art gallery exhibits

the Draft

Aids testing

FCC fines on Howard Stern and Janet Jackson

2) Modern Dilemma: FREEDOM vs. EQUALITY

Equal Pay Act

1990's Americans with Disabilities Act

includes drug addicts and alcoholics

Title IX--women and girls sports

Busing children in the 1970's

Benefits for same sex civil unions

education benefits for children of illegal immigrants

E. Scope of government: How far government should go to maintain order,

provide public goods and promote equality.

a.  Ideology: consistent set of values & beliefs about the proper purpose &

scope of government

F. Continuum of ideologies based on beliefs about governmental scope (pg.22)

1)  Totalitarianism: Controls ALL aspects of behavior

examples: Hitler, Stalin, Castro, Kim Jong Il

check out chart

on pg. 22

2)  Socialism: the state/government has broad authority in the

economic life of the nation

Democratic Socialism--guarantees civil liberties along with more

equal outcomes

3)  Capitalism:

Pure Capitalism-- private businesses operating without

government regulation

U.S. is a MIXED MARKET-- capitalism & some socialism

4)  Libertarianism: opposed to ALL government action except

what is necessary to protect life and property

5) Anarchism: opposed to ALL government they value Freedom most

Liberals & Conservatives

1. Liberals:

a) favor broad scope of government in providing public goods

b) reject-censorship, regulation of abortion(personal issues)

2. Conservatives:

A) opposes government role as activists in our economy

B) Favors SMALL Government--scope of government --narrow

C) favors government regulation of social behavior

American political ideologies and the purpose of government

NEW Differences:

1. Conservatives

A) coercive power of the state may be used to force citizens to be orderly

B) preserve traditional patterns of social relations

2. Liberals

A) scope of government is broad

B) purpose of government is to promote equality

(coercive power of government can be used)