Woodside Primary School and Children S Centre


Meeting of the Strategy Committee

Minutes of meeting

Date of meeting: 6.30pm, Tuesday 6 December 2016

Venue: The Hive, Woodside Academy

Present: Claire Howarth (Executive Head), John Knight, Carly Walker, Kay Hancox, Paul Dowie

In attendance: Adrienne Routledge, clerk


JK, as FGB Chair, welcomed everyone, and noted no absences. The meeting was quorate.


This is the inaugural meeting of the Strategy Committee. KH offered to be Chair; there were no other nominations and KH was unanimously appointed as Chair for this academic year which she was thanked.


All have seen this as it was covered in detail at the recent FGB meeting; CH reminded all that this is a working, year-long document that is updated termly. The following points were highlighted/queried:

-  CH is pleased to now have an attendance governor in post and it’s hoped this, and other strategies, will help improve attendance; all welcomed the school’s aspirational attendance targets; governor letter has been refined and will be issued to families as required

-  Some discussion took place around the current provider of attendance support to the school and all noted the school’s contractural obligations towards its current provider (until April 2018) but also noted the benefits this provider brings to the school

-  CH reminded all of the teaching recruitment challenges facing the school, and all schools, and assured governors that she has plans in place to ensure that there will be full teaching cover; in cases where teachers have been recruited through agencies, the school will receive fee rebate in instances where the appointment doesn’t work out

-  CH updated all on some of the range of strategies in place to engage with parents, including parents forum and parent questionnaires

-  The Synaptic Trust is getting senior leaders to do some Action Research to see how to improve maths across all year groups

-  The school benefits hugely from its own family liaison officer and learning support specialists

-  CH carries out evaluations at the end of each term as to the impact of SIP actions

The Committee discussed how it could fulfill its role most efficiently in supporting and monitoring the school’s SIP, and all acknowledged the impact of the questions that governors can be asking of the school – eg, what’s being done, what works well, and these can be addressed not just in meetings but in governor visits to the school. A governor noted that in the recent Synaptic Trust training, some questions were circulated; the clerk also advised that there are sources of these available.

Action: Clerk to contact Trust’s clerk to see if these questions can be circulated to all

All acknowledged the importance of governors knowing the school, so needing to participate in all aspects of the school and talking to people. It’s also important that governors see evidence for themselves – rather than being spoon fed – of the SIP in practice. Governor visits will help with this, and governors were reminded of the protocols involved and that reports should be written up and circulated afterwards.


CH referred all to the MAT timeline, and advised that the SEF will be updated termly and will change over time.

A governor asked what Synpatic Trust does to support the school, and was advised that the CEO visits most weeks and, eg, looks at books, does learning walks, meetings with the Headteacher. The Synaptic Trust Chair of directors is also a regular visitor.

CH advised of plans to introduce a café once a week to offer tea and chat to parents/carers. All agreed this is a great idea and a good way to help get parents engaged, and is also something that governors could attend.


Aside from parental engagement strategies already covered, CH advised that the location of the school itself gives it a high profile. There is an issue posed by the recent RI grade. The school promotes itself to potential new families through personal tours (there are around 10 dates per school year). There is a Christmas and Summer fair each year, and it is also hoped that a new logo will help and probably therefore a new school brochure.

A governor asked how the school’s SATs compare against other local schools, and CH advised this is not yet known but she hopes that league tables will be available before the end of term.


This policy is in place and has already been circulated to all governors for review; there is also a business continuity plan in place.

CH reported on recent training she attended that covered ‘what if’, worst case scenarios and how schools are placed to deal with these. Some discussion followed and CH advised on some of the contingencies in place should, eg, the school need to be evacuated, lockdown, school trips. A governor asked about hi-vis jackets for children on outings; these are provided in Lower Primary but not Upper. Some discussion followed about these and CH agreed to investigate options to help make Woodside children stand out.

Action: CH to investigate

The Committee approved the Critical Incident Policy.


The governor absence letter for parents is incorporated into the school’s attendance policy. CH will investigate setting up an electronic signature for the FGB Chair.

Action: CH

It was noted that it is not a Synaptic Trust requirement for termly meetings of this Committee, but to have two a year. All acknowledged there can be some duplication of items with other Committees, including FGB, and agreed to see how things go over time.


The next meeting will take place 16 March 2017, 6.30pm.

Signed: ……………………………………… Date:…………………………..

Kay Hancox, Chair of Strategy Committee, Woodside Academy