Learning - Caring - Achieving


Targets for raising student achievement in relation to the National Standards are detailed on the following pages:


-1.2Written Language


1.1 To increase the number of students achieving at or above the
National Standards for reading
Baseline data: School wide reading data in November 2010 showed 69% of all students were achieving or exceeding National Standards.
Analysis of the data identified some concerns in the Year 5 cohort where 56% of students were meeting National Standards. Further analysis showed that 70 % of Year 5 Maori students and 52% of Year 5 boys were developing or well below the National Standards for reading
Analysis of assessment results (STAR / running records, learning conferences) identified comprehension as a particular area for improvement for these groups of students. / Teacher reflection showed students had difficulty with sentence / paragraph comprehension. Teachers also identified that students working in extension groups were more engaged when texts were closely linked to their interests or prior experiences
Year 5 boys developing or well below the standard in 2010 will have made more than one year’s progress and will be achieving or exceeding the reading standard.
The target group of Year 5 Maori students developing or well below the standard in 2010 will have made more than one year’s progress and will be achieving or exceeding the reading standard.
Actions to achieve targets / Led by / Budget / Timeframe
Review March (2011) achievement data with teachers and determine the particular learning needs of target students / Principal / Curriculum Coordinator / Week 5 Term 1
Running Record procedures will be modelled and be moderated to ensure school wide consistency / Reading Recovery teacher / Additional hours / Term 1
Monitoring meetings every three weeks to discuss progress of target students / Reading Extension teacher / On-going throughout year
Interview target group to identify reading habits and genre preferences / Curriculum Coordinator / Term 1
Discontinued Reading Recovery students will be monitored and remedial actions taken where necessary / Reading Recovery teacher / Additional hours / On-going throughout year
Teachers to undertake Teaching as Inquiry project focussing on target group / Principal / On-going throughout year
Meet with parents, whanau of target group students around ways to support students’ learning / Principal / Teachers / whanau committee / $200 / On-going throughout year
Target group students’ included in extension reading programme / reading mileage / Reading Extension teacher / On-going throughout year
Analyse November achievement data to inform progress and planning for the following year / Principal / Curriculum Coordinator / November
1.2 To increase the number of students achieving at or above the
National Standards for writing
Baseline data: School wide writing data in November 2010 showed 59% of all students were achieving or exceeding National Standards.
Analysis of the data identified some concerns with the achievement of boys with 51% of boys meeting National Standards (compared with 69% of girls). Further analysis showed that 65% of Year 5 boys were developing or well below the National Standards for writing.
Teacher reflection on writing samples showed in general boys were often reluctant writers with less output. / Teacher reflection also showed that where boys had experience with the context for writing, output and use of surface and deeper features improved.
Boys developing or well below the standard in 2010 will have made more than one year’s progress and will be achieving or exceeding the writing standard.
The target group of Year 5 boys developing or well below the standard in 2010 will have made more than one year’s progress and will be achieving or exceeding the writing standard.
Actions to achieve targets / Led by / Budget / Timeframe
Review March (2011) achievement data using Woodleigh writing progressions to identify Year 5 target group needs priorities / Teachers / Curriculum Coordinator / Term 1
Monitoring meetings every three weeks to discuss progress of target group / Teachers / Curriculum Coordinator / On-going throughout year
Interview target group to identify writing genre preferences / Curriculum Coordinator / Term 1
Continue with MOE moderation project with partner school / Curriculum Coordinator / Lead teachers / Additional
Release / On-going throughout year
Teachers to undertake Teaching as Inquiry project focussing on target group / Principal / On-going throughout year
Meet with parents, whanau of target group students around ways to support students’ learning / Principal / Teachers / whanau committee / $200 / On-going throughout year
Trial silent writing initiative to promote writing habits / Principal / Teachers / On-going throughout year
Analyse November achievement data to inform progress and planning for the following year / Principal / Curriculum Coordinator / November
1.3 To increase the number of students achieving at or above the
National Standards for mathematics
Baseline data: School wide mathematics data in November 2010 showed 65% of all students were achieving or exceeding National Standards.
Analysis of the data identified concerns with the achievement of Year 5 students with 55% developing or well below the National Standard.
During moderation sessions, the principal identified that across Years 3 – 6 students were performing well in the strands of algebra, geometry, measurement and statistics. Within the number strand students were performing well with number knowledge but had less success using number strategies. / Analysis of P.A.T mathematics test papers indicated that students had difficulty solving number problems written in words, number problems with missing addends or factors and number problems written in horizontal form
Year 5 students developing or well below the standard in 2010 will have made more than one year’s progress and will be achieving or exceeding the mathematics standard.
Actions to achieve targets / Led by / Budget / Timeframe
Review March (2011) achievement data using P.A.T mathematics to identify Year 5 cohort needs priorities / Teachers / Curriculum Coordinator / Term 1
Interview target group to identify number strategies they prefer to use – selected students / Curriculum Coordinator / Term 1
Review of equipment and resources to effectively meet mathematics needs / Curriculum Coordinator / $2,000 / Term 1
Monitoring meetings every three weeks to discuss progress of target group – selected students / Teachers / Curriculum Coordinator / On-going throughout year
All teachers participate in mathematics professional learning and development focus - 2011 / Principal / $2,000 / On-going throughout year
Teachers to undertake Teaching as Inquiry project focussing on target group – number strategies focus / Principal / Teachers / On-going throughout year
Meet with parents, whanau of target group students around ways to support students’ learning – number strategies focus / basic facts / Principal / Teachers / whanau committee / $200 / On-going throughout year
Develop integrated mathematics units that foster application of number strategies and authentic problem solving / Curriculum Coordinator / Teachers / On-going throughout year
Analyse November achievement data to inform progress and planning for the following year / Principal / Curriculum Coordinator / November