(cure to Death by Powerpoint)
Task: Create a PechaKucha which gives an organized overview of the history of mankind.
Due Date: Wed, September 17, 2008.
20 slides containing ONLY visuals! The ONLY text allowed will be the titles of the units.
Shirley Publishing House is seeking to create a new world history textbook, and has put out a call for bids on the job. You will be given 10 minutes to present your outline for the text which needs to include the key ideas/events/people for each unit. Your presentation will take the form of a PechaKucha, and may be narrated by yourselves either in person or through an audio overlay to your powerpoint.
For each unit you determine is needed, you will need to agree as a group on what ideas and information are most important to convey to the rest of the class to help them understand the purpose of the unit, as well as how the information in that unit has helped lead us culturally, politically, economically, and technologically to where and who we are today. You will need to provide specific, concise, and relevant examples to support the points you are making. Only critical details will be given during the actual presentation. Your focus should be on the key elements of the unit, the major events and players, and how it is different from the other units. You will also want to at least mention any minor concepts that come into play (for instance, if you choose to call the period from 1950 – the present a Global and Technological Age, you might want to also mention ideas such as civil and women’s rights).
Again – you only have time to present the most relevant details! You will have a Q and A time after your presentation. You will be able to share more information at that point.
PechaKucha Rubric
ASPECT / EXCELLENT / ADVANCED / SATISFACTORY / DEFICIENT / INSUFFICIENT / NOT GRADEABLEComprehensiveness / You provided a unit breakdown of world history that includes highly relevant and appropriately concise coverage of the major ideas/events/issues and also addressed some related, minor aspects within the allotted time. / You provided a unit breakdown of world history that includes highly relevant and appropriately concise coverage of the major ideas/events/issues and also addressed 1 or more of the minor aspects within the allotted time. / You provided a unit breakdown of world history that addressed the major ideas/events/issues. / You provided a unit breakdown of world history that addressed some of the major ideas/events/issues, but missed one or more very important and defining aspect. / The events/issues you addressed had little relevance to developing an understanding of world history. / You did not provide enough information to assess comprehensiveness.
Use of Detail /Quality of Information / The details provided strongly support your ideas, and are meaningful and clear. / The details you chose to support your ideas are meaning and clear. / Your information is more general than detailed, and some may not support your ideas in a strong way. / Most of your information is very general, and you included very few details. The examples and details you do provide do not help to explain your ideas. / You have no details to support your general information. / You did not provide enough information to assess quality.
Accuracy / Your information is highly accurate. You address/resolve conflicting information from your research. / Most of your information is accurate and you may also note conflicting information. / Your information is generally accurate. / Your information contains several minor or a few substantial inaccuracies. / Your information is highly inaccurate. / You did not provide enough information to determine accuracy.
Visual Appeal / The visuals are highly relevant, clear, and effective in enhancing the narration. / The visuals are relevant and clear, and the audience can connect them to the narration. / Most of our visuals are generally relevant, but some may be confusing to the audience and/or they do not clearly relate to your narration. / Many of your visuals are not relevant, and it is difficult for your audience to connect them to your narration. / Your visuals are very simplistic, are mostly clip art, and really do not connect to your narration. / You did not provide enough information to assess visual appeal.
Organization / Your presentation is highly organized overall as well as within segments. / Your presentation is generally organized overall and within specific segments; some ideas could be stronger if better placed. / Your presentation is organized overall, but many ideas would be stronger if better placed. / You attempted to organize yourpresentation, but you did not follow through or your method was not successful. / Your ideas are not in a logical order and generally appear random. / You did not provide enough information to be able to assess whether you gave thought to organization.
Presentation / All students fully participate using appropriate and effective presentation skills. All students are knowledgeable about all aspects and participate in the question/answer period. / All students fully participate using appropriate presentation skills. All students are knowledgeable about most aspects of the material; all participate in the question/answer period. / All students fully participate using appropriate presentation skills. Most students are knowledgeable about most aspects of the material and participate in the question/answer period. / Most students fully participate using basic presentation skills; one or two students are knowledgeable about most aspects of the material; one or two students participate in the question/answer period. / Not all students fully participate; presentation skills are lacking; most group members lack knowledge about most aspects of material, severely impacting q and a. / There was no effective presentation.