In 200 words (or more) what for Block do you see as the defining elements of stewardship/servant leadership? What stands out to you the most? (you won’t be able to see responses until you post). What issues, questions or challenges does Block and Servant Leadership pose for you? (14 points)
The defining element for stewardship/servant leadership is being invested in the company for more than personal growth. There should be a sense of ownership in the company and the reward would come by company success. Stewardship provides a “set of principles and practices which havethe potential to make dramatic changes in our governance system.It is concerned with creating a way of governing ourselves thatcreates a strong sense of ownership and responsibility for outcomes at the bottom of the organization.”(Block p. 4) By utilizing these sets of principles it gives more control to the leadership teams. The idea that stands out the most when reading this was that “Stewardship springs from a set of beliefs about reforming organizations that affirms our choice for service over the pursuit of self-interest.”(Block p. 5) The reading describes stewardship as being on a more global level of reward, not just the pursuit of personal fulfillment.
Looking at this leadership approach one may question the investmentas a whole of the individual leader.The investment the leader puts in addresses only the company’s needs without considering his ownpersonal development and growth within said company. The servant theory, leading without self-interest, is contrary to the situational theory of supportive and directive leadership. When being directed and supported by leadership ones potential for growth is enhanced, and leadership by example is present. Also, the talent bench is undefined.The reading states that “We serve best through partnership, rather than patriarchy. Dependency is the antithesis of stewardship and so empowerment becomes essential.” (Block p. 5) Where empowerment is vital to development, there needs to be leadership present acting as a resource and providing feedback. There seems to be lack of guidance and so empowerment can only go so far. In closing, the word empowerment is a valuable tool for leadership when used correctly, it “embodies the belief that the answer to the latest crisis lies within each of us and therefore we all buckle up for adventure.” (Block p. 8)