Warren Road, Woodingdean, Brighton, BN2 6BB
Headteacher: Mr J Whitfield
Deputy Headteacher: Miss L Axton
Telephone: 01273 680811
Fax: 01273 607359
Exciting news - 2018 Y6 Residential trip
28th June 2017
Dear parents, carers and children in Y5,
We are excited to report that we have provisionally booked the 2018 residential trip with Kingswood Outdoor Education & Adventure, (http://www.kingswood.co.uk/locations/grosvenor-hall/) and we have chosen their newest & largest site in Ashford, Kent. This is a new site for us but we have made sure that we have chosen well as the centre has fantastic facilities and exciting activities. They have brand newly modern dormitories which sleep 2-12 pupils.
It also boasts a £1m high-adrenaline activity park which includes 3G swing, abseiling, curricula’s maze, laser zone, quad biking, sky climb & zip wire to name just a few!
The trip will take place from the 19th – 23rd March 2018. The cost of the trip will be determined by the number of children attending but is most likely to be £265 each - £10 less than last year and £55 cheaper than Little Canada!
We have made extensive enquiries and research looking into lots of new venues and are confident that we have secured the best deal for both parents & children. The price includes, transport, accommodation, full board (3 hot meals a day!) and a full programme of day & evening events which will keep everyone thrilled & entertained.
The cost of the trip can be spread over several months but we will require a deposit of £40 by Monday 17th July in order to secure a place for your child. Once we have confirmed numbers and paid the deposit, this will then be non-refundable.
Trust fund Grants have been available in the past to support families on low income with a part of the cost; these have been limited the past few years so we are unable to guarantee that any help will be received. Any trust fund applications must be made early in September in order for them to be considered. If you require any further information or an application form for this please see Mrs Cliff who will be happy to help.
Once a firm booking has been made we will of course add the trip to ParentPay and you will be able to make payments at any time. The deposit however will need to be in cash or a cheque made payable to ‘Woodingdean Primary School’. This will not be banked until numbers are confirmed and we are sure that the trip can go ahead.
A further payment of £60 will need to be paid in September with the final balance due mid-January.
If you would like to reserve a place for your child on this trip please complete and return the slip below to Mrs Cliff in the school office.
Thank you for your support
Year 6 team
Child’s name…………………………………………………………………………….
I would like to reserve a place for my child on the residential trip to Grosvenor Hall on the 19th – 23rd March 2018
· I enclose a deposit of £40 cash/cheque
· I will pay the deposit by Monday 17th July 2017
· I would like an application form to apply for some help with the cost of this payment and I confirm that my child is eligible for free school meals. I am aware that applications need to be completed and returned with supporting documents to Mrs Cliff at the start of the new term in September.
Parent signature………………………………………………………………………………………..
Nurturing & Believing, Enjoying & Achieving