Hamilton SecondaryNumeracy Programme

Homework book

Level B

© Hamilton Trust 2011 Hamilton Secondary Numeracy Programme | Level B | 3

Level B: Week 1 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Place value to 100 thousands.
Start at level 1, which is four-digit numbers, and see how well you do.
Then try level 2, which is five-digit numbers.
How many shots do you get to fire?
Describe how well you did in your homework book.
2 Play the game Make the most with a partner.
You need a pack of playing cards and pencil and paper to keep the score.
Use the ace to 9 of each suit. The ace counts as 1.
Shuffle the cards.
Deal each player 9 cards.
Round 1 Each player chooses two cards from their hand.
At the same time, each player puts their two cards face up on the table to make a two-digit number.
The player who makes the biggest number wins 2 points.
Turn the two cards face down.
Round 2 This time choose three cards and make a three-digit number.
The player who makes the biggest number wins 3 points.
Turn the three cards face down.
Round 3 This time, use your last four cards.
Make a four-digit number.
The player who makes the biggest number wins 4 points.
If both players make the same number in any round, no points are scored in that round.
The winner is the first player to get 20 points.
You could play again and change the rules. The player who makes the smallest number wins the points.

Level B: Week 2 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Place value pirates.
Your goal is to find the buried treasure.
You have two minutes to identify the right pirates.
See how well you can do.
Describe how you get on in your homework book.
2 Write the value of the 7 in each number.
a 58.73 / b 712.5 / c 9.27 / d 176.2
3 Write as fractions:
a 0.09 / b 0.3 / c 0.75 / d 0.31
4 Write as decimals:
a / b / c / d
5 Play Target 5 with a partner.
You need a dice.
• Each player starts with a score of 0.
Write down your score on each turn. /
• Take turns to roll the dice.
• If you roll 5, add 0.5 to your score; if you roll 3, add 0.3, and so on.
• If your score gets to 1, 2, 3 or 4 exactly, subtract 1 from your score.
• The winner is the first player to reach a score of 5 or more.

Level B: Week 3 Homework

1 Play Rounding with a partner. You need pencil and paper.
Draw this grid.

Take turns to choose two of these numbers. Add them together.

Round the sum to the nearest whole number.
Mark it on the grid with your initial.
If the number you want to mark is already marked, then miss a go.
The winner is the first to get five of their initials on the grid.
2 Round to the nearest 10.
a 542 / b 378 / c 1755 / d 3699
Round to the nearest whole number.
e 3.5 / f 54.4 / g 30.8 / h 2.77

Level B: Week 4 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Part part whole.
Make number pairs that add to 100. Can you shoot down all the aliens before they reach the planet?
If you want to play Level 1 again, click on ‘Reset’.
If you get really fast, you could try Level 2.
2 Pick three of these numbers. They can be the same or different.

The three numbers must add up to 20.
Each set of three numbers must be different.
The same three numbers in a different order don’t count as different!
There are 10 ways to do it.
Make a list of them all.

Level B: Week 5 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Ghost blasters.
This is the ‘addition’ version.
You can play with a partner or you could take the part of both playersyourself.
Which player is the first to get a score of 10?
Write how you got on in your homework book.
2 This is an addition grid.
The number in each cell is the sum of the number at the left end of the row and the number at the top of the column.
So 44 = 37 + 7.

Copy the grid, then complete it.

Level B: Week 6 Homework

1 This is an addition grid.
The number in each cell is the sum of the number at the left end of the row and the number at the top of the column.
+ / 20 / 30
45 / 75
For example, 75 is the sum of 45 and 30.
Copy and complete this addition grid.
+ / 20 / 80 / 60
... / ... / 150 / ...
42 / ... / 122 / …
27 / … / … / …
2 Write the answers.
Draw a number line to help you if you wish.
a 67 + 9
b 45 + 9
c 82 – 9
d 33 – 9 / e 145 + 99
f 226 + 99
g 538 – 99
h 447 – 99 / i 423 + 90
j 821 – 90
k 52 + 39
l 87 – 69
3 What would be a quick way to add 999?

Level B: Week 7 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Speed grid addition (level 2).
Can you answer eight questions in 2 minutes?
If you get a question wrong, click on the grid to cancel the numbers before trying again.
Are you ready to move to level 3?
Write how you got on in your homework book.
2 You need a set of digit cards from 1 to 7.
Use scraps of paper if you don’t have digit cards.

Arrange your cards with + signs between them. Use each card once.
How close can you get to a total of 100?
Here is an example.

Can you do better than that?
Have at least six tries, writing down each one.
Then write the calculation that gets you closest to 100 as your final answer.

Level B: Week 8 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, try Speed grid subtraction (level 2).
Can you answer eight questions in 2 minutes?
If you get a question wrong, click on the grid to cancel the numbers before trying again.
Are you ready to move to level 3?
Write how you got on in your homework book.
2 The number in a square box is the sum of the numbers in the two circles on either side of it.
So 27 = 12 + 15.
The box between 15 and 13 will have 28 in it, since 13 + 15 = 28.
The box between 12 and 13 will have 25 in it, since 12 + 13 = 25.
Copy and complete these: /
a / / c /
b / / d /

Level B: Week 9 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Hit the button.
Choose ‘times tables’ and ‘hit the answer’.
Practise your 6 times table, then your 7 times tables.
How many can you score in 1 minute? Play several games.
Write your best scores in your homework book.
2 Make sure you know by heart the ×2, ×3, ×4, ×5 and ×10 times tables.
Ask someone to test you by asking you these questions.
Try to say the answer as quickly as possible.
a 9×3
f 6×5 / b 4×6
g 4×7 / c 3×8
h 7×3 / d 5×9
i 3×0 / e 8×4
j 9×5
Now try these questions.
a 24÷3
f 35÷5 / b 30÷5
g 21÷3 / c 28÷4
h 36÷4 / d 18÷2
i 18÷3 / e 70÷10
j 24÷4
3 Play this 7 times table game with a partner.
You need two dice. Each spot is worth 7.
• Each player draws a 2 by 3 grid.
• Take turns. Roll the dice.
Add the two numbers and multiply by 7.
Write your score in a box. /
Carry on until all your boxes are full.
• Now take turns to roll the dice again.
If your score is on your grid, cross it out.
If not, wait for your next turn.
• The winner is the first to cross out all their numbers.

Level B: Week 10 Homework

1 Copy and complete:
a 8 × 100 = …
b 90 × 10 = …
c 28 × … = 280
d 30 × … = 300
e 42 ÷ 10 = …
f 700 ÷ … = 70
g 65 ÷ 100 = … / h 9.6 × 10 = …
i 2.85 × 100 = …
j 4.3 × … = 43
k 10 × … = 1000
l 500 ÷ … = 5
m 35 ÷ … = 0.35
n … ÷ 100 = 0.8
2 Write in pounds:
a 328p
b 65p
c 20p
d 7p
3 Ben is paid £92.50 for 10 hours of gardening every weekend.
a How much is he paid for 1 hour of gardening?
b How much will he earn for gardening in 10 weekends?

Level B: Week 11 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Hit the button.
Choose ‘Doubles’ then, on the doubles side of the page, on ’50 to 100’.
Look at the white number at the bottom of the screen.
Click on its double on the grid.
See how many you can do in one minute. Play several games.
Click on ‘Main’ then, on the Halves side of the page, on ’50 to 100’.
This time click on half of the number.
How many can you score in 1 minute? Play several games.
Write your best score for doubles and best score for halves in your homework book.
2 Copy and complete this table. The first row is done for you.
Double / Number / Half
4.8 / 2.4 / 1.2

Level B: Week 12 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Maths Circus: Pole climber.
Start at skill level 1. See what skill level you can reach.
Can you be quick enough for the climber to reach the top of the pole?
Write how you got on in your homework book.
2 Copy this diagram.

Use all these numbers.
80 90 100 110 120
Write one number in each circle.
The difference between joined numbers must be more than 10.
3 Copy this diagram.

Use all these numbers.
20 30 40 50 60
Write one number in each circle.
Each side of the triangle must add up to 100.

Level B: Week 13 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Ghost blasters.
This is the ‘subtraction’ version.
You can play with a partner or you could take the part of both players yourself.
Which player is the first to get a score of 10?
Write how you got on in your homework book.
2 Write the answers to these as quickly as you can.
a 49 + 6
b 86 + 5
c 28 – 9
d 47 + 4
e 37 + 6
f 56 – 8 / g 31 – 6
h 93 – 7
i 78 + 3
j 25 + 8
k 54 – 8
l 36 – 8
3 Draw the grid in your homework book. Do the puzzle.
/ Across 1 Add 7 to 98
3 90 minus 9
5 Subtract 8 from 51
7 94 plus 6
Down 1 9 more than 95
2 5 less than 63
4 The sum of 94 and 6
6 Take 4 from 35

Level B: Week 14 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, try to get the best possible timesin the Level 3 addition quiz or the Level 4 subtraction quiz in Digit work-out.
Record your best times in your homework book.
2 Use only these numbers.
Choose two different numbers each time.

Copy and complete these to make the calculations correct:
a … + … = 9.8
b … + … = 8.1
c … + … = 8.4
d … + … = 9.2
e … + … = 7.3 / f … – … = 1.7
g … – … = 0.8
h … – … = 1.1
i … – … = 0.6
j … – … = 2.5

Level B: Week 15 Homework

1 Here are two boxes with numbers in.

Make up your own calculation.
Choose one number from Box 1.
Choose another number from Box 2.
Use a written method to find the difference between the two numbers.
Repeat this four more times.
Choose a different pair of numbers each time.
2 Write the digits 1 to 9 on nine scraps of paper.
Put them face down and shuffle them.
Choose six of the scraps and turn them over.
Make a three-digit plus three-digit sum.
Use a written method to find the answer.
Put the digits face down again and shuffle.
Repeat this four more times.
Which of your sums is closest to 1000? /

Level B: Week 16 Homework

1 If you have internet access at home, play Meteor multiplication.
Which level can you reach? Play several games.
Write how you get on in your homework book.
2 Make sure you know by heart the ×6 and ×7 times tables.
Ask someone to test you by asking you these questions.
Try to say the answer as quickly as possible.
a 6×3
f 7×5 / b 6×7
g 7×3 / c 6×8
h 7×6 / d 6×9
i 7×9 / e 6×4
j 7×7
Now try these questions.
a 24÷6
f 35÷7 / b 30÷6
g 21÷7 / c 18÷6
h 42÷7 / d 36÷6
i 56÷7 / e 54÷6
j 63÷7
3 Play this 8 times table game with a partner.
You need two dice. Each spot is worth 8.
• Each player draws a 2 by 3 grid.
• Take turns. Roll the dice.
Add the two numbers and multiply by 8.
Write your score in a box. /
Carry on until all your boxes are full.
• Now take turns to roll the dice again.
If your score is on your grid, cross it out.
If not, wait for your next turn.
• The winner is the first to cross out all their numbers.

Level B: Week 17 Homework