Silver Bay, New York, June 4 – 7, 2015
Key Actions taken are denoted by the code VOTE UAM2015:1 – 3
Call to the Annual Meeting
The 52nd Annual Meeting of the New York Conference United Church of Christ was called to meet at the Silver Bay YMCA Conference and Family Retreat Center, Silver Bay, NY on June 5 – 7, 2015.
Pre-Conference Meetings
The New York Conference Board met on June 5, 2015 at the Conference Center. The minutes of that meeting are provided under separate cover.
The Executive Committee met in its capacity as Business Committee for the 52nd Annual Meeting immediately following the Conference Board meeting on June 5th. The minutes of that meeting are also provided under separate cover.
Pre-Conference Activities
Many members of the clergy arrived early on Thursday, June 4th, to attend a Clergy Retreat led by the Rev. Dr. Norman J. Kansfield, former President of Theology, Reformed Church of America. He presently teaches Reformed Theology at Drew University and serves as Theologian in Residence at Zion UCC in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. As a founder of Room For All, he is working for total inclusion of LGBT persons in the Reformed Church of America.
A Budget Hearing also took place prior to the opening session.
Plenary Session No. 1
After a Worship Moment and a Bold Testimony, Janelle Richardson, Moderator, called the first plenary session of the Annual Meeting to order. She asked the Rev. Ryan Henderson, Associate Conference Minister for Youth, Young Adults, and Emerging Ministries, to lead the constituting prayer. Then she introduced the Parliamentarian, the Rev. Stacey Midge and the American Sign Language interpreters, Ms. Patrice Harrington and Mr. Howard Hines
Ms. Richardson called on the Secretary, Ms. Elizabeth Krech, who declared the presence of a quorum, with 257 people registered.
The Agenda was approved as written and the Rules of Procedure were adopted. These can be found in the Annual Meeting Booklet, pages 5 – 9.
Ms. Richardson introduced the Tellers and the Ushers and thanked them for their service.
The Rev. David Gaewski, Conference Minister, introduced two guests: the Rev. Daehler Hayes, Cornerstone Fund, United Church of Christ and the Rev. Robert Chase, Intersections Collegiate Church, New York, New York. Mr. Chase spoke to those gathered.
“The Collegiate Church of New York City is seeking dual affiliation with the United Church of Christ. We are a single congregation on five campuses located in various boroughs—Intersections being the one with a global reach. We make connections and engage issues in innovative ways…”
Speak Outs on such subjects as literacy, travel to Frankford and Hesse, Germany, 20-20 Vision (New Church Starts), and appeals for help after a disaster were given, after which Announcements were made and the Plenary Session recessed for the State of the Conference address.
Mr. Gaewski opened his address by telling about an incident that recently occurred at the Conference Office, about the “Black Lives Matter” movement and how ALL LIVES MATTER. An attempt to include a synopsis in these minutes would be a disservice. A link to the address is available in the June 9th edition of “Happenings.”
Evening Activities
After dinner, those attending gathered for Opening Worship led by members of the Worship team and assisted by people from all the Associations of the Conference. Our key note speaker, Dr. Reza Aslan, gave us a lesson about the disciple James or James the Just.
The New Church Start team held its annual reception in the Inn.
The following morning a Delegate Orientation was available for first time delegates and others who cared to attend.
Plenary Session II
After a Worship Moment, a Bold Testimony, and Speak Outs, Ms. Richardson, Moderator, called the second plenary session to order.
Mr. Gaewski introduced the visitors from the Evangelische Kirche Hesse und Nassau (EKHN): Herr Daniel Lenski (Rev.?) and Herr Reiner Brunssen, who brought greetings.
Mr. Wayne Fuhrman, Treasurer and Mr. David Losito, Manager of Finance and Administration, came to the dais to present the Financial Reports.
Mr. Fuhrman referred the delegates to his report on P. 34 in the Annual Meeting booklet and then reviewed the Auditor’s report.
Mr. Losito presented the Proposed 2016 Budget which can be found on P. 60 – 64 in the Annual Meeting Booklet. Members of the Conference Ministry Team as well as the Conference Minister aided in the discussion by explaining how their ministry contributed to the services New York Conference United Church of Christ provides its member churches.
Mr. Gaewski expressed pleasure with the professional development of the Conference staff and added additional information about the partnership with the EKHN.
Mr. Losito compared 2013 and 2014, stating that contributions to Covenant Share were significantly below expectations. The offering time has been moved from September to June.
“Covenant Share is not a church budget item; it’s a membership goal. $298,000 will come from unrestricted funds/investments if we don’t increase our giving to Covenant Share.”
VOTEUAM2015-1: A motion to approve the Proposed 2016 Budget was made by Mr. Fuhrman on behalf of the Budget and Finance Committee. No second was required.
There were questions relating to the cost of Conference services to congregations who do not contribute to OCWM and many more about the increasing deficit and its drain on Conference investments.
Mr. Gaewski noted that New York Conference is in the minority among UCC Conferences for not instituting per capita dues. Compliance with the dues is very high at 80%.
In answer to a question from the floor, Mr. Fuhrman estimated that unrestricted funds/investments would be depleted in about 2 years.
The Rev. Barbara Wright, Susquehanna Association, urged those attending to sign up on the Conference web site for monthly contributions to Covenant Share.
As the plenary session was running late, the Moderator called the order of the day.
The delegates informally declared that they wanted to vote.
The vote on the Proposed 2016 Budget carried with 3 opposed.
The plenary session recessed for the Key Note address. The speaker, Dr. Reza Aslan, is the author of, “Zealot, The Live and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.” We learned about the historical Jesus and the Jesus of Faith and concluded that both are worth believing in.
(Immediately after the Key Note address, Ms. Richardson returned to the dais and asked for a motion to receive the Annual Reports.)
VOTE UAM2015-2: A motion to receive the Annual Reports was made, seconded, and carried.
After lunch, Workshops were available. They are listed below.
Sacred Storytelling
Our Partnership NY/Help Honduras
Our Trip to Israel/Palestine
The Zen Life
A Church Built Nonprofit Housing
Faith Community Nursing
Religion on a Troubled Planet
Walking and Praying the Labyrinth
Interfaith Families: Issues/Joys
Money and Your Church
Sacred Conversations on Race
Spiritual Growth, Formation
After Dinner, the Rev. David Gaewski introduced all of the New York Conference staff and recognized Ordinations, Anniversaries, and new ministers. A link to those who were recognized is printed below.
After the dinner celebration, we reassembled in the Auditorium for interactive theatre: “Uniform Justice,” presented by Intersections International. After the performance, the audience, the producer, the director and the cast discussed the “true to life” drama.
Plenary Session III
After a Worship Moment and a Bold Testimony, Ms. Richardson, Moderator, called the third plenary session to order.
The Rev. Freeman Palmer came to the dais and recognized the Community Congregational Church of Clinton Heights in Hudson Mohawk Association and the First Congregational Church of Walton, Susquehanna Association as the most recent congregations to become Open and Affirming.
Mr. Losito and those attending thanked Mr. Wayne Fuhrman, outgoing Treasurer, for his five years of service to the New York Conference.
The Rev. David Gregory reported for the Governance Board. Nominees for whom voting is required are listed below.
Ms. Betty Krech, Secretary
Ms. Yvette Wynn, Treasurer
The Rev. Barbara Toll, Conference Board, Class of 2018
Ms. Anne Hurd, Class of 2018 (second term)
Mr. Jan Mileskey (second term)
There were no nominations from the floor; nominations were closed.
VOTEUAM2015-3: Mr. Gregory moved for the adoption of the slate. No second was required. The motion carried.
The Conference Minister called those recently elected and the members of the Conference Board forward and formally installed them.
The Rev. Ryan Henderson then presented a video promoting the city of Rochester and invited the New York Conference United Church of Christ and the Christian Church Disciples of Christ to a Joint Annual Meeting and Conference in Rochester at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on June 10-12, 2016.
This prompted a question from the floor relating to the possibility of a merger with the Christian Church Disciples of Christ. Mr. Gaewski answered that “Conversations continue.” and that there is a potential in New York Conference.
Ms. Richardson declared the business agenda of the Fifty-second Annual Meeting of the New York Conference United Church of Christ adjourned.
Closing Worship was led, once again, by the Worship Team.
The Rev. Micah A. Bucey
The Rev. Jeremy W. Lopez
The Rev. Elaine B. Kirkland
Ms. Martha Gallagher
The Rev. Freeman L. Palmer
The Rev. Eugene R. Palmore
The Rev. Scott A. Ressman
Mr. Matthew Starzyk
They were assisted by people from all over the Conference.
“Remembering the Saints” honored those authorized ministers who were deceased since the last 2014 Annual Meeting. A link to their names is printed below.
At the end of the service, we were invited to take a small box of “Holy Ground” home.
After the service, the Fifty Second Annual Meeting of the New York Conference United Church of Christ was officially adjourned.
Elizabeth M. Krech
Secretary of the Conference
June 22, 2015