Woodingdean Primary School

School Improvement Plan

Autumn Term 2013

Contextual Information:

Woodingdean Primary School is an all through 2 form entry primary school. Numbers on roll are above the national average. The contextual characteristics within which the school works have remained relatively stable over the last 3 years; a 6% increase in pupils eligible for free school meals, a 2% increase in pupils from minority ethnic groups and 0.6% rise in pupils with first language not English / believed not to be English. The percentage of pupils supported at school action is higher than the national average and the percentage of pupils supported by school action plus or with a statement of SEN is almost double that found nationally. Deprivation indicators are in line with those nationally.

Latest Inspection Outcomes (June 2012):

The achievement of pupils at the school / The quality of teaching
· Children start school with age-related skills and abilities that are just below expectations in most areas. They make good progress in the Early Years Foundation Stage and reach close to expected levels in reading and mathematics by the time they reach Year1.
· Attainment in writing remains below expected levels because boys’ writing skills are less well developed.
· School data and lesson observations show that attainment in reading and writing at the end of Year 2 is average and in Year 6 is above average.
· Pupils make good progress and, over time, achieve above-average standards at the end of Year 6. / · In the majority of lessons, teaching is good or better.
· Teachers have good subject knowledge and use data well to inform planning and to identify individual support for pupils. They use targeted teaching time in lessons to help individual pupils close gaps in learning.
· The use of ‘success checklists’, which give pupils precise criteria for their work, together with good feedback from teachers during lessons, can be very effective in helping pupils to assess how well they are doing and in helping them to improve. However, these approaches are not used consistently across all lessons.
· Positive relationships are a striking feature of the school and teachers provide activities that help to encourage cooperation and sharing.
Behaviour and safety of pupils / The quality of leadership in and management of the school
· Behaviour is good and pupils are kept safe.
· Pupils are happy to come to school and this is reflected in their attendance, which has improved and is now above average.
· Almost all pupils feel that behaviour is good in lessons and around the school and most parents and carers agree.
· Pupils feel safe in school, understand how to avoid risks and have a good awareness of personal safety.
· Pupils have a good understanding of different types of bullying, including cyber-bullying and prejudice.
· Pupils say that on the rare occasion that bullying occurs, staff manage the situation very well. / · The Headteacher, effective senior leadership team and the governing body, has provided the drive to improve standards over time.
· A well-communicated vision and ambition for the school is shared by all staff.
· The school has excellent partnerships with external groups, including the local schools’ ‘Deans Partnership’.
· Parents and carers are highly supportive,
· The broad and creative curriculum enables pupils to develop their skills across a range of subjects.
· The curriculum includes many opportunities for pupils to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness through a wide range of projects, trips and visits from specialists, including artists and authors. These provide rich and memorable experiences for pupils.
· The governing body and school leaders provide clear strategic direction in maintaining the quality of teaching over time through effective performance management and focused professional development for teachers.
· Safeguarding procedures are effective and meet statutory requirements.

Key Issues from Ofsted June 2012:

By July 2013, improve the quality of teaching so that more is outstanding by:

consistently providing a high level of challenge for higher ability pupils

ensuring that teachers consistently use assessment during lessons to inform pupils about how well they are doing and what the next steps in their learning will be.

In Reception, raise attainment in writing by providing more opportunities for boys in particular to use their early writing skills in activities that they choose for themselves.

Overall strategic aims of the Governors:

To be internally and externally evaluated and validated as outstanding.

Priority 1: The achievement of pupils at the school
To consistently provide a high level of challenge for higher ability pupils*
To raise attainment in writing specifically for Reception boys*
To ensure all pupils are making at least good rates of progress
To further develop and embed assessment systems and practice
Autumn Priorities / Spring Priorities / Summer Priorities
·  APP (to assist with fine tuning opportunities for the more able)
·  Evidence trawls & Moderation
·  Pupil Progress & Attainment Meetings / Embed:
·  APP (to assist with fine tuning opportunities for the more able)
·  Evidence trawls & Moderation
·  Pupil Progress & Attainment Meetings / Enhance:
·  APP (to assist with fine tuning opportunities for the more able)
·  Evidence trawls & Moderation
·  Pupil Progress & Attainment Meetings
Success Criteria / Actions / Who? / By When? / Resources / Monitoring / RAG
All teachers have APP system in place , understand the procedures for assessment and use it to have an impact on pupil progress and attainment / Deliver staff training on APP and assessment systems / JW / 02.09.2013 / INSET day / HT Report to Govs
Monitor APP / Assessment files
/ JW / PLs / 24.10.2013 / PL release time / Monitoring report
HT Report to Govs
Deliver additional training for identified staff / JW / tbc / Meeting time / HT Report to Govs
All teachers have accurate evidence based attainment judgements in maths and writing / Deliver staff training on evidence trawls / JW
PLs / 18.11.2013
20.11.2013 / SMT
Phase meeting / HT Report to Govs
Engage in evidence trawls
/ SLT / CTs / w/b 02.12.2013 / CT release time / Evidence Trawl forms
Review impact of evidence trawls / JW / 16.12.2013 / SMT meeting / Monitoring report
All teachers have a clear idea of success and improvement for pupil progress and attainment and understand the next steps in accelerating this / Deliver staff training on Pupil Progress and Attainment Meeting (PPAM) / JW
PLs / 02.12.2013
04.12.2013 / SMT
Phase meeting / HT Report to Govs
Engage in PPAMs
/ SLT / CTs / w/b 09.12.2013 / CT release time / PPAM notes
Review impact of PPAMs / JW / 16.12.2013 / SMT meeting / Monitoring report
Priority 2: The quality of teaching and learning
To consistently provide a high level of challenge for higher ability pupils*
To develop all teaching to outstanding*
To further develop the use of in-lesson assessment*
To raise attainment in writing specifically for Reception boys*
Autumn Priorities / Spring Priorities / Summer Priorities
·  Effective feedback, marking and learning dialogue
·  Subject knowledge
·  Subject knowledge
New Curriculum / AfL:
·  In-lesson assessment
·  Teaching approaches
·  Teaching approaches
New Curriculum / AfL:
·  Modelling
·  Questioning
·  Specifics - Calculation
·  Specifics – Guided Writing
New Curriculum
Success Criteria / Actions / Who? / By When? / Resources / Monitoring / RAG
The quality of teaching and learning increases with over 80% being judged as outstanding / Deliver guidance / policy on effective feedback, marking and learning dialogue / JW
PLs / 09.09.2013
11.09.2013 / SMT meeting
Phase meeting / TLW Govs committee
SMT meeting notes
Monitor effective feedback, marking and learning dialogue in ‘book look’
/ JW / PLs / 21.10.2013
23.10.2013 / PL release time / Monitoring report
TLW Govs committee
HT Report to Govs
Undertake formal lesson observations / SLT / w/b 04.11.2013
11.11.2013 / CT release for feedback / Monitoring report
TLW Govs committee
The quality of teaching and learning ensures that 80% of pupils are making good progress in maths (KS1 >2pts per term / KS2 >1pt per term) / Deliver training on maths subject knowledge / TG / 25.11.2013
11.12.2013 / Staff meeting x 2 / Minutes
TLW Govs committee
Monitor effective feedback ‘wishes’ in books
/ TG/LA / 21.11.2013 / CT release time / Monitoring report
TLW Govs committee
HT Report to Govs
The quality of teaching and learning ensures that 80% of pupils are making good progress in maths (KS1 >2pts per term / KS2 >1pt per term) / Deliver training on writing subject knowledge / SB / 09.10.2013
13.11.2013 / Staff meeting x 2 / TLW Govs committee
Monitor effective feedback ‘wishes’ in books
/ SB/LA / 29.11.2013 / CT release time / Monitoring report
TLW Govs committee
HT Report to Govs
Solution focused coaching results in improvements in the quality of teaching and learning / Deliver staff training on solution focused coaching / LA / 25.09.2013 / Leadership release time
Staff meeting / TLW Govs committee
HT / CoG Mtg
Engage in suite of coaching activities with identified staff / LA / CTs / On-going / tbc / TLW Govs committee
HT / CoG Mtg
HT Report to Govs
Priority 3: The behaviour and safety of pupils
To further develop and embed policy, practice and procedure regarding behaviour and behaviour for learning
Autumn Priorities / Spring Priorities / Summer Priorities
Golden Rules & Ambassadors
Behaviour Policy
Active School Council
Pastoral Support Plans / Embed:
Golden Rules & Ambassadors
Behaviour Policy
School Council
Pastoral Support Plans / Enhance:
Golden Rules & Ambassadors
Behaviour Policy
School Council
Pastoral Support Plans
Success Criteria / Actions / Who? / By When? / Resources / Monitoring / RAG
All members of the school community know and ‘sign up to’ the Golden Rules / Re-share Golden Rules with parents & carers / JF / LT / 27.09.2013 / Newsletter / TLW Govs committee
Embed Golden Rules through assemblies and PSHE lessons / JW /LA / AM / on-going / Assemblies
PSHE lessons / TLW Govs committee
The renewed behaviour policy is successfully introduced and applied throughout the school / Share new behaviour policy and procedures with staff, pupils, governors and parents / JF / LT / 20.09.2013 / Staff Meeting
TLW Govs committee
Parent meeting / TLW Govs committee
Monitor the implementation and consistency of behaviour policy and procedures throughout the school
/ JF / LT / 29.11.2013 / CT release time / Monitoring report
TLW Govs committee
HT Report to Govs
Undertake pupil conferencing re: behaviour policy and procedures
/ JF / LT / 24.10.2013 / CT release time / Monitoring report
TLW Govs committee
HT Report to Govs
The school council is voted in and begins to play a more active role in school life / Hold school council elections / CTs / 13.09.2013 / Time in class / TLW Govs committee
Create school council action plan / LT / 20.09.2013 / TLW Govs committee
Set up regular school council meetings / LT / 20.09.2013 / TLW Govs committee
Identified vulnerable children have a detailed ‘wrap around’ pastoral support plan to ensure their success / Audit Vulnerable Pupil Register and identify specific children in need of personalised pastoral support plan / JF / LT / 27.09.2013 / Link Governor meeting
Write pastoral support plans for identified children / LT / 27.09.2013 / Link Governor meeting
Share pastoral support plans with children, teachers, parents and carers / JF / LT / 04.10.2013 / CT release time / Link Governor meeting
Review pastoral support plans / JF / LT / 13.12.2013 / CT release time / Link Governor meeting
Priority 4: The quality of leadership in and management of the school
To further develop the senior leadership and management teams
To further develop subject leadership
Autumn Priorities / Spring Priorities / Summer Priorities
Introduction of Phase Leaders
Deans Sports Partnership
Attendance / Embedding of Phase Leaders
Subject Leadership
Deans Sports Partnership
Attendance / Enhancing Phase Leadership
Deans Sports Partnership
Success Criteria / Actions / Who? / By When? / Resources / Monitoring / RAG
Newly appointed phase leaders begin to play a strategic role in the development of the school / To set up phase leader development programme / JW / 23.09.2013 / NA / Govs Strategic Planning Meeting
HT/CoG Meeting
HT Report to Govs
To create phase action plan / PLs / 18.09.2013 / PL release time / Govs Strategic Planning Meeting
To engage phase leaders in monitoring and evaluation of own phase / PLs / On-going / PL release time / Govs Strategic Planning Meeting
Leadership including governors have a clear idea of the strengths and areas of development for the school / To engage in termly self-evaluation exercises
/ SMT / 09.12.2013 / SMT meeting / HT/CoG Meeting
SMT meeting notes
Self-Evaluation Form
All staff have a clear understanding of the role of the governing body and how they work with the school / To create suite of governor visits
/ Govs / On-going / NA / HT/CoG Meeting
Attendance figures above national average / To investigate good practice in raising attendance figures / JW / MB / 25.10.2013 / EWO time / Govs Strategic Planning Meeting
To introduce new attendance improvement initiatives / JW / MB / 05.11.2013 / EWO time / Govs Strategic Planning Meeting
Senior leaders and managers regularly engage in solution focused coaching opportunities and use techniques to maximise performance / Further develop solution focused coaching with senior leaders and managers – Revisit with existing / introduce to new phase leaders / LA / JW / 23.09.2013 / SMT meeting / HT/CoG Meeting
SMT meeting notes
HT Report to Govs

* Ofsted Key Issue

- Governors are invited to play a role in monitoring this area of the school improvement plan