2nd Annual Silver District and Novice Championships
Hosted by Lock Haven Area YMCA
February 25th 2017
Facility Information / Zimmerli GymnasiumLock Haven University of Pennsylvania
401 North Fairview Street
Lock Haven, PA 17745
6 lane, 25 yard pool with new Colorado touch pads/Colorado Timing System 6 Console.
Deck Access will be restricted to Coaches, Officials, Timers, and only confirmed authorized personnel. Coaches must be listed on the Official YMCA Coaches list to be granted deck access.
Admission / Free Admission to all spectators.
Rules / USA Swimming rules will be enforced.
Scoring / Individual:16-13-12-11-10-9-7-5-4-3-2-1
Entry Information / Entries can be emailed
Entries are due February 15thst 2017
Checks are made payable to Lock Haven YMCA Swim Team
Mail Checks along with event summary to:
Joel Blesh
401 North Fairview Street
Lock Haven, PA 17745
Entry Fee
$5 per individual event
$20 per relay
Entry fees will not be returned if a swimmer scratches an event or the meet.
There will be no facility surcharge per swimmer.
Deck Entries / Deck entries are permitted only if there is an open lane in the event. Deck entries are charged at twice the entry fee price. An extra heat will not be created for deck entries.
Deck Entry Fees
$10 per individual event
$40 per relay
Entry Limitations / This event is for registered YMCA swimmers only.
Novice Championships—AM Session
8 and Under only participants.
Novice Swimmers (8 and under) may swim 4 events and one of these events must be a relay (maximum of 3 individual events for this age group). Relays will only be scored as an 8 and Under age group and mixed gender relays will be denoted as exhibition.
Silver District Championships—PM Session
This session is for swimmers who have not made a district qualifying time in any event.
Silver District Swimmers (9 and older) can swim up to 6 total events. This includes up to 4 individual events and 2 relays. Mixed gender and age group relays will be permitted to swim, but denoted as exhibition.
Exhibition Swimmers--Silver District Championships
In addition, swimmers that already have a YMCA district qualifying time in any event can participate in exhibition races as time trials. They will be seeded together with the event by time, but swimmers with a district qualifying time will only count for time. Swimmers that are exhibition must still pay the full entry fee. If an exhibition swimmer swims on a relay, that relay will be denoted as exhibition.
Age Up Dates / All swimmers will be entered with their age as of December 1st 2016
T Shirts / T shirts will be available for pre-order and sale on the day of the meet
$15 pre-order due February 11th 2017 (you must get the money and sizes to your coach before Feb 10th.
They will be available for $20 Day of event
Photos / Professional photographer Bill Crowell will be taking the shots on site.
Action and award shots will be available the day of the meet or visit to find that special photo and order online.
Start Times / Novice Championship
8:30am Meet Warm Ups - Each team will have a specific warm up time...I will let you know what time you will need to be at the pool!
10:00am- Meet Start
Silver District Championships
12:30pm Meet Warm Ups - Each team will have a specific warm up time.....I will let you know what time you will need to be at the pool!
2pm- Meet Start Time
Award Information / Medals will be awarded for the 1st through 6th place finishers, and ribbons for 7th through 12th place finishers in all age groups.
The top 3 individual point scorers in each age group will receive trophies.
Format / All events will be mixed and seeded by time. Results will be compiled and scored for each gender and age group accordingly. Relays will be scored by traditional genders and age groups. Mixed gender and mixed age group relays will be allowed but will not score and will count as exhibition.
Age Groups / Novice Championship Age Groups
6 and Under Boys and Girls
7-8 Boys and Girls
Relays will only be scored as an 8 and Under age group.
Silver District Championship Age Groups
9-10 Boys and Girls
11-12 Boys and Girls
13-14 Boys and Girls
15 and Over Boys and Girls
Order of Events / Novice Championship—AM Session
- 8 and Under 100 Medley Relay
- 25 free
- 100 IM
- 25 breaststroke
- 50 Butterfly
- 25 backstroke
- 50 free
- 25 butterfly
- 50 Backstroke
- 50 Breststroke
- 8 and Under 100 Free Relay
Silver District Championship—PM Session
- 200 Medley Relay
- 500 Free
- 50 Breaststroke
- 100 Backstroke
- 100 IM
- 200 IM
- 200 Butterfly
- 50 Free
- 50 Backstroke
- 100 Butterfly
- 200 Breaststroke
- 100 Freestyle
- 200 Freestyle
- 50 Butterfly
- 100 Breaststroke
- 200 Backstroke
- 400 IM
- 200 Freestyle Relay
Hotel Info / Best Western
101 E. Walnut St. Lock Haven, PA (570) 748-3927
Double bed rooms - $107.10- Lock Haven Loggerhead District is the Phrase to use and deadline is February 11th 2017- rates will be honored if rooms are available.
Hampton Inn & Suites
24 Hospitality Lane, Lamar, PA (570) 726-3939
LH Silver is the code word for the following special rates these rooms are blocked off until February 11th2017, rates will be honored after the deadline date if rooms are still available/ Hot continental breakfast included.Double bed rooms - $95.00 + tax
Officials: / If you are an official and would like to help officiate the swim meet
Please e-mail
Cost is $5 per individual event and Relays are $20 per relay ($5 per swimmer swimming on relay)
Silver District Championship Meet(Ages 9 and up) – Maximum of 4 individual event and 2 relays
Novice Championship Meet (8 and under)- Maximum of 3 individual and 1 relay event