Ramnarain et al.
Supplementary Figure Legends
Figure 1
A, the relative levels of PDGFR in RIP1 knockout mouse embryo fibroblasts compared to wild type cells. Cell lysates from early passage primary MEFs were subjected to Western blot analysis with PDGFR specific antibodies in the upper panel. The blot was stripped and re-probed with STAT3 to show protein loading control (lower panel). B. Reconstitution of RIP1 into RIP1-/- MEFs results in lowering of PDGFR levels. An adenovirus expressing RIP1 under the control of a Tet-off system was infected into MEFs for 48hours followed by Western blotting. Cells exposed to tetracycline do not express RIP1. C. the relative levels of IGF-IR in RIP1 knockout mouse embryo fibroblasts compared to wild type cells. D. levels of IGF-IR in reconstituted cells. E. the relative levels of FGFR3 in RIP1 knockout mouse embryo fibroblasts compared to wild type cells. F. levels of FGFR3 in reconstituted cells.
Figure 2
A. IKKγ/NEMO fails to inhibit the EGFR promoter (pER1-LUC). In this experiment 293 cells were transfected with pER1-LUC along with empty vector (0) or Myc tagged IKKγ/NEMO as shown followed by luciferase assays. B. The same concentration of IKKγ/NEMO completely inhibits TNFα induced activation of a NF-B-Luc promoter demonstrating functional activity of overexpressed IKKγ/NEMO. TNFα was used at a concentration of 50ng/ml for 6 hours. A renilla luciferase construct was used an internal control. Error bars represent SEM of triplicate determinations. The Western blots show expression of Myc tagged IKKγ/NEMO or protein loading (ERK2).
Figure 3
Legend is included with the figure.
Figure 4
Demonstrates expression of FLAG-tagged RIP1 wild type or mutants in 293 cells. This Western blotwas conducted in parallel with the reporter assay shown in Figure 5 E and probed with a FLAG antibody (from Cell Signaling Technology). No signal is detected in the vector transfected lane. DDD: deletion of death domain, DKD: deletion of kinase domain, DID: deletion of intermediate domain. There is a robust expression of the DDD mutant but it fails to suppress Sp1-LUC activity as seen in Figure 5E.