College and Career CompetencyInstructional Plan: Self-Efficacy Example

Name:Example School:Example

e.g., Biology 1, counseling, advisory / Biology
e.g., grade level(s) / 10th grade
Competency Name & Essential Components / Self-Efficacy
  1. Ability can grow with effort.
  2. Believe in your ability.

Why do you want students to get better at this competency? What do you want to improve through your instruction on this competency? Be specific (e.g., assignments submitted on time, better understanding of content, increased engagement in class discussions, students’ increased confidence in content). / Students with high self-efficacy will engage more, work harder, and persist longer when they encounter difficulties. Students will be able to recognize and discuss the self-efficacious behaviors demonstrated by scientists who persisted despite facing setbacks. Students will practice self-efficacy by rating their belief in their ability to learn content at the start of class and completing journal entries at the end of class to reflect on and identify how their neural pathways were strengthened.
Initial Instruction (I do)
Howwill you teach the essential components of the competency (e.g., model by giving examples, brainstorm strategies around components)? How will students understand their strengths and areas for growth related to competency components (e.g., give competency questionnaire and facilitate student reflection)? / While teaching content on the nervous system, tell students that over the next several weeks, we are going to be working on self-efficacy, an intrapersonal competency that helps with success in high school, college, and at work. Administer the self-efficacyquestionnairedisplay the self-efficacy poster. Point out that there are two essential components, orkey points, of self-efficacy: 1)ability grows with effort, and 2)believe in your ability.
(Essential Component #1) Review previous content on neurons and teach how neurons work in the brain(i.e., learning occurs when neural pathways are formed and strengthened).Show the growth mindset vs fixed mindset chart, then talk about how neural development and the concept of growth mindset are related.
(Essential Component #2) Discuss the idea that self-efficacy also encompasses a belief in your ability. Provide examples from science of:a) how important belief in ability is for science to advance and b) the fact that so many examples of scientific progress occurred only after facing setbacks (e.g., Edison, Einstein, etc.). Ask students to reflect on their current level of self-efficacy with science and this unit in particular.
Practice with Feedback (We do and You do)
How will students practice the competency components over time during your class? How will you provide feedback on students’ demonstration of competency components? / Go over the results of the self-efficacy questionnaire, how to interpret individual results, and also display class results. Each day of the unit, give three examples of either a growth mindset or a fixed mindset and discuss if the statement represents a belief that creates more neural connections (growth) or produces limited/weak neural pathways (fixed). At the beginning of class ask students to rate their belief in their ability to learn today’s content.
At the end of class have students write a short reflection: how did my neural pathways become stronger today? During a brief group discussion, provide feedback on how the class’s knowledge of the nervous system has grown with effort.Have students check in each week to reflect on any changes to their self-efficacy in science and this unit, and include evidence of successes that have contributed to the change. Provide one-on-one feedback to all students on their reflection log.
Outside of instruction, how will you recognize and reinforce students’ demonstration of the components? / At the end of the unit, have students reflect on how their self-efficacy became stronger in relation to their understanding of the nervous system. Use the same process as other units are studied.
Materials and Resources
What materials and resources will you access or create to develop this competency? / Self-efficacy
Fixed vs growth mindset chart:
Examples of scientific “failures before success”: and others
Self-efficacy questionnaire:
Plan Addresses: All components Ongoing instruction Feedback to students Opportunities to demonstrate

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