Chester Road, Woodford, Stockport, Cheshire. SK7 1PS Registered Charity No. 520141

Tel 0161 439 1651 email: www.woodfordcom.com You may complete this form online (just tab your way through it), save it to your computer for your own records, then print it out, sign it and send it to us along with your deposit cheque. This is by no means obligatory, but if you have saved this form to your computer it would help us enormously if you emailed it to us as an attachment as well, then we know to expect your payment in the post and confirm your booking. Thank you.

We fully appreciate that, at the time of initial booking you will not necessarily know the answer to all the questions below. That said any item marked with * denotes a required reply in the first instance. WWMCC aim to have a meeting with yourselves approximately 6 weeks prior to your event in order to deal with any queries either you or WWMCC may have.

* Name of Hirer (the “Responsible Person”)

* Address

* Postcode

* Tel. No. * email

* Date(s) of hire

* Numbers attending event * Number of any extra evening guests


The hire of the Centre for a Saturday wedding reception is as follows:

The Large Hall will be available from 2pm on the Friday afternoon so that you may dress the hall. The whole Centre is available from 8am Saturday morning through to Sunday 1pm.

Will you be using a professional event organiser? Yes No

Name of event organiser Tel. No. email

Will you be using a venue dresser? Yes No

Name of venue dresser Tel. No. email

* Do you require the Small Hall for a civil ceremony? Yes No

If yes, what time will your ceremony take place?

How many guests will be attending the ceremony?

Will you be having chair covers? Yes No

Will you be installing marquee linings in the Small Hall? Yes No

Will you be installing marquee linings in the Large Hall? Yes No

Will you be installing carpet on the floor of the Large Hall? Yes No


Please note that your caterer needs to know that the premises are protected by a height- restriction barrier and they will need to let us know their delivery / arrival times in order that we may lift the barrier. The same applies to any external suppliers that they may employ.

WWMCC requires your caterer to have cleared all their equipment from the premises by 1pm on the Sunday. Anything that is not removed will be placed outside and therefore entirely at their own risk. WWMCC needs to be able to clean down the kitchen ready for any Sunday evening / Monday morning hirers.

Will you be using external caterers? Yes No

Name of Caterer Tel. No. email


Do you require circular tables? If yes, how many do you require? Please note, circular tables will be charged at £5 per table in addition to the quoted room hire fee.

Will you be having chair covers? Yes No

* Bar Service

Do you require a bar? Yes No

The bar is run by Cocktail Stars and their contact details are tel: 07979 558356 email.

All alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks must be purchased through Cocktail Stars and under no circumstances is it permitted to supply your own alcohol. Your guests will be able to pay by cash or credit / debit card for their drinks.


Will there be a disco / live band?

If you have checked the box, please give name, address and telephone number of who will be providing the disco / band. Thank you.

Name of DJ Tel. No. email

Name of Band Tel. No. email

I hereby confirm that I understand and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions of Hire, as laid down by Woodford Community Centre Committee, a copy of which has been provided to me as the “Responsible Person”.

Signed …………………………………….. Date ………………………………….

Please note that this form acts as confirmation of booking and until we receive this form along with the deposit your booking is not secured.

A deposit of £150.00 is required to be paid with this booking form. WWMCC will invoice you for the balance which is due one month prior to date of hire. Please make cheques payable to Woodford Community Centre or WWMCC.

If you wish to pay by BACS our details are as follows:

Woodford Community Centre 20-82-14 70053716. If you do choose to pay by BACS please

send us an email stating that you have paid by BACS and when you paid. Thank you.