Committee Meeting Tuesday 1 August 2017 at 7:00 pm at Chipstead Valley Surgery, Coulsdon.
Jeff Cunliffe (JC) - Chair / Nick Connell-Wynne (NCW)Tony Hazeldine (TH) – Deputy Chair / Kate Connell-Wynne (KCW)
Karen Nash (KN) / Louise Weeks-Greener (LWG)
Diane Koupepides (DK) / Mark Gardiner (MG) - Secretary
Stella Stocker (SS) / Valerie Marsh (VM)
Apologies for Absence:Kaleem Khan (KK); Jeannine Newham (JN); DennisNewland (DN).
KN, new Practice Manager, was introduced.
Minutes of Last Meeting:(15 May): Approved.
Matters Arising from Minutes: None noted.
Practice Update: -
- Telephone – reinstatement of queuing system: feedback to Kes Howe (KH) was that patients had found the queuing system annoying and recommended it not be reinstated, which was contrary to experiences & opinion of the Committee. KN advised the whole procedure was being reviewed and were looking to change the messages to include a GP advising on (for example) availability of GP Hubs; TH asked that any messages be made clear & concise. MG suggested an on-line survey – KN / LWG to review with KH. Receptionists receiving signposting training to direct patients to external resources (e.g. pharmacists) – triage system being congested with non-urgent calls. Following NHS / CCG guidelines looking to restrict number of options to: appointments; repeat prescriptions; any other referrals; test results. Engineers due in next week – KN to discuss queuing options. VM commented that KH did not return calls left on system for IT manager.
- Smoking questionnaire on sign-in screen at Purley – comments that it had caused queues but GPs prefer it remains & requires completion – KN explained that it was part of CQC and Practice receives funds annually based upon the results. VM asked why it was not being offered at Coulsdon – not known. Responses were not anonymous but linked to patients’ records and would only be put once a year. KN would prefer a second touch-screen be available for this & other surveys.
- Text reminders of appointments are sent immediately one is made and a follow-up sent 24 hours prior to appointment. Back-up completed daily.
- Repeat prescriptions on-line – issue of early requests being rejected was with KH for resolution. VM had spoken to Deborah Roberts (DR) who had resolved problem with wrong medication being issued. No response is sent until the prescription is completed – KN to check response options. JC commented he had received a hard-copy prescription when ordered on-line. SS praised work of Mary on prescriptions. Not available on-line: acute medication; medication requiring review; pasthistory.
- 26% of Practice patients now on-line.
- Blood tests: JC receives regular requests for blood tests but not the reasons why, the letters & forms not being sufficiently informative. LWG explained standard formats used as approx. 150 were issued manually on weekly basis.
- Flu clinics: KN advised these would be held at both surgeries on 23 & 30 September and 14 October. Sessions reduced from five to three due to overtime costs; more midweek vaccinations will be completed using nurses & phlebotomists with additional staff at both locations. National target was 75% of targeted patients – last year Practice achieved 50%. This was put down to lack of national advertising campaign. CCG pushing patient education & self-help. Question of how many flu cases had occurred last year; KN to look into if time allows.
- KN commented that, as with other practices, Woodcote Medical needs more GPs – and allows more GP appointments. Use of nurse practitioners being advanced but required patient education that not always necessary to see a GP; also more direct referrals to pharmacists. TH asked if PPG can help with patient education; KN had seen PPGs work alongside HCAs in other practices.
- Recruitment: interviews had been completed and an offer made, but declined by prospective GP found a position at another surgery. One applicant was quite interesting.
- Noted whiteboard at Purley was not being updated with waiting times.
- Practice is not allowed to promote responses or leave feedback on behalf of others on NHS Choices. GPs are handing out flyers for patients to report if they had received a good service. Suggested PPG could push this at public meetings; KN looking at large posters in surgeries and in the newsletter.
Survey Monkey Questionnaire Review
104 responses but restricted to 100 for analysis to avoid payment (free for 10 questions or less and analysis of no more than 100 responses).
68% of respondents knew the PPG existed, but 68% did not know how to contact us!
Good / Average response regarding ability to get through to the surgeries – 80% reported a wait of 5 to 30 minutes.
On availability of a television showing a news channel: 48% in favour; 21% against; 18% preferred a quiet waiting room. (Note: this would require a TV licence.)
GP Hubs – most patients not aware they existed – open 8am to 8pm – dial 111 first!
PPG Awareness Week
NH Choices: Cumbersome procedure – all comments had to be reviewed by NHS England and an e-mail sent back to respondents asking for confirmation of comments. Delays reported in process; not easy and obvious how to leave comments; and how comments are vetted before publishing. Question over whether it can be specific to a named individual. Very different to Friends & Family.
JC attended PPG Network meeting in Croydon and suggested this really required better organisation with earlier planning & scheduling, and to avoid many useful & keen persons not being utilised. As a result did not attend the next meeting.
JC confirmed the PPG was a member of NAPP; DR had arranged payment of subscription fee.
Agreed we need to discuss this in more detail for next year.
KN suggested PPG awareness in libraries with blood pressure checks by HCA accompanied by committee member.
Advance Planning for Next Public Meeting
KWC liaising with LWG. No response yet received from GPs on a specific cancer subject. Committee suggested what signs to look out for to catch cancer early, and what support was available for patients. Suggested Dr. Butt would be a good choice to front meeting for the Practice; LWG to confirm.
DR can generate e-mail from PPG address listing.
Any Other Business
KN intends attending attending future meetings – LWG to remain as Practice’s PPG contact. KK will be invited but attendance not mandatory.
Date of Next Meeting: To be held in Purley in early November. JC to suggest dates. LWG wishes to take a photo with all the committee.
- A&E = Accident & Emergency
- CAMHS = Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- CCG = Clinical Commissioning Group
- CQC = Care Quality Commission
- CReSS = Croydon Referral Support Service
- DNA = Did Not Attend (missed appointment)
- GP = General Practitioner
- NAPP = National Association for Patient Participation
- PMN = Post Meeting Note
- PPG = Patient Participation Group