DISCLOSURE STATEMENT - 8th Grade Math Mrs. Wiese 2016-2017
T.H. Bell Jr. High – (801)452-4600 email: blog: http://blog.wsd.net/shwiese/
· Be on time, on task & prepared to WORK HARD everyday
· RESPECT the teacher, classroom, and other students
· BE RESPONSIBLE for your own learning
· Keep all personal electronics PUT AWAY!
GRADING: Assessments of Learning Targets (LT):
§ Tests and quizzes make up 90% of grade
· Each unit/chapter is divided into several Learning Targets/Learning Goals.
· A student’s proficiency of Learning Targets will be evaluated using the following 4 point rubric:
Mastery(Exceeds Basic Expectations) / Developing
(Meets Basic Expectations) / Emerging (Approaching Expectations) / Beginning
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Consistently demonstrates 100% mastery of the LT. / Usually demonstrates 100% mastery of the LT. / Occasionally demonstrates 100% mastery of the LT
(Inconsistent). / Demonstrates major components of the LT, but no mastery. / Did not demonstrate the LT.
· Points from all tests, quizzes, and assignments throughout the quarter will be totaled and assigned a letter grade based on the following minimum percentages:
85% = A; 70% = B; 55% = C; 40% = D; <40% = F
· Homework/Assignments –
o Homework/Assignments makes up 10% of a student’s grade.
o Daily practice and review of concepts are essential to a student’s progress and preparation for mastery of LT. Completing homework consistently and neatly is an essential skill that all math students need to develop and practice. Specific homework formatting will be discussed in class, and must be implemented. Students must attempt to complete ALL problems. All work must be shown and answers checked for full credit. The following rubric will be used to evaluate all homework assignments:
Mastery(Exceeds Basic Expectations) / Developing
(Meets Basic Expectations) / Emerging (Approaching Expectations) / Beginning
4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
On Time
All work shown / May be one/two days late
All work shown / May be more than 2 days late
Mostly complete
Some work missing / May be Very late
Less than half complete
Minimal work shown or answers only / Unprepared
No assignment
· Retakes/Late work/make up work:
· Tests/Quizzes: Students may take and retake tests from each quarter until the following dates:
· Quarter 1 – October 18
· Quarter 2 – January 5
· Quarter 3 – March 9
· Quarter 4 - May 16
· If you are absent: Check with Mrs. Wiese in person to see what you can do to learn/practice the concepts you missed (Special circumstances may be taken into consideration on an individual basis, at the discretion of the teacher).
ATTENDANCE – Good attendance is critical for academic success. I cannot stress this enough. Math concepts build upon one-another. When you are absent, you miss important instruction for assignments which makes it more difficult to understand the upcoming concepts. Parents, please help your student maintain good attendance to help them achieve success in Math.
CITIZENSHIP – Students will be given a citizenship mark each time they choose to act in a manner they know to be inappropriate or when they break a classroom rule or are tardy. If a student chooses to exercise poor citizenship for a substitute, he/she will receive an automatic N or U. Parents will be contacted when a student receives his/her 3rd citizenship mark.
0-2 marks/tardies = S 3-4 marks/tardies = N 5+ marks/tardies = U
A Tardy is defined as a student not in their seat when the tardy bell rings.
Cell Phone/Electronic Policy: If a student is caught using their cell phone during class without the teacher’s permission, he/she will receive the following consequences:
· 1st Offence – Device held by teacher until end of class/ given 1 citizenship mark
· 2nd Offence – Device held by teacher until end of school day and parent contacted/given 1 citizenship mark
· 3rd Offence – Device given to administration and parent contacted
PREPARATION AND MATERIALS: You will need the following EVERY DAY:
· Homework/assignments
· Pencil and eraser or a black/blue pen, Scientific Calculators are helpful (Mrs. Wiese has calculators in the classroom that students may use IN CLASS ONLY).
· Composition Notebook and Loose/Filler Notebook Paper. To be used only for Math.
· Math Book (must be covered)
PLEASE READ THE ONLINE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT FOR 8TH GRADE MATH ON MRS. WIESE’S BLOG http://blog.wsd.net/shwiese/ THEN FILL OUT THIS BOTTOM PORTION AND RETURN IT TO MRS. WIESE. Paper copies of the disclosure may be requested if needed.
Math8- Mrs. Wiese
To be completed by the STUDENT:
I have read and understand the rules and procedures outlined in this disclosure statement.
As a student, I agree to follow the rules and procedures outlined in this disclosure statement:
Student Name (print) ______Date______
Student Signature ______
Check the statement that applies to you (student):
______I have access to the internet and will check my grade and progress reports for this class on the portal https://myweber.esdinfo.net regularly.
______I will go the schools computer lab/media center to check my grade and progress reports for this class on the portal https://myweber.esdinfo.net regularly.
To be completed by a PARENT/GUARDIAN:
As a parent/guardian, I agree to help my student be responsible in following the outlined rules and procedures in this disclosure statement.
Guardian Name (print) ______Date______
Guardian Signature ______
Check the statement that applies to you (parent/guardian):
______I have access to the internet and will check the portal https://myweber.esdinfo.net regularly.
______I will have my child go to the schools computer lab/media center to check the portal https://myweber.esdinfo.net regularly.