2016 ISME Program

January 29-30, 2016 Annapolis, MD

“Women Serving in the Armed Forces: Shaping Modern Values and Beyond”

Loew’s Annapolis Hotel

Thursday 28 January

1800Meeting Registration and ReceptionSpinnaker/Mainsail Room


0800ISME RegistrationAtrium A

0845Welcome and Program Overview Ballroom

Richard Schoonhoven

0900Institutional Welcome: Col. Art Athens, USMCR (retired), Director, Stockdale Center of Ethics and Leadership, U.S. Naval Academy

0915-1015Keynote Address BGen Wilma Vaught, U.S. Army (retired)


1030-1500Concurrent sessions


Ballroom A
Attracting and Retaining Women in the Military
Joan Johnson-Freese on Women in the Non-Traditional Work Force
Stephen Kershnar on Statistical Discrimination at the Military Academies / Ballroom B
International Perspectives
Hugo Harvey on Women in the Chilean Army
Alain Fogue on Women and African Armed Forces / Ballroom C
Issues in Just War Theory
Jovana Davidovich on Expressivist Laws and the Moral Equality of Combatants
Jordi Rochelau on Compound Causes and Jus ad Bellum

1200Lunch break (no host)

1330-1500Concurrent Sessions

Ballroom A
Gender and Standards
Crystal Allen-Gunasekera on Gender Neutral Standards
Mark Jensen on Gender-Norming Standards / Ballroom B
International Perspectives
(European Nations)
Chair: Martin Cook
Antonia Oesterle on Women in the German Military
Magdalena Revue on Women in the French Military
Johan Ӧsterberg on the Swedish Perspective / Ballroom C
Case Studies
Marianne Waldrop on the USMC Women Generals
Ingrid Parker on Women Leaders in Iraqi Civil Society and US Women in Arms

1500 BreakAtrium

1515Walk from Hotel through USNA Visitors Gate (#1) to Memorial Hall

1530Ethics in the U.S. NavyUSNA Memorial Hall

Vice Admiral W. Ted Carter, Superintendent

1630Optional Tour of USNA grounds

1730-1830PT/Break (return to Loew’s Hotel)

1830-2030Annual ISME Reception and BanquetBallroom

Col. Linell A Letendre, Chair, Department of Law, USAF Academy

Saturday 30 January

0830RADM Jennifer Bennett, Canadian Defence ForceWindmill Point Room

0900-1800Concurrent Sessions


Windmill Point
Important Women Thinkers in the Just War Tradition
David Whetham on Christine de Pisan
Marc LiVecche on Jean Bethke Elshtain / Thomas Point
International Perspectives
(Commonwealth Nations)
Chair: Daniel Lagacé-Roy
Krystal Hachey, Rachael Bryson and Karen Davis on Military Culture, Gender Inclusion, and the Canadian Armed Forces
Donna Bridges (et al) on Women’s Integration into the Australian Defence Forces
Wendy DeLuca on Policy vs. Practice in the ADF / Point Lookout
Future Challenges in JWT
Randy Dipert on AI and Autonomous Systems
Stephen Coleman on the Militarization of Space

1030BreakWindmill Point Foyer


Windmill Point
Issues in the US Military
Chair: Connie Devilbiss
Ashley Schaad on Challenges to Career Progression for Servicewomen
Ashley Schaad and Haley Rugh on Service Members’ Views on Gender Integration / Thomas Point
International Perspectives
Col. Sheng Wei and LtCol. Hu Haitao, PLA Academy, on Women in the Chinese Military
Arundhati Battacharyya on Women in the Indian Military
Kate Maffey on Women in the Jordanian Military / Point Lookout
Historical Background
Graham Parsons onFamilies, Armies, and Early Modern Social Contract Theory
Craig Smith on Women in the American Revolution

1230-1400No-Host Lunch

ISME Board of Directors’ Lunch (TBA)

1400-1530Concurrent Sessions

Windmill Point
Moral Injury
Chair: Rebecca Johnson
Shannon French and Tony Jack on Cognitive Dissonance and Warrior Moral Injury
James Beneda on Traumatic Experience and Moral Injury / Thomas Point
Alternative Conceptualizations
Erik Wingrove-Haugland on the Ethics of Care
Nikki Coleman on Military Personnel as Super Citizens and Super Heroes / Point Lookout
Challenges Facing Women
Jeni Hunniecutt on the Archetypal Female Soldier
Jill Rough on Integrating Military Moms

1530BreakWindmill Point Foyer

1600-1730Concurrent Sessions

Windmill Point
Issues in the US Military
Brian Estes and Rachel Gaddes on SHARP
Rachel Holzwart and Rachel Gaddes on Social Media and Servicewomen / Thomas Point
Leadership Challenges
Chair: Connie Brownson
Brett Weigle and Charles Allen on the Bathsheba Syndrome
Dave Barnes and Pauline Shanks Kaurin on “Lying to Ourselves” / Point Lookout
Contemporary Military/Political Issues
John Lango on Just War Theory, Force Short of War, and Escalation to War: The Case of the Islamic State
Michael Growden on Women and Selective Service

1745-1830ISME Annual Business Meeting/AdjournmentWindmill Point Room

1830No-Host Dinner in Colonial Annapolis