2014 – 2015
Scholarships & Awards
Serving Members to Better Serve Customers
Revised June, 2014
This Scholarships and Awards Manual has been developed for chapter leaders. It summarizes the scholarships and awards available to members of the Florida School Nutrition Association (FSNA) as well as the School Nutrition Association (SNA). This manual is intended to provide an easy reference resource and assist chapters in promoting members involvement and participation in various association scholarship and award programs.
Welcome to the FSNA Scholarships and Awards Manual. Each year, FSNA and its members seek to honor, through its Awards Program, those who have rendered distinguished service and accomplishments. In this program, standards of performance are exemplified and rendered visible, aspirations may be symbolized and reinforced, and the values and historic achievements of the child nutrition and school food service industry are given public recognition. In honoring these models of excellence in our field, we honor our own commitments and hopes.
This Manual summarizes existing policies and procedures governing the scholarships and awards under the auspices of the Florida School Nutrition Association. These principles and practices are the outcome of several decades of experience, reflection, and discussion at all levels of the Association. This Manual is intended to serve as a reference for FSNA, the FSNA Executive Board, the FSNA Scholarships & Awards Committee, Chapter Award Selection Committees, as well as interested members of the Association.
Even if you have submitted an award in the past, do not start until you have read the General Information and Procedures, Award Application Process. This is important in making sure you are following the criteria required for the award process and they may have changed from the previous year.
Please note, no application can be cut and/or altered in anyway. All letters of recommendations should have original signed signatures (not typed). All judging sheets will be given to members in a sealed envelope taped to the back of their Awards Book.
All applicants for awards and/or service awards must be a current member of FSNA as of January 1st of the current year to apply. Scholarships and Awards Committee members may not apply for awards, with the exception of scholarships and service awards. A copy of your membership card must be included with each application. If you have lost or misplaced your card, you must contact SNA and/or FSNA in advance of submitting your application to receive verification of membership.
Awards Committee
FSNA established a Committee for Scholarships and Awards, composed of up to seven active members, including the chair, which are appointed by the President plus a FSNA representative. Committee members are appointed for a period of three (3) years by the President and subject to the approval of the Executive Board. The President works to get representation on Board from one (1) of each of the seven (7) FSNA Regions.
The FSNA Scholarships and Awards Committee is responsible for the administration of awards presented by FSNA. It shall act on behalf of the FSNA to approve applications and nominations for FSNA scholarships and awards.
In April 2013, the FSNA Board Approved the following: Members of the Scholarships and Awards Committee, including the Committee Chair, are eligible to apply for and be nominated for any FSNA or SNA scholarships, grants and awards for which they meet the criteria. Scholarship and Awards Committee members who apply for and/or are nominated for a scholarship, grant or award are not allowed to participate in the judging of any of the scholarship, grant or award entries in the category for which they have applied and/or been nominated. The committee member is required to recuse herself or himself from the judging of that category and to leave the room while the entries for that category are being judged.
The remaining judges are not to discuss the entries, the judging nor the outcome of the judging of that category with the committee member who applied for and/or had been nominated for that category.
FSNA awards are presented at the Annual Conference. Awards are dependent upon the category applied or nominated for and generally include one or more of the following: a framed, matted certificate; medallion; ribbon; or possible monetary award.
Award Application Process
FSNA award applications, guidelines, and requirements vary for each award. Carefully review each award and its requirements asking the following questions before you start the project:
· Do I have the school and district support to conduct a project to meet the award criteria?
· Do I have the funds that may be necessary to conduct such a project?
· Will the students and the school food service program benefit from such a project?
· Will participation in the school food service program increase after the project?
· Will the project include all students in the school site or just a certain age/grade level?
· Will the project objective be easy to get the required documentation?
· Can a school center apply for the award or can only an individual apply for it?
· What is the award timeframe: this academic year or last year?
· Does the person completing the award entry need to be a certified member?
· What is the award deadline?
· More importantly, will everyone involved have fun and learn at least one thing benefiting the child nutrition industry?
Once the previous questions have been answered, develop a project objective. In this process, determine who you can turn to for assistance:
· Principal and School Administration
· Food & Nutrition Services District Office Staff members
· Food & Nutrition Services staff members
· Students
· Teachers
· Parents
· Community Members
· Business Partners
After the project has been completed, ask the following questions:
· Was the project objective achieved?
· Did the project objective meet the award criteria?
· Was the entire award criteria achieved?
When putting the award entry together, ask the following questions:
· Do I have this year’s award application form?
· What size folder/binder will be accepted for the award entry?
· Is there a page limitation on the pieces of documentation for the award?
· When is the award due?
· Who is the award sent to?
· Is the award neatly bound in a 1” or less folder/binder?
· Does the award entry folder/binder cover have the name of the award, your name, school name, county/chapter name and region?
· Did you include a current copy of your membership card and, if necessary, certification card?
· Have you reviewed the award checklist to make sure that all the necessary information has been included?
· Has someone checked spelling and grammar?
Please leave yourself enough time for doing the project, gathering necessary documentation, and putting the award together for it to arrive to the necessary destination on time. It is always a good idea to plan to have the award sent at least one (1) to two (2) weeks before the deadline.
Before submitting your award for judging, have someone else proof read the award entry for content and spelling/grammar. Also, don’t forget to have the required signatures on the entry form prior to submitting the entry. You will be disqualified if the required signatures are not completed.
A specific topic can be submitted for only one (1) award. Award entries are judged based on the award criteria and back up documentation only. Decorative covers and graphics both inside and outside the entry will not be judged.
All documentation must be specific and marked to indicate what it is being used to backup. The documentation should be organized in the awards application pattern and labeled if possible. Please do not send loose papers. Divider tabs may be utilized to identify each section in the folder/binder, when applicable. You will be disqualified if award requirements and guidelines are not followed.
Award Terminology
AC - refers to FSNA Annual Conference
ANC - refers to the SNA Annual National Conference.
Cover page - the award entry folder/binder front cover listing the name of the award, applicants name, school, and county/chapter name.
Format – means to assemble the 1” or less folder/binder in the same order as the award application.
FSNA - refers to the Florida School Nutrition Association (formerly known as FSFSA, Florida School Food Service Association).
SNA - refers to the School Nutrition Association (formerly known as ASFSA, American School Food Service Association).
If in doubt . . . call Mary Jane Dunlop, FSNA S&A Chair
Maggie Green, FSNA President Mary Jane Dunlop FSNA S & A Chair Cathy Reed, FSNA PP&L Co-Chair
Dade County SD Santa Rosa County SFS Leon County SD
1151 SW 123 Avenue Bldg. #35 6544 Firehouse Road 3028 Dickinson, Dr.
Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 Milton, FL 32570 Tallahassee, FL 32311
Work: 786-275-0438 Home/Cell: (850) 554-9128 (850) 922-4220
Work: (850)983-5140 ext. 108
Sarah Brooks FSNA Headquarters Jud Crane, FSNA PP&L Co-Chair
FSNA Silver Circle Chair 124 Salem Court Santa Rosa County SFS
PO Box 286 Tallahassee, FL 32301 6544 Firehouse Road
Lecanto, FL 34460 (888) 878-1832 Milton, FL 32570
(352) 476-4880 (850) 983-5130
Contact Mary Jane Dunlop or Fran Gilbert to request any further detailed information about FSNA awards and scholarships. You may download applications directly from FSNA’s website (www.floridaschoolnutrition.org). They are provided in Word format and are downloadable onto a personal computer.
School Nutrition Association 2014 – 2015 Award and Scholarship
For further information/applications (for SNA awards you must use SNA’s applications), call SNA’s Service Center at 1-800-877-8822 or email .
You can also find SNA 2014-2015 Award and Scholarship document in a pdf format on the SNA website www.schoolnutrition.org.