Women’s Council of Realtors Board Meeting
101 Bullitt Lane, Ste 110
February 6, 2018
- Call to Order – Bonnie Mays at 1:00 PM
- All Board Members were present at meeting.
- Approval of JanuaryBoard Meeting Minutes Florence Browne motioned to approved and Melissa Doggett2nd motion Approved.
- Financial Report – Beth Rojas, Treasurer
January Financial Report was reviewed and approved by Florence Browne.
- The subject on Authorized Signatures was discussed on what amount will be ok without having both signatures required on check.
- Total Balance as of January 31, 2018 was 35, 794.15.
- Bonnie, President expressed the importance of Board Members to understand the monthly Financial Report.
- Board members discussed the possibility of buying Software for Financial Reports. This matter will be pending until consulting with Accountant.
- During the meeting Membership dues and Distriution of Money was discussed for purpose of Fashion Show.
- Travel to Conventions will change to give the opportunity to other Board members to attend other than just President and President Elect.
- Florence Browne, President Elect will be attending the Leadership Convention in Chicago.
- Bonnie encourages boosting the appearance for WCR on Facebook to Realtors with information on WCR events.
- Sharon Kilpatrick reviewed Membersip and notified that there are 11 Strategic Partners approved. Still need to follow up with several potential partners to join , renew and upgrade.
- It was decided that $250 Members do not need to be GLAR Affiliates.
- Sharon Kilpatrick motion to renew previous Strategic Partners without having to get approved. Beth Rojar 2nd the motion.
- As of 2/6/18 GlAR hasn’t approved CE Credit for Guest Speakers. Item still pending.
- WCR next event will take place on February 15th. Preparations for event and activities were discussed during meeting.
- Everbrite has been used for signing up for WCR events. There are additional options now when signing up for the different levels on purchasing ticket categories using Professional Everbrite at higher cost but more accurate and helpful.
- Motion to increase level and use Professional Events on Everbrite was approved by the Board.
- Progress Report for Fashion Show was presented by Karen Bhatt, Laura Wessel and Barb Jefferies.
- Motion that WCR purchase a medium size Bingo Drum to be used for different events.
- Motion that WCR purchase a backdrop with WCR logo to be used for photo ops and backdrop for different WCR events.
- Bonnie motion to put this motions on hold until next Fashion Show meeting scheduled for February 8, 2018 at 3:00pm , Sharon Kipatrick 2nd motion and Board members all in favor.
- Business Expo was discussed and Board members voted in favor of not having it this year but to possibly replace it with another event. It was proposed to put toghether a proposal and budget to discuss tentative Dance.
- Next Board meeting will be on March 6, 2018 at 1:00 pm at Greater Louisville Association of Realtors Conference Room.
Bonnie made Motion to adjorn, Florence 2nd
Meeting adjorned at 2:44 pm
FebruaryApproved Motions by Board
- On February 2, 2018 Sharon Kilpratrick Motioned to approve
Century Mortgage – Gold Strategic Partener
Ollie Brown Second the motion
- On February 2018 Sharon Kilpatrick Motioned to approve
Borders and Borders - Gold Strategic Partner
Forence Browne Second the Motion
- On February 9, 2018 A request was made to makea motion
to approve Sponsering an Ethics class in September 2018 at the cost of $400 and class will be free for attendees. Money to be moved from the budget from Bus used to Frankfort.
Ollie Brown Second the motion
Mailing Address: Greater Louisville Assoc. of Realtors, Attn:WCR,
6300 Dutchman’s Pkwy., Louisville, KY 40205