Women’s Bureau 2016 Empowerment Awards

The mission of the Women’s Bureau is: Advancing women through advocacy, education and economic empowerment.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson

In celebration of 40 years of operation, The Women’s Bureau is recognizing 40 individuals and/or organizations for their drive and success in empowering women and girls in the community.We will be recognizing those who are making strides by giving of themselves in time, resources, or leadership.The three categories for which we are soliciting nominees are as follows:Advocacy, Education and Economic Empowerment

The nominees must be active or have been active in the Fort Wayne community.They must have accomplishments that demonstrate leadership and a giving of themselves to the success of others.They need not belong to any particular organization.

Nominees may include anyone 16 years of age or older who has made a significant contribution in one of the areas listed above.All nominations must be received by: April 6, 2016 and submitted to the Women’s Bureau C/O 2016 Empowerment Awards at 2417 Fairfield Ave Fort Wayne, IN 46804 or via the website.

We highly encourage reviewing the demographic details with the nominee to ensure accuracy.We enjoy your stories and letters!We have kept the submission form short- and encourage you to provide letters of endorsement and share stories that speak to the nominee’s contributions and spirit.Nominations will be reviewed by a diverse panel of members of the community.The 40 entities selected will be featured in the program and the winners in each category will be honored at the Spring Anniversary event on May 4, 2016 at the Mirro Center, 11:30 – 1:00.

Women’s Bureau 2016 Empowerment Awards

Nomination Form

Name of Individual/Organization:

Email: Phone:

Category: Advocacy Education Economic


Email: Phone:

1: What inspired you to nominate this individual/organization (nonprofit or for profit)?

2: Describe three ways you have seen this individual/organization reach out to others?

3: Please provide two examples that speak to the results of this work?

4: What has been the impact of their efforts on others?

Please include any testimonials, letters of endorsement or stories that speak to this person’s creativity, perseverance, willingness to spend time or ability to lead, educate or motivate others.

We thank you for your time!