Dates: Februray 22nd-24th, 2017

Venue: Nyamico, Masaka Sector, Kicukiro District


From 22nd to 24th, 20 women from twambikane were trained in soap making by Isoko, with the support from Irina (Switzerland) and Rabagirana Ministries. The ladies could master very quickly the process of making soap and learn all the theories. They learnt how to manipulate dangerous material and turn them into useful products. The athmosphere of leaning was joyful. The trainer was very competent and knew how to teach people with very low education. He encouraged them to take confidence and at the same time, he gave them hope for a better future with increased income for their households. The day of closure, they brought their husbands to see for themsevles the ‘miracle soap’ and thus seek their support for marketing. The first soap was called ‘Irina’ to honor the young Swiss lady who has raised money to help the Nyamico women. Different speeches were given by local government leaders pledging to advertise for them, church leaders who promised to encourage members to buy their products and the community which felt proud of their work. The leader of Isoko promised to donate products free chemicals which can helpt them to produce 100 liters.


The gorup could make 27 solid soap, inlcuidng some mixed with aloe vera, which could deal with skin diseases, and some of different colours that you could use for bath or clearning. They also produced 30 litres of liquid soap, which they could use for cleaning or wash hands.

Way forwards

The ladies of Nyamico are working hard to find a small house in their community from which they will operate. They are also putting their contribution together to make the first bunch of soaps and which they will take to the local market. Ladies in he rural are more involved in the non-monetary activities in the family, which renders them vulnerable and very dependant. They are committed to break with dependency as they bring money in the family. The widows will be less of a prey to unscrupulous men in the community as they pay school fees and medical insurance for their kids. Glory be to God!