Synergy peer-reviewing form

Title of article:
Date at which the article was received by peer-reviewer:
Date at which the peer-review report was sent to the editor:
Name of peer-reviewer:

Compliance with publication criteria

Please take into consideration to what extent the reviewed article responds to the following questions.

Criteria / Excellent / Satisfactory / Unsatisfactory
1.Formal completeness
  • Does it have an abstract?
  • Are the keywords indicated?
  • Are there section headings and subheadings?
  • Is there a list of references?

2.Contribution to the field of research:
  • Is it relevant for the area of study?
  • Is it innovative and original for its field of research?

3.Title, keywords, abstract
  • Does the title respect the topic suggested?
  • Are the keywords suggestive for the logical demonstration of the article?
  • Does the abstract offer enough information regarding the article?

4.Content and overall organisation
  • Is there a clear, logical presentation of ideas?
  • Is there a clear structuring of the article into sections and subsections?
  • Are they organised in a logical manner and with clear links between the text parts?
  • Is the methodology clearly explained and closely followed?
  • Are conclusions/recommendations relevant for the research?
  • Are the bibliographical references relevant, sufficient and recent?

5.Language and style
  • Is it written in a clear, concise language?
  • Is the style appropriate for pulication?
  • Is the quality of linguistic expression (grammar, vocabulary, spelling) adequate?

6.Compliance with submission requirements
  • Does it respect the submission requirements in the guidelines for contributors (size, font, paragraphing, subheadings)?

7.Citation and referencing
  • Does it respect the citation and referencing requirements?
  • Are all the authors cited / all the titles referred to in the text included in the bibliography list?


  • Are there parts of the article or the article as a whole copied from other sources or do you suspect they can be found in other sources?
  • Do you suspect that the article or parts of it have been published previously in other journals/volumes/on line sources, etc.?

Acceptance of the article for publication based on the publication criteria

Please check one of the boxes below and suggest changes as necessary:

Peer-reviewer’s recommendation

/ Suggestions for revision
Acceptance without revision
Acceptance with minor changes
Aceptance with major changes

Comments regarding meeting the criteria for the editorial board (they are confidential and will not be seen by the author(s)):



Name of peer-reviewerSignatureDate