Gender – Nation – Emancipation.
Women and Families in the ‘long’ Nineteenth Century in Italy and Germany
Workshop in the framework of an international network of scholars, funded by the DFG, in collaboration with the “Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft des Leo Baeck Instituts”
LMU Munich, Historicum, 17-18 April 2015,
K 001
Friday 17 April
14:00 Opening Remarks –Ruth Nattermann and Anne-Laure Briatte-Peters
14:15 – 15:45
Constructing the Nation. Discourses on Family, Emancipation, and Education
Chair: Michael Brenner
Stefania Bernini (UNSW Australia, Sidney), Layers of Devotion: Creating family and nation in the “long” Nineteenth Century in Italy and Germany
Philipp Lenhard (LMU Munich), Contesting Jewish Androcentrism: Gender Aspects in the Frankfurt Circumcision Debate of 1844
Silvia Guetta (Università di Firenze), “Fare gli ebrei italiani”. The transformation of Jewish education models during the Emancipation Period in Italy
15:45 – 16:15 Break
16:15 – 17:45
Images and conceptions of Womanhood
Chair: Xosé M. Núñez Seixas
Giulia Frontoni(Georg-August-University Göttingen), Political Woman or Mother of the Nation? Ideals of Womanhood in the German and Italian Nationalism around 1848
Deborah Anna Brown(San Francisco State University)A Nation’s Strength in Mother’s Milk: The National Breastfeeding Campaign in Imperial Germany, 1871-1914
Anne-Laure Briatte-Peters (Paris-Sorbonne University), Endangering the institution of family? Emancipation and family in the radical women’s movement in Wilhelminian Germany (1890-1918)
18:15 – 19:15
Keynote Lecture
Moderation: Sylvia Schraut
Angelika Schaser(University of Hamburg),
Gender, Nation, and Emancipation in a German Perspective
Perry Willson(University of Dundee),
Feminism, Emancipationism, and Women’s Associationism. Historians and the Italian Women’s Movement 1880-1918
Saturday 18 April
9:30– 11:00
Chair: Margit Szöllösi-Janze
Women’s Emancipation Movements
Sylvia Schraut (Unibw Munich), The creation of tradition and religious denomination - the German women's movement (1900-1933)
Magdalena Gehring (TU Dresden), The reception of the American women’s movement in Germany. Early contacts between the German and American movements in the 19th Century
Ruth Nattermann(LMU Munich), “Le emancipate”? Jewish women in the Italian women’s movement
11:00 – 11:30 Break
11:30 – 13:00
Female and religious identities in conflict
Chair: Paula-Irene Villa
Anna Seitzer (University of Regensburg), Women‘s movement and sexual reform. Helene Stöcker and the “Bund für Mutterschutz und Sexualreform“
Liviana Gazzetta (Università di Venezia), Anti-Jewish and anti-feminist positions in the Italian Catholic women’s movement
Elena Mazzini (Università di Firenze), Emancipation and conversion: considering Italian Jewish converts in the light of new archival material (1900-1918)
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 16:00
Women and Families at War
Chair: Stefanie Schüler-Springorum
Andrea Sinn(University of California, Berkeley), Joining the German Home Front. Jewish Women and the First World War
Marie-Christin Lux(TU Berlin), Gender and the experience of war in the correspondences of French couples
Philipp Nielsen (Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development Berlin), Home-Front-Stories: Jewish (Self-)Representation in German War Time Photography
16:00 Ending of the official part of the workshop
16:00-16:30 Break
16:30-18:00Individual session of the working group on “Gender – Nation – Emancipation”: Preparation of the conference at the German Historical Institute in Rome(30 September-2 October 2015), formulation of the aims for future collaboration and publication