Please answer these questions in complete sentences. Each answer should be no less than 3 sentences.
- Why did Joe agree to take Andy’s case after first refusing to do so?
- How did the firm found out Andrew had AIDS?
- Were there subjects that were brought up in the trial that did not seem relevant to the main issue, which was why Andy was fired?
- Do people still have the same phobias and prejudices about individuals that have AIDS, as they did when the virus was first discovered? Is discrimination against people with AIDS as bad a problem now as it was a few years ago? What has changed people's feelings?
- How would the life of this man be if he was living now in the year 2010? Would he be fired from his company?
- What kind of treatment would he be receiving?
- How long would he be able to live with AIDS?
- What is Kaposi’s sarcoma? Is Kaposi's sarcoma a very usual disease in patients who have AIDS nowadays?
- Do you think that Andrew Beckett’s case against his former employer was justified?Please explain your answer.
- Do you think Andrew was discriminated against due to his homosexuality or because he had AIDS?
- If you owned a business, what, if any, actions would you take if one of your employees told you they were diagnosed with AIDS?
- What was your opinion of the disease AIDS before watching Philadelphia? Explain.
- Has your opinion of the disease AIDS changed after watching Philadelphia? Explain.
- Should people with fatal or contagious diseases tell their employers about their condition? Is there any occasion when we don’t have the right to remain silent about our sexuality? Explain your answer.
- What are your thoughts and feelings about persons with AIDS? Is your opinion different depending on if the person is heterosexual instead of homosexual? Explain your answer.
- If someone close to you, a friend or family member was suffering from HIV / AIDS, how would you want them to be treated? (Really think about this question.)
- Should it be illegal to discriminate against homosexuals? African-Americans? People with AIDS? Any ethnic, religious or linguistic minority? Is it illegal?
Additional Questions
Please answer each question in its entirety.
- What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
- Who is at risk for getting HIV?
- How long can people live with HIV or AIDs?
- Can I get a vaccine to prevent HIV infection or AIDS?
- Is there a cure for HIV or AIDS?
- How many people are living with HIV and AIDS?
- How is HIV spread from one person to another?
- Is it easy to get HIV?
- Does everyone who is exposed to HIV get infected?
- How is HIV spread during injection drug use?
- Can a woman who has HIV pass the virus to her baby?
- Can a person with HIV who is not sick or who has no symptoms pass HIV to someone else?
- Can I get HIV from a mosquito bite?
- When does a person with HIV infection have AIDS?
- How can health care workers and other at risk of on-the-job exposure reduce the risk of HIV infection and other bloodborne pathogens?