• Seite 1 von 3 des Schreibens vom 21.03.2016

Announcement of the 2nd LIBS inter-laboratory comparison

Dear colleagues,

the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany, has the pleasure to announce the 2nd International LIBS inter-laboratory comparison (ILC).

This international ILC will focus on the determination of selected analytes in a cast iron matrix, including some of the alloy/trace elements. Participants in the ILC will receive, free of charge, a set of calibrators all having certified contents of the analytes of interest, and three samples to be determined as unknowns.

Samples will be delivered with a comprehensive documentation enabling the setup for calibrations and recommendations for sample handling. It is assured that the calibration set covers the full range, for all analytes, of the unknowns to be determined.

No restrictions are made concerning the type-of-setup, equipment, wavelength ranges (other than those required by the kind-of-analyte selected), the pre-processing data routines, or theconstruction ofa model for determining the unknowns.

Documentation will be accompanied by a protocol requesting input of measured data for both the calibration und the unknowns’sets and basic information about the equipment and the data processing techniques used. Document and data transfer will be preferably in electronic format, but printed paper versions will also be accepted.

We cordially invite you to participate in this outstanding opportunityto demonstrate nowadays LIBS capabilities.

If you would like joining us in our attempt to make LIBS an even better analytical technique, please let us know your willingness to participate before

15 April 2016

by filling out and returning the participation form (Attachment A) within the period of validity.Shortly after, we will deliver both the samples and documentation.

Your participant’s application/ participation form and any inquiries concerning the ILC should be directed to:

Dr. Igor Gornushkin

Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, BAM

Richard-Willstätter-Straße 11

12489 Berlin

Telefon: +49 30 8104-1141

Fax: +49 30 8104-1147


Please take note of the legal provisions stated in the participant form (Attachment A) and in particularly that the participants allowing publication to the community of any findings with respect to LIBS performance.

The organisers

Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM)

Berlin, March 2016

Attachment A


Name of Institution:

We are interested to take part in the round robin test committed to 9th International Conference on LIBS Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France, September 12 - 16, 2016.

We are aware of the fact and we agree unconditionally, that all artefacts in any of their final form, and information about those; all documentations, protocols and instructions or recommendations for use are provided in good faith. No liability is accepted for any damage, deterioration, all circumstances occurring on any use or out-of-use of the materials provided. Any underlying decisions based on measurement values obtained from the above mentioned artefacts are to discretion and the sole responsibility of the participant/ user.

We are aware of the fact and we agree unconditionally, that the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), reserves its rights to use all of the results of the LIBS ILC 2016 for publicationsand especially to use results of the test for publications in open scientific journals, scientific reports, or domestic and international conferences. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the BAM guarantees the full anonymity of test participants and non-disclosure of data origin without a prior permission from test participants.

Test Participant


(Signature, date)