Clerk to the Council

Caroline Freer

Bridgford End

127 Trowley Hill Road phone: 01582 841346

Flamstead e mail:

Herts AL3 8DS website: www.flamsteadpc.org.uk



Number: 2011/3

PRESENT: Clrs: Killen, Gibson, Taunton, Wright, Cadman, McCurdy, Fountain

Also present: Clerk- Caroline Freer, David Lloyd, Barry Bines, Pandora Abel Smith



DECLARATION OF INTEREST ON AGENDA ITEMS: Pandora Abel Smith re plans for Green Lane Farm

CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLORS: Brief discussion on interview process and interviewees. It was agreed to co-opt Barry Bines and Pandora Abel Smith. All candidates were very strong and it was only an easy choice when the third candidate had to withdraw. Unanimous decision.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes having been previously circulated were agreed by all to be a true record (except for minor amendment).

POLICE REPORT: No report this month as yet as there has been a change of staff and the replacement are: PC Brian Evans and PCSO Gareth Jones. JT would like to know how committed they will be to the Ward. Clerk to seek assurance that a report will be forthcoming on a regular basis. It was noted that there had been some complaints about noise from the Three Blackbirds. Main disturbances are due to bad language, car radios. Those affected can use Nuisance Diary forms which can be obtained from DBC/licensing authority. Concern voiced about the horses that are kept tethered opposite the Three Blackbirds with no water. Also they cause an obstruction and foul the pavement. Action: Discuss with Police to find a solution. The contact number for non-emergency calls to the Police is now 101.

Clerk: Action: Contact Julie Still re involving Environmental Health.

MATTERS ARISING: School bus service: Discussed David Gibson’s report. The matter of the withdrawal of the school bus service from Sept 2012 will affect all children going to Harpenden schools from then. We need to find out how parents intend getting their children to school from Sep 2012. Action: DG to pursue commercial bus route to Harpenden. The Council is extremely disappointed at how late we have been informed of this consultation by HCC. In response we have emailed as many people as possible who may be affected. The Parish Council needs to have a strategy with Markyate PC. Councillor DL explained that the cut backs have to be made in order to cut costs imposed upon the County Council. The most obvious solution would be to use a commercial bus route, so the viability of such a route must be assessed. Numbers involved: From Flamstead: approx. 70-75 children; from Markyate: approx. 100 children.

DL said that there may be some form of subsidy which may entice a bus company to create the service. DG would like to have involvement from schools. HCC has a procurement team in place to help schools source bus transport.

Action: Initiate plan to alert all parents. PAS to remind Heather Thornton (Head of Flamstead School) and details to go in weekly newsletter on Wednesday 13th July. It is vital that parents voice their opinions and respond to the consultation. Set up Working Group: DG and PAS. Action: Compose letter to be circulated and sent prior to the deadline (15 Aug). Important to cooperate with Markyate – speak to Pat Bunyan (Chairman of MPC).

Chequers Hill: SM has drafted a letter which can be used as a template for residents’ letters to MP Mike Penning regarding the issue of the egress from Chequers Hill on to the A5. Suggestions for responses to Mike Penning are in the village shop. Invite Mike Penning to September meeting. There was a suggestion to widen the A5 to enable cars to pull out safely into the middle of the road. Land owner is in favour of giving up some land. DL said that there may not be any Highways money available for such works. It was agreed that MP Mike Penning should be approached with the suggestion to allow temporary traffic lights at the Chequers Hill/A5 junction for a limited time and to assess the effect of traffic flow. There is concern that traffic lights may result in a build-up of traffic coming through the village to gain easier access to the A5.

Recreation ground: Pitch Inspection was carried out by DG. The Parish Council has spent about £2,000 to date and careful consideration needs to be given to ensure any further expenditure is appropriate. It was decided that the Parish Council carry out the repair and painting of the lines; replace lost soil in centre of the top pitch, purchase a new pitch marker (cost £470 from DBC); agreed by all. DG recommends further slitting to assist soil drainage, (quotes to be obtained), soil replacement on lines (to be done by Majestic staff), and weed spraying (to be done by Warden), which will entail costs of about £2000. The youth football club has agreed to pay for the paint for the pitches, (adult, U15, and 2 mini pitches) a quote for which to be obtained from Chris Conley at DBC. David Lloyd suggested that DBC may have access to funding for recreation grounds and playgrounds. Purchase a padlock with code for overhead barrier Action: Warden to buy suitable one. Tennis Court – hole in surface, contact contractor for repair: Action: Clerk

Suggestions to enhance approaches to village: defer to Sept - DH


Rural Special Constable Richard Downes and PC Nigel Lacey arrived 9.20pm to further explain their role in rural policing and the possibility of funding assistance for their vehicle. The 4x4 is leased at cost of £211 per month plus fuel. Sufficient donations have been received to cover the vehicle for a year. Rural Specials are volunteers. There is good communication between the local Police teams regarding incidents such as suspicious vehicles, drugs, speeding, fly tipping etc in the area. In fact, PC Matt Cann suggested to the Three Blackbirds to make provision for the travellers’ horses to be tethered in their car park and to provide water. There has been a decrease in fly tipping in the lanes near Puddephats Farm, but an increase in Chad Lane. Where patrols are frequent, the incidents of fly tipping and other crimes are reduced. There has also been a reduction in suspicious cars seen cruising in that area. It was also noted that rural vehicles would be a great advantage in winter, as the 4x4s can operate in snow/muddy conditions. The Parish Council considered a contribution to the Rural Vehicle and it was felt that due to obvious benefits that Richard Downes was able to demonstrate, a contribution would be appropriate. However, JT made the point that the Parish Council should not be expected to provide for the vehicle in future and that the Police Authority should make provision for this in council tax. JT proposed £250, JF seconded, all agreed. Police left 9.45pm

YPC: Discussed continuation of Youth Parish Council. No evident support from the Raven network at Redbourn. The group requires a mentor – maybe use school facilities. PAS and JF interested in getting it going. Agreed to have bank mandate for YPC. Signatories: CF, PAS, and JF. Action: PAS/JF progress report in Sept.

1ST RESPONDERS: DL to fund balance for pulse oxy meter.

OIL BUYING SEMINAR – CC to attend Oxford seminar and report back in September.

COUNCIL TRAINING: PAS to go. £5 cheque to DBC

YOUTH PARISH AWARD FOR RAINBOWS: Trophy for Rainbows to be given at Village Show. Purchase new trophy up to £20, all agreed.

WARDEN: Tasks: weed killer on edge of pitch; covers on post holes; padlock for bar; trough – Spotted dog to sponsor flowers – Action: JF to make arrangements.

WAGON & HORSES: The Police have visited only once in the last 12 months. The licence can be reviewed if there are disturbances.

FINANCE MEETING – circulate notes and meet early Sept before PC meeting. Action: Clerk/HK



Decisions taken: None

New Applications: Ref: 4/01109/11/FHA - First floor front extension with dormer windows and replacement of flat roof with pitched roof to side (amended scheme) at Green Lane Farm: No objections

Ref: 4/01102/11/FUL – Painted render to replace brick façade at 15 and 17 Chapel Rd: No objections

Ref: 4/01002/11/ADV – Illuminated sign at Wagon and Horses, London Rd: Objection (full response on Planning Portal)


Nominate Tina Sauvage for Champion Award.

Letter from JL re village hall

Letter from Police Inspector giving details of replacement PC and PCSO for Watling Ward.

Meeting ended 10.30 pm

Chairman: Hilary Killen

Next meeting: 12 September 2011