(English version)

Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams

2015 Edition Climate Solutions

Summary of items to be submitted (please tick the box to confirm that you have submitted the items):

Commitment form for Teams and Team members

Authorization form for the communication and publication of information

Team overview and structure, highlighting the team's Franco-Chinese bi-cultural aspect

Project description showing its innovative aspects

Economic viability of the Project

Environmental and climatic impacts

Usefulness of the project in social and industrial terms

Annex: Detailed CV of Team members (optional)

Commitment form for Teams and Team members

I, the undersigned ......

(Surname and forenames,......

Date and place of birth) ......

Residing at ......

(Full mailing address) ......


Representing the Team ______[Name of Team]

am a candidate for the

Climate SolutionsR&D Award

Climate Solutions Innovative Product Award

Climate Solutions Initiative Award

of Franco-Chinese Teams

and agree to abide by all clauses in the Terms and Conditions of the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams.

Done in ...... on ...... 2015

Authorization form for the communication and publication of information

One form for each Team member must be completed, signed and returned with the application form

I, the undersigned ......

(Surname and forenames,......

Date and place of birth) ......

Residing at ......

(Full mailing address) ......


Member of Team ______[Name of Team]

am a candidate for the

Climate SolutionsR&D Award

Climate Solutions Innovative Product Award

Climate Solutions Initiative Award

of Franco-Chinese Teams

and authorize the Organizing Institution to publish all contacts, information and a non-confidential Project description, as indicated on my Team's application form, in any advertising media as part of the Innovation Awards for Franco-Chinese Teams.

Done in ...... on ...... 2015

Team overview and structure

Highlighting the team's Franco-Chinese bi-cultural aspect

Names and identities of team members as well as professional experience and skills that the Team and Team members possess

You are:

  1. The Team's French representative

Surname: ...... Forename(s)…......

Date and place of birth: ...... Sex: F _ M _

Nationality: ......

Home address:......

Telephone No.: ...... Mobile No.: ......

Email: ......


  1. The Team's Chinese representative

Surname: ...... Forename(s)…......

Date and place of birth: ...... Sex: F _ M _

Nationality: ......

Home address:......

Telephone No.: ...... Mobile No.: ......

Email: ......

You are:

A student


If you are employed, please specify:

Your current company: ......

Your position within the company :......

Education level:


_ Licence 1 _ Licence 2 _ Licence 3

_ Masters 1 _ Masters 2 _ Doctorate

_ Engineer _ Other (specify):…………......

  1. Composition of the Team

Please indicate for each member of the Team:

French members:

Surname: Forename(s): Age: Sex: F_ M_


Institution / Year / Course taken / Degree obtained (specify the grade) / Skills/knowledge acquired

(Reproduce the table as many times as there are French team members)

Chinese members:

Surname: Forename(s): Age: Sex: F_ M_


Institution / Year / Course taken / Degree obtained (specify the grade) / Skills/knowledge acquired

(Reproduce the table as many times as there are Chinese team members)

Members of another nationality (if applicable)

Surname: Forename(s): Age: Sex: F_ M_


Institution / Year / Course taken / Degree obtained (specify the grade) / Skills/knowledge acquired

(Reproduce the table as many times as there are team members of another nationality)

Structure that the Team is part of

Type of structure


Size of structure


Number of employees/researchers/students

Worldwide ......



Worldwide...... China......

Motivations and personal commitments of the Team and Team members

(Signature required)

Annex: detailed CVs of Team members (optional) (maximum of 1 page per CV)

Project description

(Innovative aspects)

(maximum of 3 pages of A4 in Word format, Arial 11)

You may also describe your Project in a one-minute video (Smartphone quality)

Economic viability of the Project

(maximum of 2 pages of A4 in Word format, Arial 11)

  • APPLICATIONS VISEES(1/2 page Word A4 – Arial 11)







  • Etudes à réaliser (technologique, d’organisation commerciale, financière, juridique…)(1/2 page Word A4 – Arial 11)













Environmental & climatic impacts

(maximum of 2 pages of A4 in Word format, Arial 11)

Evidence with precise figures, illustrating the stakes in the fight against climate change corresponding to the diffusion of innovation.

Usefulness of the project

(in social and industrial terms)

(maximum of 2 pages of A4 in Word format, Arial 11)