Minutes of the meeting held at the Memorial Hall on Monday 10th March 2014 at 7.30p.m
Present Councillors P. Farrant (in the chair)
Mrs M Bates, Mrs P. Byrne, M. Geddes,
D. Hopkins, Mrs J. Jeffreys, K. Temple
Clerk Mrs L. Stapleton
Apologies C. Cowmeadow & I. Macleod
161/14 Town Mayor’s Announcements
162/14 Declarations of Interest
a. Register of Interests: Councillors were reminded of the need to update their register of interests.
b. Personal interests: Cllr Hopkins in Planning report, due to his commitment on Milton Keynes Council. He will take no part in this discussion.
c. Pecuniary interests: None declared
Members of public present to speak.
1 Member of the press. Did not speak
163/14 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2014 had been circulated, approved and signed as a true record.
164/14 Progress Reports
a. Clerk
Woburn Sands Review. Bus Stops
Will proceed without consultation imminently Andrew Coleman
On Going
Insurance Claim WC
Notification that insurers are now making an additional claim against Danfo.
Meeting with Jamie Chalmers
Site inspection, took place and has passed on issues to various officers.
Highways Issues
Taylor Wimpey have agreed to put protection markings across the entrance to the Summerlin Centre
Downham Road Parking as an item on the agenda.
MKC will put white markings for the entrance to Costa Coffee soon.
No news on move or if going to Library. Residents are a little concerned and will put on web site where to write if concerned.
Dr Logan Retirement.
Summerlin booked for 14th June 10a.m. – 12 noon.
Items I am chasing with MKC
Railway Land Richard Proctor
Pedestrian Refuge Work has been approved by MKC and Mark Allen MKC
Taylor Wimpey to install very shortly Kevin Rixon TW
(chased and now informed that another person is responsible for this at TW)
b Halls
Clerk reported that she had received a cheque from Aspley Guise Charitable Foundation for £800, raised at their Christmas Lights event, as a donation towards the running costs of the Library. A repair had been carried out to rectify the smell of drains in the Summerlin kitchen, replacement waste pipe fitted to allow fall in pipework.
c. Environment
Cllr Temple reported that the Pot Holes on Station Road had still not been repaired. Those in Chapel Street had been repaired.
Cllr. Jeffreys reported that a small part the wall to the Swan had collapsed. Also the unevenness of the pavement around on the corner results in large puddles.
Glass was also on the road around the mini roundabout.
The Clerk will write to the Swan and report to MKC.
Cllr. Hopkins had spoken to Milton Keynes Council regarding the number of horse riders going through residential areas. MKC will speak to local stables.
d Police and Policing
No official news received regarding the closure of the Police Office or the use of the Library with 1 volunteer. Communication not good.
A letter will be sent to Head of Thames Valley Police.
e Edgewick
Meeting of the Friends had taken place, Spinney project progressing, Friends, agreed that a Memorial Seat could not be installed in the fields, and dog mess a concern.
The Clerk confirmed that the Memorial Seat will be installed along Footpath No. 8 with MKC permission.
f. Fulbrook School Governor / Observer
Cllr. Temple reported that that the Association will run for 1 year as a period of inactivity, holding meetings to meetings to comply with the constitution, in the meantime will try to raise more interest. AGM will be held April.
h. Folk Festival
The Chairman will be resigning on 18th March, suggested that sharing information with Christmas Fayre and contact Love WS for some help.
i. Christmas Fayre
Cllr. Farrant reported that Members will be meeting with the Clerk regarding lighting for this year.
j. East West Rail
Meeting later in the month.
165/14 Unitary Councillor Report.
Received from Cllr Hopkins and circulated to members of the Council. Reporting on the Friends of Parklands meeting with 70 attendees, raising a number of issues. Next meeting 18th May.
166/14 Planning Notification from Milton Keynes Council of the following applications
a 13/00243/FUL Demolition of existing single storey extension and
garage & erection of a part 2 storey and part single storey rear extension at:
3 Downham Rd. Mr S Humphrey
Object on the 2 storey element.
14/00244/FUL Conversion of stable/garage to annexe at:
28 Weathercock Lane Mr G. Marshall
No objection but request a condition that it does not become a separate annexe.
14/00316/FUL Change of use from offices (B1) to residential dwellings (C3) to provide 1 five bed dwelling and 3 2 bed flats, including external alterations, new access and parking arrangements, triple car port and double garage, gardens, bin stores and revisions to garage and store building approved 13/00245/FUL to provide 4 bay garaging to plots 5 and 6 with loft space at:
Sandy Mount McCann Homes
No objection providing landscape meets conservation officer requirements.
14/00258/NMA NMA planning permission 13/00245/FUL to amend
porch plots 1 & 2 and erect stone headers to Plots
3 – 6 at:
Sandy Mount McCann Homes
No comment
14/00253/FUL Part 2 storey, part single storey rear extension and
loft conversion at:
40 Theydon Avenue Mr B Spicer
No objection
b. Notification of Decisions made from Milton Keynes Council
5 High Street Permission Granted
150 Station Road Permission Granted
c. Parklands & SLA Update.
J. Robinson is chasing up S. 106 outstanding issues with phases 1, 2, and 3.
He will also investigate a possible use for Asplands in the Employment area.
It has come to light that there is a shortfall of local primary and Pre-School places.
Swallowfield School has enquired if any help to a multi-purpose building would be possible from education money from S.106. Maria Denny will ask for discussion with Central Beds. Then will meet with the Town Council.
d. Notification from Central Beds
Consultation on the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan Pre-Submission 2014.
No comment
e. Greens Site
Meeting requested with Connolly Homes regarding issues of the security of site and
building arrangements.
167/14 WS Neighbourhood Plan
Nil to report
168/14 Parish Forum Meeting
Cllr. Farrant will attend meeting to be held 13th March. Minutes received from meeting held 6th December.
169/14 Summerlin Fire Risk Assessment and Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment approved, not immediate issues to be resolved, Cllr. Temple did mention that the Health & Safety Policy should be looked at in case any changes need to be made.
170/14 Town Meeting 2014
To be held in Summerlin Centre 10th April 7.30p.m. Reports on Planning and Finance, Halls and Library and Neighbourhood Plan.
171/14 Downham Road Parking
To discuss lengthening double yellow lines as proposed by MKC. Letter regarding this had been sent to all residents of Downham Road, majority thought it a good idea but not, if not enforced.
Agreed to contact Milton Keynes Council regarding more enforcement in Woburn Sands especially early morning.
172/14 Notification of Urgent Decisions that have been made.
Library front door had to be repaired. Investigations underway to replace, Conservation officer would like doors to remain and repaired if possible, Check with Fire Officer if doors could open inward, and enquire if planning permission to replace will be required.
173/14 Selling Local Produce
Cllr Farrant reported that a meeting with MKC had taken place and they have advised where stalls could be situated, still no response from Estates. Agreed that it would be good to be run by the community and not just by the Town Council. Timings will have to be considered, especially with the impact on the Greens development and car parking. Investigations will be made regarding stall holders.
Cllr. Geddes queried if it would be viable with only a small number of stalls.
Agreed to look at this when more facts are received regarding stall holders.
174/14 Finance
a. Payments on list circulated were approved for payment..
b. Youth Club Building Update: Youth Club Trustees have sent details to the Charity Commission, waiting for their approval of transfer, before any further work can be done.
c. Notification that an extra £384.27 will be paid with the precept for the Council to spend or reserve to help with budgets for following year.
d. Income and Expenditure to date circulated and approved.
175/14 Correspondence for Information
a. BBRUA Latest newsletter received and tabled.
176/14 Councillors’ reports and items for future agenda
177/14 Date of next meeting 14th April 2014
Town Meeting 10th April
Meeting closed 9.03 p.m.
W.S.T.C. Minutes 10.03.14