OWRC Water Resources Monitoring Meeting

March 21, 2014

Water Resources Data/Gaging Networks Information

Agency/Division/Program[ 1]

Support/Operate Water Resource Monitoring Network[ 2]

Contact Information[ 3]

Name of Network/Data Set[ 4]

Description of Data (including geography)[ 5]

Time Period of Data Collection [caa6]

History[ 7]

Data Availability


Platform/format of data[caa9]


Funding (Source[s])[ 11]

Purpose and Reason for Supporting/Operating Network[ 12]

Objectives[ 13]

Priorities[ 14]

Uses of Data[ 15]

Customers[ 16]

Outlook[ 17]

Budget - Current Situation/Future Expectations[ 18]

Plans/Expectation for Network Expansion/Reduction (Next Two Years)[ 19]

[ 1]1List the name of your agency and indicatewhere the program/network is within your agency structure.

[ 2]1Does your agency support or operate the data collection network? For the remaining questions, answer as appropriate for collectors or supporters. If not applicable, indicate with NA.

[ 3]1Who is the best person(s) to contact to obtain data or information about the network or about your support of the network? Include address, phone, and e-mail if possible

[ 4]1What is the name of the network, and/or the data collected? For supporters, please indicate what agency and/or Division or Program operates the network.

[ 5]1What data are collected, parameters, units, sampling interval, location, geographic distribution, etc.?

[caa6]Describe years of data collection (e.g. 1996 to present) for each dataset, or if periodic, describe the most common time periods that data were or are collected. Highlight any data collection that is being discontinued.

[ 7]1Brief history of the network, when and why was the network started, etc. For supporters, when did your agency start supporting the network.

[caa8]1How can someone obtain the data and other information? Is the data web accessible (provide web address), any fees, how often is the data set updated, etc.?

[caa9]What format or platform currently holds data (e.g. Excel spreadsheet, Oracle database, paper)

[caa10]Is any of the data confidential or have any other restrictions on sharing it? If all public record, simply respond “None”.

[ 11]1What is the funding source for the network? For collectors, please indicate if there is a supporter or a cooperative partner.

[ 12]1What are the reasons your agency operates/supports the network? Are there legislative mandates?

[ 13]1What is the purpose of the network, what are the goals?

[ 14]1What are the most important components of the network, are there core elements?

[ 15]1How is the data used by your agency, how is the data used by other customers?

[ 16]1Who are the customers?

[ 17]1What is the program outlook for the next few years?

[ 18]1How is the current budget situation, has the funding been level, increasing, or decreasing, what do you project to be the trend during the next few years?

[ 19]1Describe any plans to expand or reduce either the funding support or amount of data collected in the network during the next 2 years?