Withern with Stain Parish Council

Minutes of Meeting Monday 5th July 2010 at 7.00 pm - The Village Hall, Withern

Councillors – Jones, Hart, Fox and Pocklington.

Apologies: Cllrs Huckle, Goulding, Key and LCC Councillor Marfleet.

Public Session

No public attended.

1.  Declaration of Interest

None were made.

2.  Minutes of Last Meeting of May 10th 2010

The minutes were agreed to be a true and accurate record of the meeting. Proposed by Mr Jones, seconded by Mr Pocklington.

3.  Matters Arising

I.  New School Governor – Mr Huckle has expressed an interest, so this will be discussed at the next meeting

II.  Taxis outside school – Both the school and the police have been informed. It will be monitored.

III.  Trevor Osbourne – cannot find a contact to ask him to cut the hedge. Mr Fox will attempt to find a phone number or address.

IV.  Welcome to Withern Leaflet – This needs a few refinements. Once all have agreed, Mr Hart will print for distribution in the village.

4.  Community Plan Update

The business surveys still have to be returned and collated.

5.  Finance

The Councillors received the finance report:

Opening Balance / £2864.07
Income YTD / £2,000.00
Expenditure YTD / £497.97
Balance YTD / £2366.10
Less July payments / 1900.25

However this could not be reconciled to the bank statement as the paperwork still has not been completed.

The following cheques were signed:

854397 R Aldrich Grass Cutting £232.50

854398 Village plan Donation £ 50.00

854399 I Ashton Wages £165.85

854400 LALC Training Fees £ 17.50

854401 Village Hall Rent £ 80.00

The Councillors agreed to pay Mrs Ashton on a monthly standing order and any expenses will be submitted at the bi-monthly meetings.

6.  Planning

N/212/01030/10 – Mr C Rider, Hollycroft, Main Road, Withern, LN13 0NB - Extensions and alterations to existing bungalow to provide an enlarged kitchen, a dining area, conservatory and utility room with wc partially on site of existing flat roofed rear extension which is to be demolished.

There were no objections to the plans.

N/171/01069/10 - Mr. N.Harvey, Strubby Grange, Strubby, LN13 OLS - Excavation of land to provide a specimen fishing pond for commercial use to include embankments to a maximum height of 1.8 metres with provision of vehicular parking.

There were no objections to the plans but the Councillors wished for concern over the poor state of the access road (Stain Lane) to be raised with the planning department.

7.  Highways

Chalk Lane – Nev Armstrong replied:

“Chalk lane will not be included for road widen in the foreseeable future. I will how ever arrange for the pothole crew to attend and fill potholes found.”

Councillors will check whether this has been carried out.

Bus Stop - After consultation with 3 of the local residents to see the reaction to moving the bus stop, the only positive response was from the owner of Colcroft House and so a new post will be erected adjacent to the garden of that property and then the bus stop sign and timetable will be moved there.

SID – After contacting Legbourne PC about a shared sign they have now informed us that due to cost savings the sign, it is not being pushed at all & it is looking less likely that they would be successful in getting the costs down & receiving help from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

Mrs Ashton will enquire into the price of a flashing speed limit sign.

Signs – There are still some signs which are in need of repair in the village. Mrs Ashton will chase up.

8.  War Memorial

2 Quotes have been received:

Steve Arrowsmith - £160 + Vat

Anwick Forge - £3289.42 + Vat

Obviously huge discrepancy in quotes, so Mr Pocklington will get another quote from a contact of his. Mrs Ashton will contact Jenny Cooper about additional sources of funding.

9.  Correspondence

·  Community Links Website

·  ELDC Consultation : Charitable Street Collections

·  ELDC Consultation : Review of Licensing Policy

·  ELDC Consultation : New Licensing requirements for Pole & Lap Dancing Clubs

·  Lincs Association of Local Councils AGM 18/10/10

·  Preferred Minerals and Waste Strategies

·  ELDC Community Grants Scheme

·  Carers Champions

·  Licensing News

·  Lincs marshes Coastal Grazing Marshes Project

·  Lincs Risk Register

·  NHS Newsletter

·  Vacancy on Parish Council Standards Committee

10.  Any Other Business

·  The grass cutting man has found a gravestone which is unsafe. Mrs Ashton will contact Rev Turner.

·  Mr Fox is moving from the Parish and would like to donate a plaque for the Millennium Painting in the Village Hall. Mr Pocklington has also been donated a photo of Withern Football team circa 1910 from the niece of Rev Holmes, and this also needs a plaque. Both need insuring, Mr Hart will find out the value of the Millennium Painting and then Mrs Ashton will contact insurance. It was agreed Mr Fox will make a donation and the village hall committee will arrange the plaques.

·  The Audit has been posted to the external auditors.

·  Mr Pocklington has keys to the village hall, Mrs Ashton will get them to organise the filing cabinet.

·  As this was Mr Fox’s last meeting he said he has enjoyed being a councillor and has enjoyed working with all the councillors and clerks. The council thanked Mr Fox for all his hard work and wish him good luck in the future.

Meeting ended at 8.15pm.

Next meetings:

Monday 4th October

Monday 6th December – Budget Meeting


Withern Parish Minutes 05/07/10 Minute Ref: