Suggestions for a Prayer Walk around the Classroom.

Dear Lord may we enter your Kingdom here on earth. Help us o be part of your plan for the World; make us useful in this classroom today and every day. Amen.

On this table Lord we put our learning, may it be filled

with your wisdom, so that we learn what is right or wrong.

May all we learn be used to help others as well as ourselves. Amen

As I sit on my chair Lord I remember that you are always there for me.

You hold me up when times are difficult and when I feel down

you comfort me, thank you Lord. Amen

As I look at the whiteboard I think about those

things that I have done wrong or the unkind words

I said or nasty thoughts I have had. I know that

you wipe away these things when we ask,

please Lord forgive me. Amen

Dear Lord may I use these pens and pencils to be creative, t write and draw good things which are well thought out and useful for all. May they never be used to hurt anyone. Amen.

Our books are full of words, dear God help us to listen to your words which we can read and hear. Let us think as we read and help us to use that knowledge carefully. Amen

Our computers help us learn and give

us instant information. Lord help us to

see what is good and helpful information.

Help us to choose the useful things to look

at and play. Amen

As I look through the window at the wonder of your creation God, I thank you for all you have made, the trees, the sky and many other things...... Thank you that I am part of your wonderful World. Amen

Jesus you are the teacher of us all, thank you for what you teach us. Thank you for our teachers for the care they give us, for their time with usand for the fun and learning we enjoy. Amen

Dear God we thank you for our friends, for the fun we have with them. Help me to be a good friend, a friend who is kind, helpful, loyal and respectful, just as Jesus is such a good friend to me. Amen

Lord as I stop and rest in this quiet space I remember that I can always talk to you. You are always listening, thank you. Today I would like to pray for..... Amen