Consultation on the
Exmoor National Park Local Plan – Proposed Further Changes
13th January – 24th February 2017
The consultation on the Proposed Further Changes to Section 6 of the Local Plan is part of the independent public examination into the Exmoor National Park Local Plan 2011-2031. The consultation follows on from public examination hearings in July 2016, at which an independent government inspector assessed the soundness and legal compliance of the plan in detail.
During the examination, a number of changes were proposed to the reasoned justification (paragraphs 6.26 – 6.35) of the Local Plan as a consequence of new evidence arising from the release of the 2014 Sub-National Household Projections in July 2016.
The schedule published on the Authority’s website list the proposed further changes, with a reference number for each. You should indicate whether you consider that the Proposed Further Changes to Section 6 of the Local Plan are:
Legally compliant (including meeting the Duty to Cooperate) or ‘sound’ which means the Plan as modified, should be:
Positively prepared: This means that the Plan should be prepared based on a strategy which seeks to meet objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements, and consistent with achieving sustainable development.
Justified: The Plan should be the most appropriate strategy when considered against reasonable alternatives, based on proportionate evidence.
Effective: The Plan should be deliverable over its period and based on effective joint working on cross-boundary strategic priorities.
Consistent with national policy: The Plan should enable the delivery of sustainable development in accordance with the policies in the NPPF.
Please use the forms (parts A and B) below to make your comments on the Proposed Further Changes to Section 6 of the Local Plan. Comments must be received by 4pm on Friday 24th February 2017 to be considered. Late representations cannot be accepted. Copies of all documents relating to the consultation can be found online at:
This comment form is split into two parts. Part A is used to provide your details and Part B is used to provide your individual comments.
Part A of the form should be completed in full. Only a single copy of Part A needs to be completed irrespective of the number of comments that you wish to make. If you are an agent providing comments on behalf of a third party, please provide the details of the third party under Personal Details and those for yourself under Agents details. Please note that the anonymous comments cannot be accepted.
Part B of the form should be completed to provide your comments. Please complete a separate copy of Part B form for each proposed further change that you wish to comment on.
Comment Form (PART A)
Part A / Personal details / Agent’s Details (if applicable)Title
First name
Last name
Job title (if applicable)
Organisation (if applicable)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Address Line
Telephone no.
Please state the number of Part B forms you are submitting
If you wish to be notified of future stages of the Local Plan process please indicate below:
Adoption of the Local Plan
We need your permission to hold your details on our database. The Authority is registered with the Information Commissioner in line with the Data Protection Act 1998. The information your share with us in relation to planning policy consultations will be retained on a file and/or electronic database indefinitely for the purpose of providing background evidence for decisions made. The information will be used for the purposes of Town and Country Planning and may be viewed by any person for such purposes. This may include public disclosure of any data received by Exmoor National Park Authority on the form, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
The Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 requires that all representations must be available for public inspection (which includes the Press). Comments received will usually be acknowledged, and will be placed on file, on our database and published on our website with your name and the organisation you represent. Personal contact details may be used to provide updates in relation to any representation you may make or notify you of any future consultations, if appropriate. Anonymous submissions cannot be taken into account.
You should not include any personal information in your comments that you would not wish to be made publicly available or make any discriminatory comments. Personal contact information (address, telephone number and email) will not be published. We reserve the right to withhold any comments or parts of comments that are offensive or defamatory. By submitting your comments you are confirming they are your personal views and you agree to accept legal responsibility for your comments and accept that they will be publically available.
DECLARATIONI understand that the information contained in my representation(s) may be made available for public viewing through the examination of the Local Plan and that my comments may be identifiable to my name or organisation. I acknowledge that I have read and accept the information and terms specified the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Statement.
Signed: / Dated:
Comment Form (PART B)
Please use a separate copy of the Part B form for each proposed change you are commenting on.
You must also complete and attach one copy of Part A of this form.
Representations will only be accepted that refer to a change shown in the Schedule of Proposed Further Changes to Section 6 of the Local Plan, or to the Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum 2016 or Sustainability Appraisal Update 2016
Responses on the above documents will be sent to the Planning Inspector. Therefore, you do not need to repeat your previous comments or re-submit your previous representations.
Your Name and Organisation (please ensure these are the same as those provided on Part A):Proposed Changes
Please state the relevant reference number that you are commenting on from the Schedule of Proposed Further Changes to Section 6 of the Local Plan (e.g. PC1) / PC
Do you consider this ’proposed change’ as proposed by the Authority to be legally compliant and ‘sound’ (‘sound’ means is the proposed change to the Local Plan justified, effective, positively prepared and consistent with national policy)?
Legally compliant / YES / NO
Justified / YES / NO
Effective / YES / NO
Positively Prepared / YES / NO
Consistent with national policy / YES / NO
If you have answered no to any of the above, please give details of why you consider this part of the Local Plan is not legally compliant or is unsound. Alternatively, if you wish to support any of these changes please provide details.
(continue on a separate sheet/expand box if necessary)
Please set out what modification(s) you consider necessary to make the proposed further change to the Local Plan legally compliant or sound. You will need to say why this modification will make the Local Plan legally compliant or sound. It will be helpful if you are able to put forward your suggested revised wording of any text. Please be as precise as possible. Continue on an extra sheet if necessary.
(continue on a separate sheet/expand box if necessary)
Do you have any comments on the updated Sustainability Appraisal or Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum in respect of this particular proposed change?
Please note your representation should only relate to the proposed changes set out in the Schedule of Proposed Further Changes to Section 6 of the Local Plan, and not other aspects of the Plan and these will be put forward without prejudice to the Inspector’s final conclusions on the Plan.
You may also wish to comment on the proposed changes to Section 6 of the Local Plan which are subject to a separate consultation during the same period (13th Jan – 24th Feb 2017). Details can be found on our website
The Inspector will decide if further public hearing sessions are required as part of the examination process. All representations on matters of soundness will be fully considered by the Inspector. You may choose to request to appear at a public hearing to clarify your comments on the proposed further changes. Do you consider it necessary to participate at the oral part of the examination?
YES / NOIf you wish to appear at a public hearing session, please outline why you consider this to be necessary.
Please note the Inspector will determine the most appropriate procedure to adopt to hear those who have indicated that they wish to appear at a public hearing session.
By post to:
Policy & Community Team, Exmoor National Park Authority, Exmoor House, Dulverton, TA22 9HL
Via email: