Guitar Workshop/Masterclass

with Vincent Lindsey-Clark

Sunday 10 June 2018

2.30pm to 5.30pm

St Mary’s Parish Church Hall, Ilex Way/Sea Lane,

Goring by Sea, BN12 4UZ

Dear Colleague,

Calling all guitarists in the Brighton Centre group! We are pleased to be hosting an event for ensembles and soloists of all ages. There will be opportunities for workshop sessions and solo masterclasses under the guidance of the renowned English guitarist and composer Vincent Lindsey-Clark. It promises a stimulating afternoon for both performers and audience.

Vincent is well known for his compositions for the instrument written for both students and professionals. They are used extensively by major exam boards and performed all round the world. In 2003 he was asked to compose a piece for 100 young guitarists, for a Gala concert at the Royal Albert Hall in London and in 2009 he was commissioned to write the set pieces for the Beatty Guitar Competition in Washington DC. As a performer he made his London debut at the Wigmore Hall and has since appeared at the major London venues. He has travelled extensively both as tutor and performer with visits to Venezuela, New York, the Hong Kong Guitar Festival, the Sydney Guitar Summer School, and the Taranaki Guitar Summer School in New Zealand. Vincent’s teaching positions include Southampton University, London’s Centre for Young Musicians and Eton College.

Workshops/Masterclasses such as these offer a chance for aspiring guitarists to improve their skills and confidence in performance. We invite all levels to come along. You will find a form attached for you to give your pupils’ details and choice of music. Vincent will work with 3 or 4 ensembles and a similar number of soloists. The committee will select performers to give a balanced programme. To allow time to devise the sessions and organise certificates, which every participant will receive, please respond by 11 May.

For Workshop participants there will be a fee of £12 per ensemble and £15 per Masterclass soloist. These prices to include one complimentary ticket for a family member per performer.

Observer tickets are priced as follows: Members £7, Non-Members £8, under 18s free. Please return reply slip by 11 May. Tickets are also available on the door.

We welcome all to come and enjoy this afternoon and support the performers. There will be interval refreshments with tea and cake included in the ticket price.

Please return both forms by post or email to Geraldine Rowland, Russwood, Staples Barn Lane, Henfield, West Sussex, BN5 9PR, email: . If you are replying by post please include your cheque and SAE. This time we are giving you the option to pay by bank transfer if you would prefer this method - our HSBC bank details are as follows:

Account Name: Incorporated Society of Musicians Brighton Centre, A/C 11107534 SORT 40-43-48.

We look forward to seeing you on 10 June.

With best wishes,

Nicola Grunberg Jill Elsworthy

Centre Secretary Centre Chairman

Guitar Workshop/Masterclass - 10 June 2018

Reply slip for Teachers/Participants

Please indicate if you are part of an ensemble or applying for a solo masterclass

Name Age Ensemble/soloist details of piece- duration &

title, composer approx. grade

Summary of participants

...... ensembles @ £12 per ensemble £

...... soloists @ £15 per soloist £


Total £

One Complimentary ticket for a family member per performer. Please state number required here ...... Please apply for extra tickets on the Observer application form.

NB If all places are taken, pupils will be put on a reserve list - if you are not selected but would still like to attend as an observer, a refund of the difference, if applicable, will be made. Otherwise a full refund is offered.

Guitar Workshop/Masterclass - 10 June 2018 Reply slip for Observers

I would like to order the following tickets:

...... ISM Members @ £7 each £

...... non-Members @ £8 each £

...... under 18s – free


Total £


Workshop/Masterclass with Vincent Lindsey-Clark Sunday 10 June 2018 2.30pm, St Mary’s Parish Church Hall, Ilex Way/Sea Lane, Goring by Sea BN12 4UZ

Please complete & return to:

Geraldine Rowland, Russwood, Staples Barn Lane, Henfield, West Sussex, BN5 9PR, for postal applications please enclose SAE,


email: 11 May 2018

Total for Workshop/Masterclass applicants £

Total for Observer tickets £


Grand Total £

Please tick box as applicable.

I enclose a cheque for £ ...... made payable to ISM Brighton Centre, with SAE


I will pay by Bank transfer to Incorporated Society of Musicians Brighton Centre, Bank: HSBC, A/C 11107534 SORT 40-43-48. (Tickets can be collected on the door)

Signed ......

Name (please print) ......

Phone/Email ......