Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Create or Change Commitment Item
Use this procedure to create a commitment item or change an attribute of a commitment item.
Perform this procedure when a “master data creation/change request form” is received and a new commitment item is requested or when a change to an existing commitment item is requested.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
  • Select AccountingPublic Sector ManagementFunds ManagementMaster DataCommitment ItemIndividual Processing to go to the Edit Commitment Item screen.
Transaction Code
Business Process Information
Commitment items reflect the functional structure of an organization in Funds Management. You can enter budget for commitment items and can post to them. When entering postings in the Funds Management feeder systems and want the system to record the data in Funds Management, must always specify a commitment item. In the posting transaction, the system uses the link between the commitment item and the basic data in other components to derive the commitment item. You do not need to enter one manually. In the most cases, general ledger accounts, cost elements and commitment items all have a 1 to 1 relationship, they share the same numbering within their respective modules. There are a few exceptions to this rule. Budget Reserve Commitment Items (numbers in the 7 series) do not have a corresponding general ledger account, nor cost element. These are commitment items that are strictly used for budget purposes. Most recovery of expense commitment items are revenue commitment items and begin with a 48xxxx, but the corresponding general ledger account is an expense g/l and begins with a 58xxxx. There are a group of fixed assets general ledger accounts (the 19xxxx’s) that map to an expense commitment item.
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.

Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Create or Change Commitment Item
1. / Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code.
Enter FM Area

2. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
FM Area / Required / Organizational unit which plans, controls and monitors funds and commitment budgets
Entering the FM Area is only required the first time you execute the transaction during a particular session. Subsequent uses of this transaction during the same login session remembers the FM Area and does not require re-entry.
/ This screen will only appear the first time you use this transaction.
3. / Click .
Edit Commitment Item

4. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Commitment ltem / Required / Number representing the Commitment Item being processed
5. / Perform one of the following:
If You Want To / Then / Go To
Create a new commitment item / Select Commitment item Create. / Step 6
Change an attribute of a commitment item / Select Commitment item Change. / Step 12
Create Commitment Item

6. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Name / Required / A word or phrase that constitutes the distinctive designation of a person or thing
Lab Supplies
Description / Optional / Text to identify and characterize an object or activity
Lab Supplies
7. / Select to the left of Dir. postable.
/ You can define here if the commitment item is directly postable or if it is in the FM area as a not directly postable commitment item. You can define directly postable commitment items in G/L accounts. You can use not directly postable commitment items as summarization items of subordinate directly postable commitment items. Most commitment items will be defined at directly postable.
8. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field / R/O/C / Description
Financial trans. / Required / Control parameter in the commitment item master record; The Financial transaction reproduces business transactions from the feeder systems (Financial Accounting and Materials Management.) It plays a central role in transferring data from these components to Funds Management
Explanation of choices:
30 – Post revenues, expenditures, and assets
40 – Post good receipt and goods issue
50 – Clearing account
60 – Post receivables and payables from goods/services
70 – Post customer clearing
80 – Post bank clearing, bill of exchange
90 – Post cash holdings
Most commitment items use the financial transaction of 30.
Commitment Item Cat. / Required / Indicator to identify the commitment item as a revenue, expenditure, or cash balance
1 = Balance Category, 2 = Revenues Category, 3 = Expenditures Category, 4 = Balances Category, 5 = Clarification Worklist.
Most commitment items are either a category 2 or 3. For non cash balance sheet accounts and asset accounts we are using 2; For liabilities and funds balance accounts we are using a 3.
Authorization group / Optional / Access for a user to perform specific transactions and to display information; Authorizations are assigned to user log-on IDs
Authorization group for commitment items will not be used.
Carryfwd item cat. / Required / Controls the balance carried forward within the year-change closing operations
This field will only be filled in for revenue and expense commitment items.
9. / Perform one of the following:
If / Then
The commitment item has been identified as a statistical commitment item, it can only be updated statistically.
Meaning: The commitment item cannot be budgeted directly. Postings which contain this commitment item are updated but do not take part in active availability control. The postings are displayed separately in reporting. / Select to the left of Stat.commitment item.
The commitment item has not been identified as a statistical commitment item / Deselect to the left of Stat.commitment item.
10. / Click .
/ The system displays the message, "Commitment item saved successfully."
11. / Go to Step 14.
Change Commitment Item

12. / As required, complete/review the following fields:
/ The only fields that are available for changes are those that appear white. The grayed out fields do not allow for changes.
13. / Click .
/ The system displays the message, "Commitment item saved successfully."
14. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
15. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / GL_FMCIA_CreateOrChangeCommitmentItem_0_AcctCodeCustd.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/8
Work Instruction
Functional Area: General Ledger / Create or Change Commitment Item
You have either created or changed a commitment item.
Ver: / GL_FMCIA_CreateOrChangeCommitmentItem_0_AcctCodeCustd.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/8