Dear Parents,
I can’t believe the first semester is almost over! I guess the saying is true….. “Time flies when you’re having fun!” I am truly having fun teaching and learning from your children. I only hope they are enjoying the year as well. The first semester ends Thursday, December 18th, and report cards will be sent home on Wednesday, January 7th.
With the short week of school next week, we won’t be following our normal routine. Students will not have a list of vocabulary words or spelling words. Rather than reading from our Journeys’ series, we will be integrating science and reading. In the morning, students will be reading about different types of energy such as sound energy, light energy, and heat energy. Then, in the afternoon, we will be conducting experiments to demonstrate the energy principles we read about in the morning.
Next week reading homework will look a little different. On Monday I will send home a reading tic tac toe sheet. Students are to complete one square as homework Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please initial the squares your child has done at home. Students will also be completing squares at school next week over independent reading done in class.
There isn’t “official” reading homework over break. However, I would like to encourage students to read over the holidays. Next Thursday I will send home a Winter Reading Challenge calendar. Students who choose to meet the challenge will be able to pick a free book (valued at $5 or less) from the January Scholastic book order. Happy Reading!
This week in math we wrapped up unit 8 with a review on Friday. Next Monday students will take the unit 8 test. Before break we will begin unit 10, which reviews division basics. Following break, we will pick up in unit 10 to extend to long division.
At the end of my newsletter is information regarding our winter celebration from our head room parent, Megan Wharry. Please scroll down to read.
As always, don’t hesitate to contact me with questions and/or concerns.
Your partner in education,
Mrs. Powers
Don’t forget, our winter party is Thursday, December 18, from 1:30 to 2:30. Helpers may arrive at 1:15.
The following parents are donating…
Missy: water and sprinkles
Deb Jones: 2 bags of carrots
Shawna: Pretzels
Laura: Plates
Jennifer King: Sugar cookies
Megan: Goodie Bags for the Bingo game
These items may be sent in any time prior to the party.
The following parent helpers will be stationed:
Michele Evans
Erica R
Leah Graham
Jennifer King
Jessica McCutcheon
Shawna N
Deb Jones
Laura B
I assigned parents who expressed an interest in helping prior to the Halloween party. If you are unable to attend/help, no problem. Just shoot me an email:
Thank you for helping and donating.
Megan Parrish-Wharry
Victoria Parrish's mom