Barnette Elementary School

13659 Beatties Ford Road - Huntersville, NC 28078
PH: (980) 343-0372 - FX: (980) 343-1711


August 2011


□  These procedures are developed through the collaborative effort of Huntersville Police Department, CMS Transportation Division, Barnette staff, School Leadership Team and parents. The safety of our students and staff is their priority. If you choose this option of arrival you are agreeing to these procedures. Failure to follow direction from staff or operating in an unsafe or threatening manner to others at anytime while on campus will result in suspended or expelled use of this privilege.

□  Because our focus must remain on providing the most effective instructional day for all students, outside of the use of CMS provided transportation, it is fully your responsibility to have your student in their classroom and ready to learn by 7:45 a.m. No accommodations will be made for weather or traffic. You are encouraged to take full advantage of our doors opening by 7:15 a.m. – consider that it is impossible to effectively handle arrival in a timely manner if the majority of students are arriving in the last ten minutes of time the staff have available to assist. All students (except those delayed by a specific CMS bus transportation issue) are tardy if not in their classroom by the 7:45 bell. Being “on-campus” does not equal being “in class”.

□  After the final 7:45 bell all doors, except the front door, must be locked. It is the students’ parent/guardian’s responsibility to then see them safely to the front office where they must be signed in by an adult. It is unsafe to allow students to walk, unescorted by you, around to the front office!!

Staff-assisted Option, mornings

7:15 – 7:40 a.m.: Staff are available to receive students along the side entrance (note: staff must report to their instructional duties promptly at 7:40).

·  TRAFFIC QUEUING: Enter campus and follow the outermost travel lanes (keeping right) down to the park pavilion and then back up along the side entrance to Barnette. This enables as much traffic as possible to move off of Beatties Ford Road. While along this queuing area please ready all students to exit vehicles as quickly as possible once you have arrived within the drop-off zone.

·  DROP-OFF ZONE: Staff will signal drivers when it is safe to have your student(s) exit the vehicle. To facilitate the most efficient and safe process for everyone, all students must exit the vehicle on the right side (passenger side) when signaled anywhere along the sidewalk. If there is a particular reason this is not possible (i.e. you have your infant seat on that side, etc.) you are asked to use the “Park and Walk” option.

□  Staff are in communication with each other so they are in the best position to know when it is safe and effective to off-load all students. Following this direction is key to optimizing the traffic flow in this zone. Staff will assist when possible but if you have particular concerns about weather, heavy or awkward projects, etc. you are asked to use the “Park and Walk” option. Use of the drop-off zone does not give you the option to wait until you are pulled up to the door or canopy to discharge your student, so plan accordingly.

□  While in the drop-off zone all are asked to keep their full attention on moving quickly but safely. Please refrain from cell phone usage and have students ready with backpacks, lunches, etc. For everyone’s safety, keep all animals from hanging out of windows and doors.

□  Follow instruction from traffic director and proceed immediately to the exit once your student is discharged. Please keep the focus on moving forward and do not call out or wave to your student as this poses a danger to others.


Park and Walk Option, mornings

7:15 – 7:45 a.m.:

·  Enter campus and follow the outermost travel lanes (keeping right) down to the first cross over past the staff parking. Signs are posted directing you to park in the “Visitor/Volunteer” parking area. Please refrain from parking in the staff parking area (spaces against the soccer fields) as this holds up traffic flow for everyone.

·  You will NOT be able to access the drop-off zone from this area.

·  Do not park in any reserved spaces (handicap or staff) unless you have adequate placards displayed.

·  Once you have parked, walk through the visitor/volunteer parking lot to the walkway by the flagpole and stop at the crosswalk.

·  Follow the direction of the traffic director. You are solely responsible to escort your student directly to the side door (if arriving before 7:45) or to the front office after that. Traffic control staff are focusing on vehicles and we need YOU to be sure your student is not entering the crosswalk before being directed.

·  NEVER “STOP AND DROP”! This is a dangerous situation. Stopping to let your student out anywhere, except through the drop-off zone, WILL NOT be tolerated.

·  When leaving the parking area – proceed straight through to the exit (this parking area will serve “one-way traffic” in the morning). We ask “Park and Walk” traffic to yield to “Drop-off Zone” vehicle flow.

·  REMEMBER MORNINGS ARE NOT A TIME TO CONFERENCE WITH STAFF. They are busy receiving ALL students. Parents who choose to walk their students to class will need to leave the building or report to the front office as a visitor/volunteer after the warning bell at 7:40 a.m. Instruction begins promptly at 7:45!

Pick-up, afternoons

2:45 – 2:55 p.m.:

·  WALK-UPS CAN NOT BE PERMITTED. This poses undue complications during a time when staff focus must be on students and the process. You will not be permitted access to the school through the gym at this time.

·  KEEP VISOR SIGN POSTED WHILE ON CAMPUS. Current year’s PINK, “Barnette Elementary” specific visor sign are issued upon request (see website) and must be clearly posted. We are doing our best to dispatch all students safely! For this purpose, anyone without such a pass will not be able to pick up a child. Without this sign, you will need to park and report to the front office to show ID and sign student out. NO EXCEPTIONS.

·  ALL CHANGES IN TRANSPORTATION MUST BE RECEIVED IN WRITING BEFORE 12:00. A daily report will be generated for our car-rider team’s reference. NOTE: Because all staff and students transition during dismissal we cannot pull students for early dismissal after 2:15 – Please plan all appointments accordingly.

·  PLEASE BE ON TIME. Our dismissal bell rings at 2:45. Staff have afternoon duties and meetings to attend. Any student not picked up by the time the waiting traffic has exited or 3:00, whichever is sooner, will be sent to the front office for pick-up. I.D. will be required.