Faculty Senate Curriculum CommitteeMinutes from the September 29, 2005 Meeting
Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee
Minutes from the September 29, 2005 Meeting
Jeff DurgeeSharon Kunkel
Nancy CampbellJulie Leusner
Mike GoldenbergChris McDermott
Prabhat HajelaLee Odell
Mike HannaDick Smith
Amir Hirsa, chairDave Spooner
Sam WaitKen Warriner
Carlos LopezMike Wozny
1)The minutes from the September 14th meeting were approved unanimously with the following amendments 1)Pg 2 dual majors “2 or 3” 2) Pg 2P. Hajela has asked the Faculty Senate to look at the deans list and mid-term grades 3) pg 1, the use of modifiersat the discretion of the faculty.
2)School of Engineering-Dick Smith presented a course change for information. MANE 4710, title change from Advanced Heat Transfer to Heat Transfer.
3)Grade modifier issue- S. Kunkel read the ballot (see attached)used for the faculty vote on grade modifiers. M. Hanna reiterated hisconcern about the interpretation of the transcripts if some faculty were using modifiers and others were not. He asked if we had benchmark data to know how other schools have handled the transition. C. McDermott asked if 7000 level courses can be graded with modifiers this fall. The implementation this fall includes both 6000 and 7000 level courses. The Committee agreed that it wasvery important for courses with multiple sections to be graded consistently across all sections. M. Hanna noted that since there is some confusionperhaps A. Hirsa should discuss the FSCC’s concern about multi-section courses with the executive committee of the Faculty Senate (FS). The Committee agreed that we should not revisitthe approved grade modifier policyuntil it is fully implemented.The Committee unanimously approved the following motion: The FSCC asks the FS to clarify the language on +- gradesso all sections of the same course are graded consistently either with or without the modifiers.
4)L. Odell suggested the following charge for the Task Force on the Implementation of the Communication Requirement 1) establish criteria for communication intensive courses 2) articulate criteria for communicative competencies and 3) spell out 2 or 3 scenarios where assistance would be needed andthe resources available. TheCommittee agreed to this charge.L. Odell hopes to have the names of the Task Force members by the next meeting. He also would like to have an outline of the implementation plan by the end of this term.
5)The Committee then began to prioritize the agenda items for the upcoming year:
- Core Outcomes- this is the top priority
- 4x4- The Committee discussed a number of issues related to 4x4 including the following:
- There is no prohibition on 3 credit hour courses but there will be practical constraints i.e. classroom, and appropriate space
- Some of what we learned is being ignored. 2 hour slots were intended to allow for more creative teaching, group interaction, team work, etc
- It’s important to have a structure to accommodate the pragmatic needs i.e. classrooms, avoiding student schedule conflicts
- If a 4 credit course becomes a 3 credit course then the course content must be revised. The FSCC needs to oversee that process.
- Not all courses are created equal. Some 3 credit courses require more work than others
- Many classes only last 1.5 hours rather than the full 2 hours
- In Engineering, many courses now meet 3 days a week.There are fewer faculty to teach so the classes are larger
- We could look at constraints on times and classrooms to gatherthe data now
- In the SoS, there is no indication from the faculty that they are ready to do the work to revise the curriculum.The first step is to go back to departments for feedback and find out what the faculty want to do.
- Let pedagogy drive the changes.
- Weigh the academic issues against the pragmatic concerns.
- In H&SS, some would welcome additional exposure with eight 3 credit courses rather than six 4 credit courses.
- TA concerns in Mathematics- Don Drew will be at the next meeting to discuss the TA issue. Other departments are also using undergraduates as TAs.
- Rules for dual majors and double- S. Kunkel will provide the Committee with data on the number of students completing dual majors. The Committee agreed this is a low priority. It may be more of an advising issue. D. Spooner agreed that the issue of dual majors for ITEC students was not a priority.
- Time limits on graduation for undergraduates are ahigher priority.
- Undergraduates and the limit on transfer credits- S. Kunkel will discuss the issue with Admissions to understand what the problem is and find out how many students are affected.
- Biology and AP credits- The School of Science is discussing so the FSCC will defer to them on this issue.
- Mid term grading-Achille Messac indicated that the Executive Committee is not interested in pursuing this issue. The students are interested and considermid-term grading an important issue. P. Hajela has asked for a discussion in the FS.
Dear Colleague,
This email constitutes your ballot on the +/- grading proposal. To vote, please return this email to its sender, Francine Fredette with either APPROVE or DISAPPROVE marked below. Votes will be counted through 10:00am on Monday, April 26.
For your information:
1. The proposal incorporates revisions developed in cooperation with the Student Senate intended to minimize the impact on students currently enrolled.
2. The adoption of the proposal given below would allow but not require individual faculty to use grade modifiers.
Thank you.
Cheryl Geisler
1. Grade Scale:
For undergraduate students: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D; F
For graduate students:A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C; F
2. Numeric equivalents:
A = 4.00, A- = 3.67, B+ = 3.33, B = 3.0, etc.
3. Conditions for probation: Same as before
4. Graduation requirements: Same as before
5. Application of new system: The new grading scheme will be applied as
* to 1000-level and 6000-level courses beginning in Fall 2005
* to 2000-level courses beginning in Fall 2006
* to 4000-level courses beginning in Fall 2007
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