Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health (WI-AIMH) promotes the social and emotional well-being of Wisconsin children from birth through age five by supporting families and professionals across disciplines. Our vision is for all Wisconsin infants and young children to reach their fullest potential through nurturing and consistent relationships within the context of family, community, and culture. Our efforts focus on weaving relationship-based infant mental health practices and principles into the everyday activities of all individuals who touch the lives of infants, young children, and their families.
This conference is intended for people who work with or on behalf of young children and their families. The conference will feature nationally-known speakers, as well presenters from around Wisconsin, sharing information about promoting social and emotional development in everyday activities for infants, young children, and their families, as well as early intervention and treatment strategies.
WI-AIMH is seeking proposals for sessions for the Wisconsin Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Conference. The Conference will be held June 12-14, 2017 at the Osthoff Resort in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. Presentations could include information about programs, policies, strategies, resources, or community activities which support the social and emotional well-being of infants and young children, within the context of their relationships, community, and culture.
Suggested Presentation Topics (this is not an exhaustive list; other relevant topics are welcome)
Infant/EC Mental Health Consultation● Attachment ● Reflective Supervision ● Trauma Informed Care
Relationship-Focused Therapeutic Practice ● Supporting Parents ● Integrating IMH into Existing Systems ● Screening and Assessment ● Building Capacity within Local Communities
New for 2017! Intensive Sessions: We will be offering a small number of full and/or half-day intensive sessions. If you would like to be considered as a presenter, please indicate on Page 4.
Selection Criteria:
· Application to the field of Infant Mental Health
· Relevance to the audience
· Respectfulness and cultural sensitivity
· Clarity of the workshop description and learning objectives
· Presenter qualifications and experience
· Originality of the topic
Submissions must be received by Friday, November 11, 2016.
Submit Proposal to: Wisconsin Alliance for Infant Mental Health
Kathie Snitker-Magin, Community Outreach Coordinator
Presenter Information
Presenter #1 (contact person)
Name:Endorsement Level (if applicable)
Place of Employment:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone: Fax: / Registry Trainer Level (if applicable):
Registry ID # (if applicable):
Have you earned Endorsement?
Are you a graduate of the UW Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program?
Presenter #2 (if applicable):
Name:Endorsement Level (if applicable)
Place of Employment:
Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone: Fax: / Registry Trainer Level (if applicable):
Registry ID # (if applicable):
Have you earned Endorsement?
Are you a graduate of the UW Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Capstone Certificate Program?
Information for Prospective Workshop Presenters
● Primary workshop presenter is invited to attend the two-day conference free of charge, including meals. Second presenter may register at a discounted rate. (Max 1 free and 1 half-price registration per workshop.)
● Each workshop room will have an LCD projector and laptop. Please plan to either email your powerpoint in advance or bring it on a USB flash drive (or both).
● Presenters are responsible for providing any materials that you will need during your presentation (ie flip chart, markers, etc). We encourage presenters to provide their handouts electronically, however if you wish to provide paper handouts, you will be responsible for copying.
· Compensation will be limited to one free and one discounted registration or one free exhibit table per session. Travel and lodging expenses will not be reimbursed. Presenters who are able to waive compensation help WI-AIMH to provide additional scholarships for those who would not otherwise be able to attend the Conference.
Questions? Contact Kathie Snitker-Magin
Return by November 11, 2016 to: Kathie Snitker-Magin, WI-AIMH Community Outreach Coordinator
Workshop Information
This will be the title used in the brochure. Feel free to use a creative, catchy, descriptive title.
Please provide a brief description (150-250 words) of your proposed presentation. This will be used by the planning committee to determine whether your presentation would be a good fit for the conference. Please include a description of the information that you will present, the format (ie. lecture, group discussion, panel, etc), activities you will be facilitating with your audience, and any other information that would be helpful for the planning committee to consider. Please make sure to include time in your presentation for Q & A and reflection on how the concepts presented can be applied to the attendees’ work or lives.
Please create a shorter version (no more than 60 words) of your presentation description. This will be included in the conference brochure, and is your chance to attract conference participants to your workshop. Abstracts may be edited for length and content.
Learning Objectives:
Please include 2-4 specific learning objectives that participants will gain from your presentation.
(Following this workshop, participants will be able to…)
**Required: Please attach a detailed outline of your intended presentation content.
Please include:
· Timing
· Activities
· Delivery method (ie lecture, small group discussion, hands on, etc)
· Visuals that you intend to use
· Resources and citations (publications, websites, research studies, etc)
If you have not presented at a WI-AIMH Conference in the past, please list events at which you have presented, and/or contact information for someone who has seen you present.
Preferred Audience Size(s) Small (<60) Large (>60)
Length(s) of Presentation 1¼hours (Wednesday, June 14) 2 hours (Tuesday, June 13)
Full Day Intensive (Monday, June 12)
Would you be willing to repeat your presentation?
Yes No
I am available to present (check all that apply):
June 12, 2017 June 13, 2017 June 14, 2017
Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon
Presentation Content (check all that apply):
Prevention/Promotion Intervention Treatment Consultation
Research Policy Supervision Coaching/Mentoring
Targeted Age Range (check all that apply):
Prenatal/Perinatal Infants Toddlers Preschool 4K/5K Adults
Intended Audience (check all that apply):
Child Care/Early Education Home Visiting/Parent Educators Child Welfare
Head Start/Early Head Start Early Intervention/Birth to 3 Advocacy/Policy
Medical / Public Health Trainers/Coaches/Administrators Parents
Early Childhood Special Education School Psychologists 4K/5K
Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultants Other
Intended Audience Level: (workshops at the intermediate and advanced levels are especially in demand)
Pre-service/student Beginning Intermediate Advanced
Do you require any special accommodations? No Yes (please describe)
Presenter Compensation Options (please choose one):
Free Registration for first presenter (max 1 free). Discounted registration rate available for second presenter.
I am able to waive compensation – Please award a scholarship on my behalf.
Please select the primary Infant Mental Health competency covered in your presentation:
*Please choose one (1) competency per hour of your presentation
For more extensive descriptions of Competencies, see
Pregnancy & early parenthoodInfant/child development
Infant/child/family-centered practice
Relationship-based therapies,
Family relationships & dynamics
Psychotherapeutic, behavioral
theories of change
Parental mental/AODA
Cultural competency
Adult learning theory / Research, evaluation, program
Law, ethics, regulation & policy
Community resources & service
delivery systems
Observation, screening, assessment,
Treatment planning & intervention
Life skills, safety, advocacy
Building relationships and
Coaching, mentoring, consulting / Crisis management, resolving
Supporting others, responding w/
empathy & compassion
Communicating, listening, speaking,
Critical thinking, analysis, planning &
Reflection, self-awareness, curiosity,
emotional response
Reflective Supervision/Consultation
Leading and motivating others