WIPSCOM Executive Board Conference Call

Wednesday June 10, 2015 10am

Call In # 262-896-8001 extensions: Host- 0189217#, Participant 0199190#

Attendance: Gary Bell, Nancy Heimke, Shelby Schmidt, Mike Blodgett, Paul Logan, John Dejung, Cory Lynch, Lynn Wallace, Jackie Bratz

Excused: LeAnn Krieg, Bob Frank, Laurie Gulbrand

AGENDA for Wednesday 6/10/2015

  1. Fall Conference Action Items
  2. Theme– Hunting Camp – Hunting for education/training – Tracking down continuous improvement/best practices/excellence – Best training for your duck/buck – On the trail to excellence – Shoot ideas to Nancy and she’ll send them to LeAnn and they’ll come up with the theme
  3. Pin – Camo or blaze orange and holding a rifle. Shelby has someone working on it.
  4. Programs - Nancy is taking it back now. Still going with half size and use the same printer. Need to have the count within 30 days of conference. Lynn will send Nancy the information on the printer.
  5. Speakers Jackie has been following up with a chaplain for CISD for RASO and offers a 1 or 2-day course and he would possibly be available for pre-conference. Jackie will pass this on to LeAnn. RASO also has officers who are trained by FBI for Active shooter response and she will forward this on to LeAnn as a general session.
  6. Pre-Con – Half day on open records is secured. Are we still looking for another half day? Will it include lunch? Nancy will look at pricing for full day/half day, with lunch/without lunch and follow up with Julie.
  7. Mon/Tue/Wed morning session– Mike Blodgett FFL only has an hour program. Didn’t think it would work for a closing. Paul Chris Hinrichs – believe we tentatively booked him for Monday’s opening session. LeAnn was going to look into a threat brief for Tuesday. Still need to look for Tuesday morning session. Paul will follow with LeAnn from APCO side.
  8. Professional Development Tracks– LeAnn has some of these online already.
  9. Vendors– Nancy has the list of vendors on line already – Mike will provide her the one additional vendor name to add. Possibly getting Guardian Tracking at the conference (Dane & Rock use them – Kenosha looking to get them). Has about half the vendor hall filled already. Not aggressively pursuing Donna Ferris’ group due to feedback from last year. Did manage to get 3 of the 4 vendor types that were requested from last year’s feedback.
  10. AHA Award/Recognition – Paul/John – Nicole has been really been putting in a lot of time in 911 related stuff – have been working with her for past four years. Invite her to banquet and recognize her – would be the right thing to do. Extend her a formal invitation – from the association presidents. Paul will get the award if given a dollar amount. Paul will go online and get some ideas and forward them to group.
  11. National Anthem– Could we just do pledge of allegiance? Paul will invite/ask Dr. Steigler if he’d do it again. If he is not available, we’ll do the pledge.
  12. Sunday Welcome gathering – Nancy will send that information to Paul/Gary as it gets closer. What went well? Brisket and cheese dip went well. Pretzels/peanuts and hot dogs didn’t go well. Will just need to figure out who is bringing what along as far as roasters.
  13. Entertainment–Paul got the magician for 1.75 hours at the banquet. He will start during cocktail hour at 5:15 (45 minutes), then one hour after dinner at 8pm – 8:20 stage show with wireless mic, then work the tables for 40 minutes. Check with Julie about bar times, banquet table and wireless mic – possibly video on to screen? Any other ideas – still interested in gaming stations or photo ops. Magician is more than enough.
  14. Lynn did order highlighter pens already. They lost our order, so we got 1000 pens instead of 500 for $100. Still looking for padfolios – Mike has 500 in office. LeAnn may have been checking with Bob Currier. Mike also has a bunch of priority dispatch lanyards (Lynn would prefer to use those at spring training) and we still have conference lanyards from last year.
  15. August Meeting/Training options John: FirstNet – reached out to Tim Pierce – checking to see if we ever got an answer from him on that. Paul will check in to that and get back to us. Any other ideas on a two hour program?
  16. Spring CMCP offering 3 - $200 dollar discounts to NENA members how to proceed Do we offer it as a scholarship? NENA members only can apply for scholarship. Paul – may want to reconsider this if you look at the membership list. If they attend this, they may become future members.
  17. Legislative/Governance Update
  18. SCIP 911 Committee Appointment– Communication from the IC Chair Sheriff Joski Shelby will follow up with Gary tomorrow. Meetings in central WI possibly – reached out Denise Schultz in Portage and someone in Wood County – both expressed an interest to represent APCO side. New group formed. 911 environment is least of their priorities. Looking at First Net and Next Gen. Not sure Interoperability has the PSAP best interests at heart – more interested in equipment side. We’re almost an afterthought.
  19. Paul/John – Do we want to consider a legislative leadership award? Lynn is going to defer as she hasn’t been involved in this. John – two possible nominees would be John Ballweg and Senator Joe Liebham who introduced legislation last year (no longer in Senate).
  20. North Central Regional Update Paul will send a follow up email to APCO regarding this. Will also need to check with Julie on venue needs. Possibly a 3-year outlook.
  21. WIPSCOM LogoShelby will send out email to group to push out to people.