《The Biblical Illustrator – Acts (Ch.25~28)》(A Compilation)

25 Chapter 25

Verses 1-12

Acts 25:1-12

Now when Festus was come into the province.

The Christian in reference to changes of government

Kings may die and governors be changed, but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Christian knows this, and--

I. Looks back on departed governors.

1. Without harsh judgment, for he knows that they stand, or will stand, before the highest Judge.

2. Without immoderate praise, for he sees that all the glory of the world is vanity.

II. Looks toward the new government.

1. Without extravagant hope, for he knows that there is nothing new under the sun.

2. Without anxious fear, for he knows that Christ reigns. (K. Gerok.)

Paul before Festus

I. The antecedent circumstances. Notice--

1. The arrival of Festus (Acts 25:1). After arriving (about A.D. 60) in Caesarea, the seat of the civil government, and continuing there “three days,” he goes up to Jerusalem, the metropolis of the Jewish people, not only from curiosity, but to study the spirit, institutions, and manners of a people with whose interests he would have, henceforth, much to do.

2. The appeal of the Jews concerning Paul. From Acts 25:2; Acts 3:1-26 two things are manifest:

3. The reply of Festus (Acts 25:4-5). Perhaps he had one of those presentiments which is often the offspring and the organ of God in the soul. But though he does not give the reason of his refusal, he promises an early trial, and requests them to go down with him and bring their accusation.

II. The attendant circumstances (Acts 25:6). Festus shows himself to be a man of his word, and a man prompt in action. Note--

1. The charges of Paul’s enemies, and his denial of them (Acts 25:7).

2. The request of Festus to Paul, and his refusal.

(a) His demand for political justice. He had committed no crime cognisable by the Jews, and could hope for no justice from them. As a Roman citizen, he demanded Roman justice.

(b) His consciousness of moral rectitude. Festus, no doubt, knew that Felix had found no fault with him; as a shrewd man he must have seen that his accusers were capable of fabricating the most groundless charges, and from the spirit of the apostle, that he was an innocent man.

(c) His sublime heroism.

(i) He dared death. To a truly great man truth and honour are far more precious than life. Men’s dread of death is always in proportion to their disregard of moral principles.

(ii) He dared his judge too. “No man may deliver me unto them.” The right to appeal to Caesar belonged to him as a Roman citizen, and it was strictly forbidden to put any obstruction in the way of a Roman citizen when he had appealed. Paul knew this, and he dared his judge by appealing to Caesar.

III. The resultant circumstances (verse12). In this “Unto Caesar shalt thou go,” we may see--

1. The triumph of justice over policy. Festus, in desiring him to go to Jerusalem, thought it a stroke of policy, but Paul’s appeal to Caesar forced him to abandon the purpose.

2. The triumph of generosity over selfishness. A generosity inspired by the gospel of Christ had awakened in Paul a strong desire to go to Rome (Acts 19:21; Romans 1:11; Romans 15:23-24). This was strengthened by years. But how had selfishness, working in the Jews, wrought to thwart it! Here, however, in the fiat, “Unto Caesar shalt thou go,” the door of Rome is thrown open to him: his way is made safe and sure and cheap.

3. The triumph of the Divine over the human. God had purposed that Paul should go to Rome (Acts 23:11). The purpose of the Jews was to kill him at Jerusalem. The Lord reigns, and so controls the opposing and conflicting passions of the world as ultimately to realise His own decree. As we believe, amid the darkness and desolations of the severest winter, that summer is on its march, and will cover the world with life and beauty, so let us believe, amongst all the workings of human depravity, that God’s great purpose to redeem the world to holiness and bliss is marching on in stately certainty. (D. Thomas, D. D.)

Paul before Festus

I. Festus represents a certain class of mind.

1. In reference to his general character. When Felix had been removed Festus was appointed to succeed him, because he was more just and incorruptible, and more likely to be popular among the Jews. His general character was evinced in these transactions.

2. In reference to the sentiments which he entertained on the subject of religion (Acts 24:18-19). Festus regarded the “questions” in the ease--

II. Is this the proper manner in which to treat the subject of religion? Let such as Festus note--

1. That every man has in fact an interest in the great questions which belong to religion. Man is made to be a religious being; and he never approaches the perfection of his nature, or meets the design of his existence, until the religious principle is developed. Man is distinguished by this from every other inhabitant of our world. To deprive him of this capability would as essentially alter his nature as to deprive him of reason. In the question whether there is a God, and what He is, one man is as much concerned as any other man can be. Whether man is a fallen being--whether an atonement has been made for sin--whether the Bible was given by inspiration of God, etc.

are things pertaining to all men in common.

2. Every man is bound to perform the duties which religion requires, and none more than Festus himself. There is a very common, and not wholly an unnatural, mistake on this point. Many seem to feel that the obligations of religion are the result of a voluntary covenant; that there is nothing lying back of a profession of religion to oblige anyone to attend to its duties, any more than there is to bind a man to enlist as a soldier, or to enter into a contract for building a bridge. When a profession of religion has been made they admit it to be binding. Now, Christians do not object to being held to the performance of the duties of religion, growing out of their involuntary covenant with God. But the profession of religion does not create the obligation, it only recognises it.

3. Every man needs the provisions which the gospel has made for salvation. If Festus had inquired into the “superstition,” a few questions would have opened such visions of glory, honour, and immortality as had never dawned on the mind of a Roman. The natural mistake which men make on this point is, that while one class may need the provisions made in the gospel, there are others for which these are unnecessary. It is like the feeling which we have about medicines: they are useful and desirable for the sick, but not needful for those who are in health. So if men feel that they are sinners, it is proper for them to make application to the system which proclaims and promises peace. But where this necessity is not felt, men do not think that the gospel pertains to them. Yet the gospel assumes that every one of the race is in circumstances which make the plan of redemption necessary for him; that there is no such virtue in man as to meet the demands of the law; and that no one enters heaven who is not interested in the Saviour’s death.

4. It is as certain of one man as it is of another, that unless he is interested in religion he will be lost. If one can be saved without religion, another can in the same way; and consequently religion is unnecessary for any.


1. Men are not merely lookers-on in the world. Each man that passed by the Cross had the deepest personal interest, if he had known it, in the great transaction. So Festus, if he had known it, had the deepest personal interest in the question whether the unknown man who was affirmed to be dead was really alive. And so with everyone that hears the gospel.

2. The interest which a man has in these things is not one from which he can escape. It attends him everywhere, and at all times.

3. No man should desire to drive the subject from his mind. Why should he? Why should he not feel that he has a God and a Saviour? Why should he not have a hope of future happiness? (A. Barnes, D. D.)

Paul before Festus

An instructive example how both the children of the world and the children of light remain the same.

I. The children of the world.

1. Paul’s accusers. They have learnt nothing, and forgotten nothing: they bring forward the old lies, and employ the same artifices as they had devised before in the case of Paul and Christ.

2. Paul’s judges. Instead of a licentious Felix, a proud Festus, who at first showed a noble bearing (Acts 24:4-5), but soon, like his predecessor, surrendered righteousness to please men (Acts 24:9)--in short, under another name, the same man of the world.

II. The children of God. Paul is the same in--

1. Undaunted courage. The two years’ imprisonment had neither broken his courage nor paralysed his presence of mind: his defence is as clear and firm as ever.

2. In his meekness and patience. No desire of revenge against his wicked enemies, no conspiracy against his unrighteous judges, no impatience at so long a trial; but calm submission to Roman law, and confident trust in the Divine protection. (K. Gerok.)


Unfortunately there is a good deal of sneakism to be found in society; but as it is not polite to give any example painted from life, we may have a very coherent notion of the spirit of the offence if we notice that embodiment of it which is to be seen in the lion worm. The lion worm is a curious and voracious little creature, having a tapering form, the head being more pointed than the tail. Like the ant lion, that formidable insect, it makes a species of cavity in the loose earth, and there waits in ambuscade for its prey. A portion of its body lies concealed under the sand, the rest stretches across the bottom of the den, and appears so stiff and motionless that at first sight it might be taken for a bit of straw, half an inch in length. If, however, any insect in search of food should happen to walk into the cave of the lion worm, the little morsel of stubble in an instant becomes all animation, falls like a serpent on its prey, and winding its body in coils around its victim, compresses it to death, and sucks out the juices by means of a couple of hooks fixed to its head. No one can observe these actions without coming to the conclusion that sneakism in men or worms is just the same thing, with merely a change of method and appliances suitable to the place and occasion. (Scientific Illustrations.)

Christian epochs

We are now in the midst of great historical scenes. The painter cannot let them alone. There are some things which men willingly let die, but there are other things which will not die.

I. What a long life hatred has! Two years had elapsed, but the fury of the Jews had not cooled. We leave some things to time, calling it “all-healing Time.” Time cannot put hell out! Well might the apostle warn the Churches against “bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour”; he had felt the hatred which he deprecated. Religious hatred is the worst. The Church has herself to blame for the little progress Christianity has made in the world. Religious hatred thought less of murder than of ceremonial pollution. The Jews desired that Paul should come to Jerusalem; and they would take care to have assassins on the road. Yet these men would not eat until they had washed their hands! The more you attend to mere ceremony the more you fritter away the substance of your character.

II. How wondrously opportunities are created by human mistakes! The Christian elders thought that Paul had better make a compromise in order to do away with suspicion. If they had been out doing Paul’s kind of work, they would have left compromise millions of miles behind them; but they had been in the metropolis studying--always a very perilous and risky business. So all this trouble came upon Paul through their weak-minded and mistaken advice. But the Lord turned the human mistake into a Divine opportunity. It gave Paul his highest audiences. He was talking to rabbles before--just an open-air preacher, a man taking opportunities as they occurred--but now he was a preacher to procurators and kings. We know not what we do. Could we stand back in the eternity of God and watch men, we should not be troubled by their doings. When they are making weapons against us, we should say, “No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper.” “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?” There is only one man can do you any injury of a permanent kind, and that man is yourself. If you are right, you cannot be injured; your enemies will only be creating opportunities for you. The Lord maketh the wrath of man to praise Him; the remainder of that wrath He doth restrain.

III. Long-continued hardship had not soured the mind of Paul. That is the test of his quality. When he appears before Festus we mark in him the same quietness, the same dignity, the same defence--that is Christianity. If it were a fight in words the battle might go wrong for our cause sometimes, because there are men against us, skilled in sentences and arguments; but it is an affair of the sweetness of the soul. Long-suffering is eloquence. This is a Christian miracle. There are three remarkable things about Paul in this connection. Here presents--

1. Spiritual influence. He cannot be let alone. Chained at Caesarea, he is still an active presence in Jerusalem. You cannot get rid of some men. If you kill them, they will haunt you as Herod was haunted by the new man whom he suspected to be the beheaded John. Paul represented the kind of influence which follows society, colouring its questions, lifting up its wonder, troubling its conscience.