WTECH 183 Utility Worker SafetyAssignment #1: Confined Space Entry


Review the information in the Confined Spaces, Chapter 296-809 WAC on the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries web site*. Then, answer the following study questions. Submit your answers to the Study Questions according to the following guidelines:

  • save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document;
  • format your assignment with no spaces between lines and with 1 inch margins on all sides;
  • use normal font (no bold, italic or underline, please) Times New Roman (PC) font size 12 or Times (Apple) font size 12;
  • place the course number, the title of the assignment and your full name at the beginning of your assignment;
  • list Study Question answers by number (it's not necessary to re-write the Study Questions themselves);
  • submit the assignment as an e-mail attachment to the instructor at by the due date/time listed in the course schedule;
  • make it clear in your e-mail subject line which course and assignment number you are submitting (for example, your e-mail subject line might read: WTECH 183 Reading Assignment #1); and
  • submit each assignment as a separate e-mail (only one assignment per e-mail, please!)

* If you are not a WashingtonState resident, you may complete this project based on your state's regulations. Please include a web address to your state's regulations at the beginning of your assignment.

In order to be accepted for evaluation, this assignment must be submitted by the due date/time listed in the course schedule and in the format outlined in the instructions section above.The instructor will randomly select study questions from this assignment for evaluation. Selected study questions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

2 points / Response correctly answers the question, is factually correct; and is thorough.
2 points / Response demonstrates comprehension of material and understanding of concepts by using student's own words.
1 point / Response demonstrates good writing skills including appropriate use of standard English with attention to mechanics, grammar, punctuation and usage.

Study Questions

  1. What is the definition of a confined space?
  2. Describe the conditions and procedures necessary for classifying a non-permit-confined space.
  3. What is the definition of a permit-required confined space?
  4. How should an employer control entry into a permit-required confined space?
  5. Explain what is required of an employer when employees of another employer (such as a contractor) perform work that involves a permit-required confined space entry.
  6. Describe training requirements for permit-required confined space entry.
  7. Explain how an entry permit system works.
  8. Give three examples of circumstances that require a review of a confined space entry program.
  9. List four examples of measures that might be used to prevent unauthorized entry into permit-required confined spaces.
  10. List equipment employers must provide to employees who enter permit-required confined spaces.
  11. Explain the purpose of each of the following evaluations made during confined space entry.
    a. Test conditions before entry
    b. Test conditions during entry
    c. Evaluate entry operations
  12. Explain requirements for confined space rescue and emergency services.
  13. Explain what non-entry rescue/retrieval systems are.
  14. Describe the responsibilities and duties of permit-required confined space entry supervisors.
  15. Describe the responsibilities and duties of permit-required confined space attendants
  16. Describe the responsibilities and duties of permit-required confined space entrants.
  17. What conditions must be met in order to use alternate entry procedures?

Note: the following questions are based on the Sewer System Entry information from the "Helpful Tools" portion of the L&I Confined Spaces web site.

  1. How do sewer system entries differ from other confined space entries?
  2. What attributes should employees who will make sewer system entries have?
  3. What conditions should atmospheric testing equipment be capable of identifying during a sewer system entry?
  4. What type of atmospheric monitoring equipment is recommended for sewer system entry?
  5. What precautions should be taken regarding surge flow and flooding during a sewer system entry?
  6. What types of special equipment might be necessary for entry into large-bore sewers?

Note: the following questions are based on the Example Confined Space Entry Program for Sewer Entry information from the "Helpful Tools" portion of the L&I Confined Spaces web site.

  1. List the potential hazards that may be present during a sewer entry.
  2. Summarize the information in the Entry Permits section of the example sewer entry program.
  3. Explain testing requirements used to control atmospheric hazards during a sewer entry.
  4. Explain space ventilation requirements used to control atmospheric hazards during a sewer entry.
  5. Summarize entry procedures from Table HT-1.
  6. Summarize what's required to make an alternate entry into a sewer.
  7. Summarize procedures for safely removing a disabled worker from a sewer.
  8. Study the examples of fill-in-the-blank entry permits and explain the purpose of the information required on them.

Note: the following questions are based on the Atmospheric Testing of Permit-Required Confined Spaces information from the "Helpful Tools" portion of the L&I Confined Spaces web site.

  1. Why is atmospheric testing of permit-required confined spaces used?
  2. Explain the steps necessary to verify that acceptable entry conditions exist in a permit-required confined space.

Note: the following questions are based on the Sample Confined Space Entry Permits information from the "Helpful Tools" portion of the L&I Confined Spaces web site.

Study a sample confined space entry permit and explain the purpose of the information it requires.