WinthropUniversity Faculty Conference

August 18, 2006 3:00 pm

Withers Auditorium

I. Call to Order

Dr. Timothy Daugherty, Chair of the Faculty Conference, called the meeting to order at 3 P.M.

II. Rhythm of Welcome

The Winthrop University West African Drum Ensemble performed “Tiriba,” a rhythm of welcome. Performers included Professor Michael Williams and the following students: James Cannon (graduate student), Jimmy Floyd, Bobby Kirkland, Michael Scarboro, Jonathan Harris, and Kyle Merck. The outstanding performance was followed by a standing ovation.

III. Adoption of Minutes

Minutes from the April 21, 2006 Faculty Conference were approved as distributed.

IV. Greeting from the Council of Student Leaders

Dustin Evatt, CSL Chair for 2006-2007, briefly greeted the faculty and encouraged their attendance at meetings of the Council of Student Leaders. Elizabeth Mutch (Vice-Chair) and Erin Busbee (Secretary) were introduced as new officers.

V. Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference

Dr. Daugherty introduced the parliamentarian (Dr. Sue Spencer) and secretary (Dr. Michael Aradas). He reminded the conference that the November 17 meeting had been cancelled due to a conflict with the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, and reiterated the implications outlined in his July 3 e-mail to the members of Faculty Conference.

Dr. Daugherty then summarized the last meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Board completed its annual evaluation of the president using the Agency Head Performance Evaluation form prescribed by the state. He reported that the Board sought and expressed sincere interest in the faculty perspective. Anticipating this agenda item, Dr. Daugherty had formally invited input from colleagues. The Board determined that the president had “exceeded performance expectations” (the highest available rating). The Board also extended the president’s contract an additional year – through mid 2012. At the same meeting, emeritus status was awarded to 15 retired faculty members. A continuation of the Salary Enhancement Initiative was approved (adding 2% to the state’s 3% figure). The Board approved the INFD program proposal, which will now proceed through state approval processes. Karl Folkens was re-elected chair. Since the meeting, the Governor has identified his designee to the Board, David Vipperman of Rock Hill.

Dr. Daugherty then indicated that faculty governance at Winthrop continues to be productive. He argued, however, that the productivity arises from the talent and effort of faculty – not the elegance of the governance structures. During the decades since the last review of faculty governance, significant changes have emerged in higher education (funding, assessment, pedagogy, technology, etc.). Thus, he argued, the time has come to begin a discussion – faculty driven and transparent. He has distributed to the chairs of FC standing committees a committee review form (to be completed this fall), and he will make the form available to other university level committees that might be interested in participating in this stage of the process.

Dr. Daugherty invited questions or concerns regarding any aspect of his report, but none arose.

VI. Report from the President

Dr. Daugherty announced that President DiGiorgio had called earlier in the afternoon to indicate that two conflicts had arisen in his schedule. He regretted not being present, but had planned primarily to direct faculty to his Opening Address and to the Vision of Distinction. Dr. Daugherty reminded faculty that both documents can be found at

VII. Committee Reports

Per general consent, the order of business was changed.

A. Academic Council

Dr. Tom Polaski, Chair of Academic Council, reminded faculty members that the first meeting of Academic Council would be on September 8. Tim Drueke, Registrar, indicated that there were many deadlines which would telescope quickly.

B. Other Committee Reports

There were no other committee reports.

C. Introduction of the Chairs of Standing Committees

Following, Dr. Moore’s remarks (shown in the next section), the chairs of the standing committees introduced themselves, described their committees’ mission, and identified the best way to contact them.

Academic Freedom and TenurePaula Mitchell

Admissions Advisory CommitteeJackie McFadden

Budget Priorities CommitteeStevie Chepko

Faculty ConcernsLou Pantuosco

Faculty Personnel CommitteeGale Teaster

Library CommitteeMarge Moody

Rules CommitteeBeth Costner

Undergraduate Petitions CommitteeAnne Olsen

Academic CouncilTom Polaski

IV. Report from the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Dr. Moore welcomed all of us to the new academic year. He stated that the prior week’s Academic Retreat had identified areas for further discussion and investigation. He noted that Winthrop will have a very large freshman class this year, and invited the faculty to center their mission on the students. He charged the deans, department chairs, and faculty to ask themselves what the students need. He finds meaning in his job when he observes the faculty effectively creating and implementing educational programs and promoting student learning. He enjoined us to “live WinthropUniversity into being,”—to envision success and move toward our highest ideals.

Dr. Moore then introduced the deans who introduced new faculty.

College of Arts and Sciences

Dean Debra Boyd introduced:

  • Ms. Linda M. Ashley – Instructor in Social Work (M.S.W., USC)
  • Dr. Eric C. Birgbauer – Assistant Professor of Biology INBRE (Ph.D., MIT)
  • Mr. Brent E. Cagle – Instructor in Social Work (Doctoral Candidate, USC)
  • Dr. Wendy E. Campbell – Assistant Professor of Social Work (Ph.D., Social Work)
  • Dr. Amy S. Gerald – Assistant Professor of English (Ph.D., UNCG)
  • Dr. Kenneth A. Gordon – Professor of French and Chair, Department of Modern Languages (Ph.D., OSU)
  • Dr. Jason C. Hurlbert – Assistant Professor of Chemistry INBRE (Ph.D., Florida)
  • Mr. Trent C. Kull – Instructor in Mathematics (M.S., CSU)
  • Ms. Kimberly Q. McKinney – Research Staff Scientist/Instructor in Chemistry INBRE (M.S., Winthrop)
  • Dr. Deana F. Morrow – Associate Professor of Social Work (Ph.D., NCSU)
  • Dr. M. Gregory Oakes – Assistant Professor of Philosophy (Ph.D., Washington)
  • Ms. Dawn M. Pratt – Instructor in Psychology (Doctoral Candidate, Purdue)
  • Dr. Pravda K. Stoeva-Popova – Assistant Professor of Biology (Ph.D., Supreme Attestation Board, Bulgaria)
  • Ms. Victoria E. Uricoechea – Instructor in Spanish (M.A., Winthrop)
  • Ms. Jeannie Haubert Weil – Instructor in Sociology (Doctoral Candidate, Tulane)
  • Ms. Kimberly D. Wilson – Research Staff Scientist/Instructor in Biology INBRE (M.S., Winthrop)

Given that Marsha Bollinger is on sabbatical, Peter Philips (Biology) and Michael Lipscomb (Political Science) will assume interim duties, advising and programming respectively, for the Environmental Sciences and Environmental Studies program.

College of Business Administration

Dean Roger Weikle introduced:

  • Dr. Barbara Burgess-Wilkerson – Assistant Professor of Management and Director of Student Professional Development (Ph.D., Pittsburgh)
  • Mr. Harold J. Manasa – Associate Professor of Accounting (M.A., Oklahoma)
  • Dr. David T. Meeting – Professor of Accounting (D.B.A., KentState)

RichardW.RileyCollege of Education

Dean Pat Graham introduced:

  • Dr. Wanda P. Briggs – Assistant Professor of Education, Curriculum & Instruction (Ph.D., UNCC)
  • Ms. Debra E. Krotish – Instructor in Education, Health & PE (M.S., Winthrop)
  • Dr. Deborah V. Mink – Assistant Professor of Education, Elementary Education (Ph.D., Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia)
  • Dr. Linda H. Pickett – Assistant Professor of Education, Elementary Education (Ph.D., Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia)
  • Ms. Kristi L. Schoepfer – Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Health & PE (J.D., Marquette)
  • Dr. Tenisha L. Tolbert – Assistant Professor of Education, Early Childhood Education (Ph.D., UNCG)
  • Dr. Jane J. White – Associate Professor of Education, Elementary Education (Ph.D., Penn)


Dr. Moore, on behalf of Dean Brien Lewis (involved in a student orientation activity), introduced

Woody Pelton (J.D., George Washington) as new Director of the InternationalCenter.

College of Visual and Performing Arts

Dr. Moore introduced Libby Patenaude (MFA, UNC Greensborough), new Dean of the College of Visual and Performing Arts. Dean Patenaude then introduced:

  • Dr. Tomoko Deguchi – Assistant Professor of Music (Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo)
  • Mr. John H. Fowler – Assistant Professor of Music (M.M., Winthrop)
  • Mr. Stephen Gundersheim – Assistant Professor of Theatre (M.F.A., ArizonaState)
  • Dr. Matthew C. Manwarren – Associate Professor of Music (D.M.A., Cincinnati)
  • Mr. Robert M. Marenick – Assistant Professor of Theatre (M.F.A., Ohio)
  • Ms. Courtney Starrett – Assistant Professor of Art and Design (M.F.A., Temple)

Dr. Moore introduced Professor Yang “Vivian” Jingkuan, Visiting (SISU) Associate Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences.

VII. Unfinished Business -- none.

VIII. New Business

A. Faculty Diversity:Recruitment & Retention

Dr. Adolphus Belk (Political Science, African American Studies) and Ms. Karen Jones (Assistant VP for Academic Affairs) discussed strategies for the recruitment, development, and retention of diverse faculty. They indicated that the advertised job description should reflect a desire for faculty diversity; such postings can contribute to a diverse candidate pool. Departments should also place ads in diversity-oriented journals and include diverse faculty on search committees. Campus visits should be organized with, for example, Black student associations. Working with existing institutional and employment networks can create pipelines through which quality faculty can emerge. Regarding faculty development and retention, Dr. Belk stressed the importance of mentoring for the new faculty, establishing a critical mass of diverse faculty (who are, of course, aware of each other), and a concrete sense of recognition and respect.

B. Turnitin Update

Dean Mark Herring, Dacus Library, asserted that Turnitin remains a useful tool for faculty seeking plagiarism protection in the classroom. He noted that it is easy to set up and that the newest version includes Grade Mark, an on-line tool which allows the instructor to place diacriticals on a paper for the student’s consideration. A Peer Review feature allows students to mark each others’ papers. In response to a question about Modern Languages, he indicated that French, German, and Spanish were supported in the latest version of Turnitin.

VIII. Announcements

Dr. Daugherty reminded the conference that Convocation is scheduled for the following Monday at 4:00 p.m., with the faculty gathering occurring at 3:30 in Kinard’s main hallway. Dr. Jennifer Solomon, Assistant Dean of UniversityCollege, announced “Mavens of the Matrix,” a program based on this year’s Common Book (Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point). The program will be presented on August 22 at 8 PM in Byrnes Auditorium. Tim Drueke, Registrar, reminded the faculty that the drop date for an “N” grade is now October 20. He also indicated that Wingspan training sessions will begin soon. Dr. Jenifer Disney, Political Science and Director of the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards, stated that a compilation of all nationally competitive awards for students is under way, and that an advisory committee is being formed. Dr. Karen Kedrowski, Chair of Political Science, noted that Constitution Day is September 18. Howard Jaffa will speak. The faculty applauded the announcement that the Interior Design program successfully finished the accreditation earlier this year. Finally, Dr. Daugherty read an announcement encouraging participation in a photo being taken in front of Byrnes Auditorium on August 21.

Adjournment was at 4:10 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Michael Aradas, Secretary