Winterbourne Parish Council s4

Winterbourne Parish Council s4



18 December 2017

C Thorne in the Chair

D Fletcher (A) M Manning (P)

M Newport (P) P Willis (A)

J Amos (P) C Thorne (P)

M Goodman (P) P Dyer (A)

Evacuation procedure – Leave via the fire door and assemble outside in the play area – Noted.

80.12/17 Apologies for Absence - Cllrs D Fletcher, P Willis & P Dyer
81.12/17 Declaration of Interests under the Localism Act 2011 – Cllr Thorne for application PT17/5590/TCA.
82.12/17 Minutes of the meeting on 4 December 2017 – Approved as a correct record.
83.12/17 Planning Applications:
a)  PT17/5309/F – 5 Factory Road (Erection of first floor side extension with Juliet balcony to form additional living accommodation). The Parish Council are unable to comment as no plans are available.
b)  PT17/5381/F – 9 Gazzard Road (Erection of single storey side and rear extension to provide additional living accommodation). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
Winterbourne Down & Hambrook
c)  PT17/5208/F – Porthrepta, 65 Down Road (Erection of a two storey rear extension with balcony to form additional living accommodation. Installation of 1.6m high entrance gates). RESOLVED to raise an Objection: The gate is not in keeping with the street scene. The velux windows will overlook neighbouring properties.
d)  PT17/5250/F – Land to the West of the M32 and South of Filton Road (Erection of single storey building to form changing rooms, storage building, spectator canopies, 4no. team shelters, parking and associated works). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
e)  PT17/5573/OHLE – Old Gloucester Road, Hambrook (Application for consent under Section 37 of the Electricity Act 1989 to install 2no. new terminal towers to facilitate relocation of existing overhead service cable to underground. The application is made under section 5(2) of The Overhead Lines (Exemption) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009 – Planning Act 2008. RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
f)  PT17/5039/TCA – Wood View (Works to 1no Ash tree (T1) to reduce crown to a finished height of 15 metres and a radial spread of 5 metres. Crown reduction to 1 no Ash tree (T2) to leave a finished height of 15 metres and a radial spread of 6 metres. Works to 1no Ash tree (T3) to remove lateral growth to attain a 1 metre clearance from the adjacent tree (T2). Trees situated within the Frenchay Conservation Area). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
g)  PT17/5590/TCA – Frenchay Village Museum (Works to fell 1no Holly tree situated in the Frenchay Conservation Area). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
Frampton Cotterell
h)  PT17/5362/F – 8 School Road (Installation of 5no solar panels to rear elevation). The Parish Council are unable to comment as it has been removed from public viewing.
i)  PK17/5486/F – 34 Bury Hill View (Erection of single storey side and rear extension to provide additional living accommodation). RESOLVED that no Objection be raised.
84.12/17 Planning Decisions - Noted
PT17/4591/CLP – 49 High Street (Application for a Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed alterations to roof to facilitate installation of a rear/side dormer). Approve with Conditions. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
PT17/4747/F – 20 Burrough Way (Erection of single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation). Approve with Conditions. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
PT17/4994/RVC – Photovoltaic Installation Grange Farm (Variation of condition 2 attached to planning permission PT13/3662/F to extend permission for solar farm to 30 years and 6 months, to allow for an additional five years operation followed by six months decommissioning). Approve with Conditions. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
Winterbourne Down & Hambrook
PT16/6467/F – Stables and Hardstanding at Land off Bury Hill (Demolition of existing stables. Erection of new stable block, new access and associated works). Approve with Conditions. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
PT17/5279/TCA – 29 Cliff Court Drive (Works to prune back to clear telephone lines 1no. Silver Birch tree situated within the Frenchay Conservation Area). No Objection. The Parish Council did not raise an Objection.
South Gloucestershire Council
·  The left turn at the Hambrook traffic lights has been reinstated and apparently traffic is now flowing well.