English(M.M:10) / Homework given in the English notebook
(M.M:10) / Homework given in the Hindi notebook
(M.M:10) / Homework given in the Maths notebook
English rhymes
(M.M:10) / Learn :- Early to bed, Baa Baa, Roses are Red, Eeny meeni, Chubby chicks
Hindi rhymes
(M.M:10) / Learn pg no 7 to 12
Art & activity
(M.M:10) / Do all pages
Understanding the world
(M.M:10) / Learn- Fruits, Vegetables, Our Helpers, Flower and Animals
ENGLISH / My Merry Workbook of Capital &Small Letters( 5 page)
Do the work given in the note books.
Learn the rhymes and conversation done in class.
HINDI / Mera Pratham Akshar Lekhan (5 page)
Do the work given in notebooks.
Revise the poems.
MATHS / Do the work given in the notebooks.
Write and learn the number names 1-10
Understanding The World / Revision of lesson no. 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 26 and 27.
Creations(Art & Craft) / Complete the pages left in the book.
Art & Activity © / Complete the pages left in the book
ENGLISH(M.M:10) / Hollyhock Primer-B Reading pg no: 44 to 51, Cursive writing: Do pg no: 19 to 23, learn all work done in notebook.
(M.M:10) / Reading pg no: 23, 24, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, learn all work done in notebook.
(M.M:10) / Learn and Revise all work done in notebook.
(M.M:10) / Learn and Revise all work done in notebook.
Creations(Art & Craft)
(M.M:10) / Complete all pages.
Art & Activity ©
(M.M:10) / Complete all pages.
Subjects / Home workEnglish / Complete the writing book from pg no 41 to 50.test paper 1 from grammar book pg no 35 to 38 & test paper 2 pg no 82(Q A,B,C)
Reader-pg 13 Q no 1 working with words,pg 18 working with words,pg 22 Q 2 Read the number aloud and learn the spellings, pg 26 learn the days of the week,pg 40 working with words,pg 45 Q 3 find the correct words,pg 50 Q 1 say the sounds and learn the spelling,pg 52 Q 1 working with words,pg 56 working with words Q1,2,using capital letters and full stops,pg 62 learn the difficult words from the story,comprehension ex,pg 64 Ex listening & reading,pg 66 working with words,Q 1 talk about the picture,Q 2 & 3 pg 68 comprehension question.
Hindi / ik¡p iafDr;k¡ fdzlel ds R;kSgkj ij fy[ksa vkSj jax Hkjus ds fy, ,d fp= cuk,¡A
Hindi Holiday work (Revision work)
Q1. Pg No. 6 o.kZekyk lh[kks
Q2. Dictation words
Pg No. 12, 13 ,20 ,21 ,28 ,29, 30, 38, 40, 41, 48, 49, 56, 57, 66 ,69
Pg No. 72 fxuks vkSj fy[kks
Pg No. 75 ,d vusdHindi II Pg No. 32
Pg No. 77 buds vkSj uke¼lekukFkZd “kCn½
Pg No. 78 L=hfyax@iqfYayxHindi II Pg No. 30
Maths / Write the number names from 150 to 200 in your note book.
EVS / Pg 1 fill in the blanks & tell us about yourself,pg 4 names and spelling of parts of body,pg 7 Q 1 and 2,pg 13 Q 1 and 2,pg 18 Q 1,2,3,pg 22 Q 1 and 2,pg 27 Q 1 and 2 ,pg 32 Q 1,pg 38 Q 1 and 2,pg 43 Q 1 and 2,3,pg 47 Q 1 and 2,pg 52 Q 1 and 2,pg 56 Q 1 and 2,3,pg 61 Q 1 and 2
Computer / Complete the given worksheet.
Subjects / Home workEnglish / Lit - Read the Ch- The musician of Bremen and learn its new words for dictation
Lang – Revise and practice Ch 10 - 14
Hindi / 1 - क्रियाकिसेकहते है ?( यादकरे व हिंदी की कॉपीमें लिखे |)
2 - पाठ -13 व 14 के शब्दअर्थ यादकरे व लिखे |
3 - सुलेख कीपुस्तक मे 5 पेजसुलेख कीजिये |
Maths / Complete the worksheet and stick it in your note book.
EVS / Draw the CALENDER 2017 of your BIRTHDAY MONTH on A-4 sheet.
Moral Science / Write a thought on “Hard work” in your note book.
Computer / Complete the given worksheet.
English / English writing book Page No. 20 to 30Paragraph writing on my favorite place in A4 size sheet with picture
Hindi / निम्नगृहकार्य कोहिंदीसाहित्यकीकॉपीमेंलिखे।
१) पथ१३कविताहल्लागुल्लाकी लाइनेलिखेएवंयादकरे.
२) क्रिसमसत्यौहारपर१०लाइने लिखे.
Maths / Paste 5 different types of money bills in your maths copy.
Paste scanned images or pictures of currency notes that are currently used in our country.
EVS / Find out the materials that were used to build your house.
Paste their pictures in your scrapbook.
SUBJECT / CONTENTENGLISH / Complete test paper I and Test paper II (Ex. a, b, g)
HINDI / ikB 1 ls IkkB 12 rd fgUnh lkfgR; ¼mRd’kZ½ ds “kCnkFkZ vkSj dfBu “kCn ;kn djksa
ljdl dk flag dfork ;kn djks
ikB 11 iksaxy dk lHkh dk;Z ;kn dhft, ¼iz”uksRrj] vH;kl dk;Z½
fgUnh Hkk’kk &
loZuke] fojke fpg~u] laKk] fdz;k dh ifjHkk’kk,¡ ;kn djks
ist UkŒ 21 ds iqfYaYkx vkSj L=hfyax “kCn ;kn djksA
1 vius fe= dks tUefnu dh c/kkbZ nsrs gq, ,d iksLVdkMZ ij i= fy[ksA
MATH / Make a Model of Clock (any shape)
Revision of ch-9, ch-10, ch-11
SCIENCE / Project given by science teacher
- Collect 5 samples of each of Rabi and Kharif crops and stick them in a chart.
- Mark 25 hard words in the chapters- 13, 14, 16 and try to make sentences out of them.
- Make a table of food and cash crops in your S.S.T notebook, mentioning at least one example and the state in which it is form
Subjects / Home workHindi / 1 - पाठ -13 " प्रभु तुम मेरे मन की जानो " पद्यांश कोहिन्दीकी उत्तरपुस्तिका मेंलिखे औरयाद करो |
2 - पाठ 1 से 12 तक के शब्दअर्थ औरकठिनशब्द याद करो |
3 - पर्यायवाची (हिंदीउत्कर्ष ) पेजन. 24 यादकरो |
4 - एक पोस्ट्कार्ड पर अपनेदादाजीकेस्वास्थ्यकेबारेमेंजानने केलिएदादाजीकोपत्रलिखो |
5 - वचन ,लिंग ,उपसर्ग ,प्रत्यय ,कालसमश्रुतभिन्नार्थककीपरिभाषाहिन्दीभाषाकीकॉपीमेंसेयादकरो
Maths / Make a chart on conversion of units of Measurement.
Practice all the chapters done in the class.
ENGLISH / Make a diary and record your daily routine along with your experiences during the winter vacation in it.
Complete Test 1 (b,d) page no.43,44. Test 2 (a,d,e) page no.104,105,106.
S.ST / 1. Write down the new words from chapters (15,16,18) and try to form sentences from them (atleast 25)
2. Make a model of clay tablet given on ( page 100)
3. Write notes on khilafat movement, Jalian Walah Bagh and Simon Commission. Support your notes with appropriate pictures.
Science / Make Collage on Natural disasters on A3 sheet.
Learn Chapter 10 and 11.
English / Make a diary entry and record your daily routine in it along with the experiences you had during winter vacation.Revise nouns and its types
Complete Test I (Pg 72, 73, 74)
Test II (b, c, f)
Hindi / O;kdj.k & ist 161] 162 vkSipkfjd i= fy[ksa ,oe~ ;kn djsaA
ist 95 ikB & dky dh iwjh vH;kl O;kdj.k dkWih esa djuk ,oe~ ;kn djukA
O;kdj.k ist & 31 ] 32 ] 55 ] 56 ] 57 ] 58 vkSj 59
ist & 64 ] 65 ] 66 ] 74 ] 78 ] 79 ] 80 ] 81 ] 88 ] 89 ] 90 ] 99 ;kn djuk gSA
dksbZ 10 eqgkojksa ds vFkZ fy[k dj muds okD; cuk,A
ikB 10 ds nksgs ;kn djuk gSA
Maths / Make a chart on Maths Lab Activity given in your book on page no.-123.
Learn the definitions of Rectangle, Square, Circle and all types of Triangles.
SCIENCE / Learn chapter no.- 11 & 12 for Unit Test 4
Prepare a model on any one of the following topics-
Sundial, Periscope, Kaleidoscope, Sunclock, Pinhole camera, Electricity fuse.
SOCIAL STUDIES / Write about Jainism and Buddhism. Paste pictures.
English / Write a letter to a friend congratulating him /her on his success.Write a paragraph in your own words , ‘Advantages of reading a newspaper’.
Make a list of adverbs .
Make a list of adjectives and write their degrees , comparative and superlative.
Make a list of verbs , with their forms ii , and iii respectively .
Hindi / 1 fdUgh nl x|dkj] i|dkj ds uke QksVk lfgr rFkk mudh izfln~/k
d`fr;ksa] jpukvksa ds uke fy[kksA
2 fgUnh Hkk’kk dh viuh iqLrd dk ist UkŒ 162 dj vuqPNsn
^Lckoyacu^ i<+dj mlesa ls ik¡p iz”u cukb,A
3 fn, x, ewy “kCnksa es milxZ yxkdj izR;sd ds ik¡p&ik¡p u, “kCn cukvksA
vkpkj] tho] ilan] pyu] pkj] eku] ;ksx] gkft+j] dkj] t+ksj
4 ikB 1 ls 13 rd ds fgUnh lkfgR; ¼mRd’kZ½ iqLrd ds “kCnkFkZ] dfBu “kCn ;kn djksaA
5 fgUnh Hkk’kk iqLrd ds ist UkŒ 138 ls ysdj 145 ds eqgkojs vkSj yksdksfDr;kW ;kn djksaA
Maths / worksheet ; types of triangle (with their properties on chart paper and PP.T)
Science / Learn Le- 11 and 17 for UT-4
Make a PP.T on Circulatory system OR Excretory system
Make a chart paper on any topic from your science book .
Social Studies / Stick advertisement from newspapers , magazines and flyers in your notebook.
Learn Chapters Hydrosphere and Advertising .
Mathematics / Do the given Work Sheet in your fair copy , Make a chart and also make the Power Point Presentation of types of Quadrilateral with their properties.Science / Learn Chapter 12, 13 and 17 for unit Test-4.
Prepare a fact sheets on each of the eight planets of the Solar System. Your facts sheet should have information such as Planets mass, diameter, distance from Sun, number of satellites and its special features.
Social Study / 1.Write a report about any police investigation case from newspaper.(Refer activity on page 260) and paste newspaper clipping.
2. Learn Chapter- British rule in India and role of police & courts.
Hindi / 1- laokn ys[ku] fn;s x, 'kh"kZdksa ls laokn fyf[k,A
d- Ldwy esa izos'k dh leL;k ds laca/k esa nks vfHkHkkodksa dh ckrphr dks laokn ds #i esa fy[ksaA
[k-c<+rh eg¡xkbZ ds dkj.k gksus okyh leL;kvksa ij nks fe=ksa ds chp gqbZ ckrphr dks laokn ds #i esa fy[ksaA
2- d- ?kM+h ds fy, mlds ykHk crkrs gq, vkd"kZd foKkiu rS;kj dhft;sA
[k- nar eatu ds fuekZrk ds funsZ'kkuqlkj muds eatu ds fy, foKkiu rS;kj dhft;sA
3- fn;s x;s ladsr fcanqvksa ds vk/kkj ij yxHkx 200&300 'kCnksa esa vuqPNsn fyf[k,A
v- cl vM~Ms ij HkhM+&
* cl vM~Ms dk n`'; * tkus ds dkj.k * fVfdV f[kM+dh ij ;kf=;ksa dh
HkhM+&HkkM+ ls vlqfo/kk,¡ * ;kf=;ksa dh ijs'kkuh vkSj iqfyl dh vi;kZIrrkA
c- gekjs xk¡o&
* xk¡oksa dh fLFkfr * ijk/khurk ds le; fiNM+rs xk¡o * orZeku fLFkfr * f'k{kk
dk izHkko * Hkfo";A
English / 1. Make a list of adjecive and write their degree (maximum 50 words).
2. Make a list of verbs and write their Ist, Iind & IIIrd form (Past form form, Past Participle form respectively).
3. A few days ago, while one of your friends was reading, his candle overturned and furniture in the room caught fire. You were living next door and rushed to his/her help . Write a letter to your father, describing the part you played in putting out the flames.
4. Write a paragraph on the following topics.
i)How I intend to spend my holiday.
ii)The person I admire the most
5. Revise all chapters of grammar and literature, learn word meaning and spellings.