Our Wonderful Journey to International Couple of the Year

By Steve & Carolyn Cotton, International Couple of the Year, 2016-17

GWRRA # 114843 and 114843-01 Edmond, Oklahoma

Our times with GWRRA began when we joined in 1996, with the same desires as many other GWRRA Members – we wanted to be part of a motorcycle organization that would allow us to meet people, ride our Gold Wing, and have FUN. It didn’t take long for us to realize that GWRRA was the group for us, and soon we started taking on many leadership roles. We were on the Oklahoma District Team as Member Enhancement Coordinators, then the Assistant District Directors, and soon as the District Directors. When we stepped down from District Directors we became the International Directors of Leadership Training, and then we went to the Region level as the Region H Trainers, and we are currently serving the members as Senior Chapter Educators. This was a whirlwind journey that happened very fast, and we continue to be excited by the endless possibilities that GWRRA offers.

In December of 2012 we were asked to represent Oklahoma Chapter-X as the Couple of the Year (COY) – and we gladly accepted. We had been to numerous rallies and Wing Dings, and always attended the Couple of the Year selections to observe the great people that were involved. We started to prepare for the District Couple selection, but asked ourselves “How do we prepare for this?” Our goal was to attend the District Rally and enjoy ourselves, meeting and having a good time with other people, representing our Chapter as proudly as we could - never dreaming we would go any further than this point.

After being selected as District COY, we began to prepare for the Region H selection process which would take place next. It was exciting to find out that we already knew(from our previous journeys to Rallies and Wing Dings) each of the other Couples that would be in the selection process with us – it was like a family reunion (which we have continued in the last few years every chance we get).

At the Region H Rally, the selection process took on a new dimension because each couple knew someone would move on to the International selection. So, we enjoyed the time we had with each of the other District couples and wished them the best. Any of the couples could have done a great job of representing Region H at Billings. To our surprise, we were selected to be that couple!

In preparing for the International selection at Wing Ding, we were very pleased to have a chance to meet the other Region couples through a series of monthly Zoom calls – and once again we knew quite a few of the other couples from having met them at other GWRRA events. It was good to have a chance to see and talk with them on a monthly basis as we prepared for Wing Ding.

As we made our way to Billings to attend Wing Ding 38, we were both happy and a little apprehensive. After meeting the other Region couples again on the night before the selection, we both agreed there were some dynamic couples, and we knew that whoever was selected would do GWRRA proud. Of course, you know the rest of the story – we were selected! We feel so honored to represent and be ambassadors for GWRRA, and to help other couples by answering questions and providing a model for them.

We have been asked several times what is expected of a Couple of the Year. We tell everyone the same thing. You are expected to be yourself, have fun, meet people and be enthusiastic. How hard can that be? We are all ambassadors for GWRRA and we should all promote the values GWRRA stands for. Being selected as a Couple of the Year is truly an honor, and you are chosen because of your dedication to your Chapter, District, Region and GWRRA.

What is the greatest reward from participating in the Couple of the Year program? For us, it has been the making of so many friends. It was the Gold Wing motorcycle that brought us together, but it is the friends that keep us coming back! Not just friends for a short time, but friends for a lifetime.

If you are a Couple of the Year, take advantage of this opportunity by visiting other Chapters and Districts. If others see how much fun you are having, they will want to participate too. There is no better way to promote the program than by example. As Members of GWRRA we can participate in any Chapter, wherever it might be. We have met people and traveled to places we might not otherwise have had the opportunity to see had we not been in the Couple of the Year program. We have found that no matter where we travel, the people are just like us. You have probably been to a Rally opening or closing ceremony that would ask anyone who had been or was now a Couple of the Year to stand up. Undoubtedly, there were many that stood. It is usually then asked of those same people to remain standing if they had held a leadership position at any time while being in GWRRA. Very few sit down. This shows that many leaders and future leaders of GWRRA begin through the COY program. If you want to know more about the Couple of the Year program, see your Chapter Director, District Member Enhancement Coordinator, or Couple of the Year Coordinator. All are there to help.

We hope to see you at Wing Ding 39 in Grapevine, Texas – let’s get together, talk, and share the FUN!