North Elementary School – Disciplinary Referral – Level 3/4
Name: ______Date: ______Time: ______
Teacher: ______Grade: 3 4 5 Referring Staff: ______
Location: Bathroom Bus Cafeteria Classroom Hallway Media Playground Other ______
Problem Behavior / Possible Motivation / ConsequencesCircle: Minor Major
Abusive language
Fighting/ Physical aggression
Harassment/ Bullying
Inappropriate language
Physical contact
Property misuse
Other ______
/ Obtain peer attention
Obtain adult attention
Obtain items/activities
Avoid Peer(s)
Avoid Adult
Avoid task or activity
Don’t know
Other ______/ Conference with student
Individualized instruction
In-school suspension ( _____ hours/ days)
Loss of privilege
Out of school suspension ( _____ days)
Parent Contact ______
Social Worker
Time in office (Stop and Think)
Other ______
Others involved in incident: None Peers Staff Teacher Unknown Other
Administrative Signature: ______Date: ______
Follow up Agreement
1. Which Respect was not followed? (Circle)
Myself Others Property
2. What did you want?
I wanted attention from others I wanted to be in control of the situation I wanted revenge
I wanted to challenge adult(s) I wanted to avoid doing my work I wanted to be sent home
I wanted to cause problems because I feel miserable inside
I wanted to cause others problems because they don’t like me
I wanted ______
3. Did you get what you wanted? yes no
4. What will you do differently next time?
I will respect ______by .
5. Student signature: ______Date: ______
6. Parent/ Guardian signature(s): ______