
Saturday, October 24, 2015

At the


Windsor, Ontario

Sanctioned by

CYPS Fall Invitational Swim Meet

The only Meet Package which will be considered as valid is the most current version found on

General Information

Date:Saturday, October 24, 2015.

Hosted by:Chatham Y Pool Sharks.

Location: Windsor International Aquatic and Training Centre (WIATC)

401 Pitt Street, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

Facility:Ten lane, 50 meter indoor tank, with bulkheads to create two 25 meter pools. “Keifer” type lane markers. OMEGA Quantum electronic timing. 10-lane swimming.A warm-up/cool down pool is available throughout the meet.

Format:All events will be time finals. All events will be seeded by time and gender slowest to fastest. All age group will be combined.”

Qualifying:There are no qualifying time standards to swim in this competition.

Eligibility:All entries must include a valid Swim Ontario registration number. US Teams must fulfil Swim Ontario requirements – please contact Greg Moore at nd/or contact Nicole Parent (Swim Ontario) at for appropriate list of requirements and electronic form. (pg 46 Swim Ontario Procedure Manual)

Entries:Entries will be accepted at Meet Management’s discretion. Please submit SCM times for seeding purposes using standard Hy-Tek conversions for LCM and yards times.

All entries must be submitted through SNC Meet List at:

Submit entries electronically on Hy-Tek’s Team Manager to

Please indicate classification codes for PARA entries (S1-14).

Scratches:Please report all scratches in writing IMMEDIATELY upon arrival at the meet. There will be no penalty for no shows or scratches.

Meet Size:Meet management reserves the right limit entries to any event, session, or the meet.Meet Management reserves the right to modify session times and event limits or times as necessary to accommodate meet requirements and will notify coaches whenever possible.

Entry Deadline:Monday, October 19, 2015. US Entry Deadline: Monday, October 13, 2015

Session Times:Session 1:Warm-ups 8:00 am

Start 9:00 am

Lunch: 12:30pm

Session 2:Warm-ups 1:15 pm

Start 1:45 pm

Note: All sessions will run under the maximum 4.5 hours.

Split Times: Meet Management requires that any coach wishing to rely on a time achieved by the swimmer for an interval shorter than the distance of the event shall so advise the Referee prior to the commencement of the session (or event) in 59 SOP The coach is responsible for finding timers and supplying them with three watches.

Awards:Medals will be awarded for 1st to 3rd place

Ribbons for 4th and 10th place; in each event by age group/gender

Age groups are: 8 under, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 over.

Entry Fees:$9.00 per swimmer per individual event;

No refunds after entry deadline.

Deck Entries will be accepted into existing heats only with fees payable to the Meet Manager. All deck entries are $15.00 each.

Payment:Please submit one cheque for all swimmers with your entries.

Payable to: Chatham Y Pool Sharks

Sanctioned by:Swim Ontario. All current SNC Rules and Warm up Procedures will be followed.

Meet Results:The meet will run on Hy-Tek Meet Manager for Windows. Results will be posted on paper at the facility and online at

Note: All sessions will run under the maximum 4.5 hours.

Additional Meet Rules:

  • Swimmer age is determined as of the day of the meet, Saturday, October 24, 2015
  • SNC Rules will govern the meet. Swimmers must be registered and recognized by an amateur association recognized by FINA. The swimmer’s nine (9) digit registration # must be provided.
  • SNC Warm Up Procedures will be in effect at this meet (see page 6 of this package). Coaches are responsible for supervision of their swimmers during warm up including their swimmers’ conduct and knowledge of / adherence to the Safety Procedure Rules.
  • Meet Officials will provide a safe environment and an organized competition but meet officials are not responsible for the supervision of the athletes during the competition, especially during session breaks.
  • Each club is responsible for providing 3 officials per session. Please have your COC email with the names and positions of the officials by October 19, 2015. Please indicate any evaluations/sign-offs are needed.

Additional Meet Information:

Lunch items and light snacks will be available at the facility. Programs will be available for purchase. Lunch will be provided for officials and coaches in the Official's room. Only officials, coaches and swimmers will be allowed on the pool deck.


For full hotel advertisements and discount offers see Chatham Y Pool Sharks website (click on CYPS Fall Invitational Swim Meet Accommodations:

Public Information:

In accordance with Swim Ontario’s risk management Policies, the promoters of this event require that any person wishing to engage in any video, zoom or close range photography should register their details with staff at the spectator entry desk/programs before carrying out any such photography. (SOP pg15)

Event List

Session 1 - Saturday, October 24, 2015 Morning

Warm-up 8:00 amStart  9:00 am Estimated Finish 12:30 pm

# / Female / Events / Male / #
1 / 400m IM (11 & Overs) / 2
3 / 50m Breast (All Ages) / 4
5 / 25m Freestyle (All Ages) / 6
7 / 200m Freestyle (All Ages) / 8
9 / 100m Backstroke (All Ages) / 10
11 / 25m Breaststroke (All Ages) / 12
13 / 50m Freestyle (All Ages) / 14
15 / 100m Butterfly (9 & Overs) / 16
17 / 400m Freestyle (11 & Overs) / 18

Lunch: 45 minutes

Session 2 - Saturday, October 24, 2015 Afternoon

Warm-up  1:15pmStart  1:45 pm

# / Female / Events / Male / #
19 / 800m Freestyle (11 & Overs) / 20
21 / 25m Backstroke (All Ages) / 22
23 / 200m Backstroke (9 & Overs) / 24
25 / 50m Butterfly (All Ages) / 26
27 / 100m Breaststroke (All Ages) / 28
29 / 25m Butterfly (All Ages) / 30
31 / 100m Freestyle (All Ages) / 32
33 / 50m Backstroke (All Ages) / 34
35 / 200 IM / 36


Meet Management for all sanctioned Canadian swimming competition must ensure the following safety procedures are applied. It is incumbent on coaches, swimmers, and officials to comply with these procedures during all scheduled warm-up periods. Coaches are requested to encourage swimmers to cooperate with Safety Marshals.


•Swimmers must enter the water FEET FIRST in a cautious manner, entering from a start or turn end only and from a standing or sitting position.

•Running on the pool deck and running entries into the pool tank are prohibited.

•Meet Management may designate the use of sprint or pace lanes during the scheduled warmup time. Any such lane usage must be communicated either in pre-competition handout, announcement or deck signage.

•Diving starts shall be permitted only in designated sprint lanes.

•Only one-way swimming from the start end of sprint lanes is permitted.

•Notices or barriers must be placed on starting blocks to indicate no diving during warm-up.


•Kick Boards, Pull-Buoys, Ankle Bands, and Snorkels are permitted for use in the scheduled warm-up time.

•Meet Management may permit use of tubing or cord assisted sprinting in designated lanes and during specific times of the warm-up only. Coaches are responsible for equipment reliability and use.

•Hand paddles, drag chutes, and flippers / fins are not permitted during any warm-up at any time.


•Swimmers witnessed by a Safety Marshal diving or entering the water in a dangerous fashion will be removed without warning from their first event following the warm-up period in which the violation occurred.

•In the case of a second offense during the same competition the swimmer will be removed from the competition in its entirety. A provincial disciplinary action or report may be filed.


The Safety Marshal is a trained position designated by Meet Management. Safety Marshals shall:

•Be visible by safety vest

•Be situated at each end of the competition tank and when applicable, similarly situated in designated warm-up tanks when pre-competition warm-ups are scheduled.

•Actively monitor all scheduled warm-up periods.

•Ensure participants comply with warm-up safety procedures and report violations to the Referee.

November 25th, 2014 1 PARA-SWIMMER NOTIFICATION:

Coaches are requested to notify Safety Marshals of any Para-swimmers participating in warm-ups where necessary and at the coach’s discretion.

The following statement must appear in all Swimming Canada sanctioned meet information and posted notices:


SNC Swimwear Rules

ALL swimmers participating in a SNC designated meet or provincially sanctioned meets shall be required to comply with swimwear rule GR 5 as follows:

GR 5 – Swimwear

GR 5.1 The swimwear (swimsuit, cap and goggles) of all competitors shall be in good moral taste and suitable for the individual sports disciplines and not to carry any symbol which may be considered offensive.

GR 5.2 All swimsuits shall be non transparent.

CGR A swimmer may wear only one swimsuit in competition, and shall observe all FINA

regulations related to swimwear as stated in the FINA Bylaws and Rules

GR 5.3 The referee of a competition has the authority to exclude any competitor whose swimsuit or body symbols do not comply with this Rule.

GR 5.4 Before any swimwear of new design, construction or material is used in competition, the manufacturer of such swimwear must submit the swimwear to FINA and obtain approval of FINA.

FINA BL 8.3 From January 1, 2010 swimwear for men shall not exceed above the navel nor below the knee, and for women, shall not cover the neck, extend past the shoulder, nor shall extend below knee. All swimsuits shall be made from textile materials.

SNC has made the following interpretations for GR 5:

All swimwear used in competition in Canada must appear on the FINA approvedlist with the

following exceptions:

  • Where a swimwear manufacturer has not submitted swimwear to FINA for approval due to the swimwear no longer being in production, SNC reserves the right to allow such swimwear where it can be confirmed that the swimwear conforms to the shape, design and material conditions outline in FINA BL 8.3 (above).
  • Under GR 5.3 wherein it is stated “the competitor must wear a swimsuit in one or two pieces…” SNC interprets this to mean a swimmer is limited to wearing a single suit only and where the suit is “two pieces” that the pieces do not overlap each other and are distinct units (i.e. bikini style).
  • All Canadian Record applications will be reviewed to ensure compliance with GR 5. A Declaration of Swimwear must be submitted with the application to ensure compliance.
  • All foreign swimmers competing in Canada will be required to comply with GR 5
  • Any swimmer not complying with GR 5 shall be disqualified


Coaches: Please fill out this form and return with entries or payment.

CLUB: ______



CLUB PHONE #: ______


PHONE #: ______

HEAD COACH: ______

PHONE #: ______

CHAPERONE(S): ______



HOTEL: ______


PHONE #: ______

Meet Package - CYPS “Fall Invitational” Swim Meet October 24, 2015 Page 1